Why doesn’t anyone care about history anymore

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Bronze Member
Aug 22, 2013
Rolling Rock, Pennsylvania
Detector(s) used
Minelab xterra, Whites DFX, Notka Makro Simplex. Folks the price don’t mean everything, the question is are you willing to put in the time to learn the machine, experience will pay off I guarantee it.
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
This topic does relate to this very hobby of metal detecting by the way, it’s not political so let’s no get started with violating the sites rules. I speak of such because to me and many past history is important, bad and good, so let’s not get off track. We human beings will always make mistakes, but destroying history is not a solution to satisfy a few that roof weak mind and pursue only one thing to erase r history. I don’t appreciate this, I enjoy this hobby , why because times where real, relics, coins etc are very real. I ask u why r you searching for something then, u certainly r not looking for modern things. It’s not about value , many items or most have no real monetary value to retire. My point is the many young people I talk to have absolutely no clue when I explain to them what and why I metal detect. Sometimes it triggers there brain when I say we. Had early settlers, real people that lived off the land, by streams, rivers etc. there where no industry for pay, farmer’s most where, and we often find relics from those days that r 200 years old about, then some say really. Point is this is not to offend teachers, because I no they r told. What to teach which is so misinformed and saddens me, it’s almost like. They don’t want you to no the truth, hiding real past. Folks if can put down your guard professional or not, I don’t want you to agree to satisfy myself, I just would appreciate your sincere justification why we are not taught in most situations how it really was. Please enlighten the younger people to no it’s ok to no real history especially your own area of residence. It’s not about Christopher Columbus let’s stop the nonsense. I’m older but I see the need to inform at the very least present the facts to younger folks , if you don’t no the past u will never understand the present or future. Thankyou very much, metal detecting and history go hand in hand, I’m truly sadden by the ignorance of people not caring about there past because we failed to give them a presentation or opportunity to at least no it very real, thankyou

I don't think people care much about anything anymore to be honest. Certainly a downward slide .

History has always been distorted... modified... even erased... mostly in an attempt to "keep up a façade" that is in more of a reflection of an "ideal(s)".

To sweep some history under the carpet has always stemmed from some "motive"... be it to sweeten / glorify a story... but mostly IMO... to hide / forget the story for it may "shame" someone or someplace in some way.

You have to remember... the absolute thing a person or a place "owned" / "known for" would be the "reputation" / "story"... and no one or no place wanted to have any "stigma" or "dirt" attached.

So as to "clean up" stories... this was commonplace... stories that were bad... stayed bad... attached with stigmas.
In the land before T.V's the only imagination one had was in the stories / legends and controversies of the day.

History was written by 3 types of people... those who knew the story for they were there and told it how it was... those that were there and told it how they wanted it to be...
And those that listened to what one of the above had said and wrote it in their own adaptation... however close it may have come to the truth.

But don't fret... Nowadays... Seekers of the truths abound.

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One thing i'll note, is the distinction between "history" and "monuments to history" which are often conflated as one in the same.

To erect a monument to someone or an event, and to later remove it, does not "erase history". True, in more unique examples, the monument itself can take on a historical significance, not due to who or what it necessarily honors, but more to it's scope, breadth, construction, etc (Think Mount Rushmore or the Pyramids of Giza)

An obvious example: When Hitler was elected as Chancellor of Germany in 1933, over the next 11 years of his rule, many monuments were erected to honor him. Through the lens of history and examination of his actions, society felt the monuments that were originally were erected to honor him, no longer should. Their removal, however, did not alter, erase or change history.

We in the United States are struggling with this very concept and it is often not as clear cut as it was with Hitler.

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Ok let’s take monuments out of the sub just, let’s talk facts then, no wonder people are of the conspiracy mind all they want is truth, explain truth vs distort or call it what you perceive. Truth is history statues, paintings, you have the floor or opportunity the clear the air, please enlighten us to the truth and we will all be better for it and move on, thankyou for responding obviously you care

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Ok what’s the benefit to whom the distortion or modification, it obviously serves some reason to basically lie, why what’s the secret to this, educate us it’s very important

All I care about is the history of we the people, we claim we no things from thousands of years concerning history no way to prove, 90% isn’t proof, 100% is solid. This isn’t about a bottle of 90% proof liquor. What r we hiding from, a 200 year old country they claim we r, should be able to prove much. Realty tv is for the non concerned and they wonder at maybe a convenient time. Maybe explain to me please how and why we where endocrine to such malarkey. History might be the very most important thing in a human beings life, oh no im sure of it, thankyou

Intellectual curiosity of history is dying and falling by the way side because we as a human species have largely become consumed with self-promotion and self-gratification and are becoming a society of entitled, materialistic, self serving, attention seeking Karen's. Perhaps if we have a true societal collapse and a significant population contraction in the aftermath, we can get back to an outward focus on life rather then an inward looking lens that focus's only on promoting thy self.

