why are there not many recommendations for Fisher F75???


Jun 28, 2012
Greenville, NC
Detector(s) used
Coinmaster Pro
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
i have looked over alot of threads in search of info prior to making a purchase.
i see where alot of people recommend a Fisher F2 for the first purchase but seldom see where other models are recommended for a higher end machine.
they look pretty easy to use from the videos i have watched and seem alot cheaper than an Etrac or V3I so why no more recommendations and why does everyone always want to eventually move to either the Etrac or V3i
thanks for any info

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In general, beginners should be getting a machine that is inexpensive and easy to learn. In the "made in El Paso" lineup, the F2 is an excellent machine at the approximately $200 level. I usually suggest spending a little more and getting a Tek Delta because even if you stick with the hobby, you'll probably hang onto the Delta. For a person on a really tight budget, the BH TK4 is a good beginner machine. For a person whose finances are that they can pretty much buy what they want, the GB/G2's are excellent first machines, easy to learn and they'll be keepers.

The F75 is a lot more money, and has a racehorse personality. Excellent machine (I designed it, call me biased if you like), but a bit much for most newbies. The happiest F75 owners are usually the people who used to have even more expensive Minelabs and high-end White's, and maybe still do.

--Dave J.

The f75 is a great detector. I don't think that it's not a good starters detector, it is not suggested as a starters because it has advanced features that a noob wouldn't use. If you have the money and the time to learn it than you will find it to be a superb one and that you will have no need for upgrading in the future.

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Dave J made a great post. I usually don't recommend an advanced detector for someone just starting out as they don't know if they are going to stick with the hobby. Then again using a higher end detector you won't waste money on the cheaper model and then upgrade. Fisher makes an excellent line up of detectors and even my older models are still running great.

I dissagree with anyone recomending a beginning detectorist to purcahse a low end machine. If the person buying it has any technical sense they shoud get the best detector they can afford. It's only going to improve their chances and they will more likely use it for a longer period of time. Otherwise they may get discouraged and lose interest in the hobby. Anyone with the ability to learn the uses and settings on the detector will do so over time. My 2 cents.. Good luck!

I would sort of agree with "Descriminator" if there weren't so many detectors around now which lean back towards the old designs and need to be ground balanced and set up just right or you lose performance in spades.

On the other hand the F75/T2 etc are like an old XLT. Not that far off switch on and go and offer excellent performance even with very little adjustment of the inbuilt programmes. Directly you get some time in you can then optimise for even better performance rather than having to start to look round (and learn) a new machine.
Another F75/T2 advantage is the excellent instruction manual which for once tells you all you need to know without having to buy a third party book.

The F75 is like having a Tiger by the tail. It can find deep targets with the best detectors out there. It has a recovery speed that can only be beat by a select few. The down side is the language. The F75 is going to throw a lot of target information at your ears. Veterans seem to be able to interpret it better.

Watch out Goodmore has appeared. This is the guy who says the Pulse Devil is vapourware despite the number of people who have seen and used it. The F75 has more options than the T2 (notch etc) so can be more complicated. You can just use it as a beep and dig machine with the advantage of a VDI display. You can choose to have as much or as little information as you want which is why its a good machine that will grow with you as your experience develops.

Wow that argument was over a year ago on a forum I am banned from. You really need to let things go. I'm still waiting for information on where I can buy this detector. I'll give you another year. As far as the F-75 goes: To get it to perform on par with other top of the line detectors you need to crank it up. And then it becomes very noisy. That is the down side in my opinion. A very powerful detector. A detector that can find deep targets. But you need to be able to process the constant chatter in your head. Not everyone can do it. And by the way I didn't just appear. I'm on at least three other forums. If your going to continue to bring up year old arguments on things I no longer care about do me a favor. P!ss off! I'll not respond any more to you and I'll be very happy if leave the threads on topic.

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You get banned because you don't make good finds and have nothing useful to say 99% of the time. Thats why you have to try and suggest knowledge of things like the P.D. that you know nothing about. Constant chatter from any detector means its not being used right. Used almost as a "switch on and go" detector the T2/F75 will outperform many mid range detectors and will be ready to outperform many of the big boys when "djs" is ready to move on. ( T2 is still my choice for its wider lower range discrimination and ease of use djs ).

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