History is real, why isn’t it taught then, I believe parents r ultimately responsible for there kids education, don’t blame schools we know it’s not coming from there, what’s amazing we have so called awesome minds, intellects, but what’s so hard about educated the people, kids at the elementary level to begin with, why is this not happening in school, why do we go to school, I believe in open minds, asking etc. but if we r as a society required to go to school then they should be required to teach truth, very simple. What’s there to hide, oh much is untold u no it, it all matters, I’m not pointing fingers, but between the failing education system and poor parenting.point is what is school for recreation only, thankyou

Folks all I ever wanted was the truth, we the people can handle anything, u say not then u r ignorant of history, so much pain and agony we have. To TRY and overcome, we lie to ourselves when we say the best is yet to come,I say to you maybe the worst is yet to come, I believe in people as shown , we the people rule at the end of the day, if you do your job, and tell the truth then much can be avoided, however giving false or not 100% the truth, this is about history, I will not accept and neither should anyone else, why because it determines much. Believe in yourself, ask questions , because we’ve been misled even at the elementary level. Thankyou very much you want to be free, ask and demand truth, best wishes in your life

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One way to put 'history' back on the agenda of learning for our youth is to promote (wait for it...........) stamp collecting. I can't think of any notable person, place, event or object that has not appeared on a postage stamp.
Each stamp can open chapters, if not books, on the subject; and be of interesting, historical and educational value.
On the other hand, IMHO, many video games and the like promote a further dumbing-down of society; advocating violence and destruction while teaching (learning) nothing of substance. Again, IMHO.

Excellent topic of discussion, evidence of which can be seen on this forum.
many wild theories are posted and are passed off as true with no evidence to support, such as Templars in America, Cortez in Arizona etc.
our history is quite clear on these matters, yet many choose to believe them anyway and get angry when confronted.
those of us whom have embraced history have become the conspiracy, this social rift goes way beyond history well into politics and even basic social structuring.
it is scary to think of the outcome

Keep the conversation going ladies, gentlemen we have much to gain, the truth is the mighty cure to much of the issues of today, don’t depend on church or state alone, you see what they offer. We can do much better in people, I believe in you my friends of treasure net. We can depend on each other and be much further along. We have digressed in the eyes of millions, and cry for the truth and should demand nothing less, why u deserve it thankyou very much, keep this conversation going it’s very powerful, you don’t realize the impact you have. Thankyou friends

One way to put 'history' back on the agenda of learning for our youth is to promote (wait for it...........) stamp collecting. I can't think of any notable person, place, event or object that has not appeared on a postage stamp.
Each stamp can open chapters, if not books, on the subject; and be of interesting, historical and educational value.
On the other hand, IMHO, many video games and the like promote a further dumbing-down of society; advocating violence and destruction while teaching (learning) nothing of substance. Again, IMHO.
I think you have nailed it, it is difficult for a boring story about learning how to grow corn to compete with super humans fighting space aliens.

I think when you’ve witnessed or were alive and took in all the news about it than only to see it’s truths and realities twisted and changed to fit whomevers agenda or more like they want to remembered as is not necessarily what they were.

Fact of matter is call it what you may, but when the truth is not given it must benefit someone or something, and now the dam breaks and the flood happens. It’s very easy to believe lies and falsehoods at birth because you are taught, but when you get older when you can think for yourself the questions. Require and demand truth it matters in all aspects of life, u can not move forward in confidence, refresh your soul, you and we in numbers can do such, but most think otherwise not willing to sacrifice there time for the better of all. So the few that do have given us hope, thankyou

Another part of the problem is that some people can’t think for themselves, they mistake having an opinion with actual thinking

One way to put 'history' back on the agenda of learning for our youth is to promote (wait for it...........) stamp collecting. I can't think of any notable person, place, event or object that has not appeared on a postage stamp.
Each stamp can open chapters, if not books, on the subject; and be of interesting, historical and educational value.
On the other hand, IMHO, many video games and the like promote a further dumbing-down of society; advocating violence and destruction while teaching (learning) nothing of substance. Again, IMHO.

Thanks for the memory jolt Don!

When I was in my pre teens back in the dark ages I used to love stamp collecting.

You are correct, there is so much to learn from that hobby about history!!

Interesting subject to comment on. I think the reason history or the study of history has gone by the wayside is electronics. Kind of a general statement but look at our young now a days. They aren't out playing at play grounds , hiking with their parents roaming the desert looking for stuff or metal detecting (to keep this on point). Heck they are in their bedrooms either on the phone or playing games. These very same kids have turned into teachers so what do you think they are going to teach. The next time you go into a restaurant (when we can) or go to the park look around, everyone is on their phone either talking or playing games not enjoying nature or each others company. I detect at state parks the the camp sites are full of people, not playing but on their electronics.

I have a very nice indian artifact collection that I have found over the years and I am a flint knapper of stone points and knives. My buddy was asked to set up at event where school kids were coming thru showing his knapping skills and asked me to join him. So I brought several artifacts with me and set them up on a separate table. Very little interest was shown. Oh some stopped and asked questions but very few. It is really sad the way things are going.

My grandkids are home schooled and have been for 4 or 5 years now. They live in the woods and pretty much live off the land eating deer, bear, other wild game and they grow their own vegetables. I can proudly say they are some of the most well rounded kids I know. They don't have cell phones or electronic games and only use the computer for their studies. Almost never turn on the TV. ( they only get one channel anyway, lol).

So there you have it folks. That is this 71 year old's opinion and I am sticking to it.

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