WOT and the Excal ll


Bronze Member
Jan 8, 2009
Detector(s) used
E-trac, Excal, ACE 250 for my son
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
From what I understand from some of "seasoned" hunters the WOT and Excal ll combo is God's weapon against hidden precious metal under the East Coast's sand and water.

If this true...

1. what type of project would I be getting into by trying to put this combo together this fall.
2. are the wot readily available
3. where do you get them
4. does anybody have a DIY manual or video for this project
5. what kind of added performance should I expect
6. what is the price on a WOT


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You questions...

1. what type of project would I be getting into by trying to put this combo together this fall. It is simple to splice on, either with connectors which takes more work or hard splice......
2. are the wot readily available Yes new they are easy to get, used a little harder but still available.
3. where do you get them There are many detector stores to get them....( http://www.demarcodetectorsales.com/html/Coiltek/Coiltek.html )
4. does anybody have a DIY manual or video for this project (IM Me)
5. what kind of added performance should I expect? You will get a lot more depth, a lot more coverage, and a lot more gold. ;D
6. what is the price on a WOT If your going to hard splice it on and not use waterproof connectors then buy the WOT for the SOV GT it is cheaper by about $60.

Remember you void any warranty if you mod an Excal, if no waranty then no problem.......

Last but not least, why would anyone hunt with out the harness with bungee?.....Weight is not an issue at all.....

First of all, to be safe have your mod done by a pro. Minelab doesnt do the WOT mods any more from what I understand so you cant go there for it.

DONT go the route of trying to have interchangable coils, even with socalled waterproof connectors. They are never water proof like the hardwired. With the exception of the Infinium, all have to be hardwired to be assured that the connections are waterproof.

The WOT is a great coil. New you are looking in the area of 230 to 260.00 depending on where you get it. Used, around 150.00 to 200.00, again..depending on who is selling it and how attached they are to it and how good you are at bargaining.

Unless you are an expert yourself, leave the wiring of it to someone who is. Then usually, you wont have to worry about a connection leaking and your 1200 buck or more investment becoming toast.

And if you believe that you have to have another size coil available to use....get an extra excal with the coil size you want. And it never hurts to have an extra excal nowadays with the long turnaround with minelab on repairs.

I ahve two Excals, one has a WOT, (waterproof connector) the other has the Sunray S-12 coil (hard wired on)....any mods I do in the future will be hard wired on as well. I have hunted beaches for 4 years, been using with WOT coil for 3 years, I love the WOT coil....

Treasure_Hunter said:
I ahve two Excals, one has a WOT, (waterproof connector) the other has the Sunray S-12 coil (hard wired on)....any mods I do in the future will be hard wired on as well. I have hunted beaches for 4 years, been using with WOT coil for 3 years, I love the WOT coil....

Yea, the WOT is a great coil, no doubt about it. Am wondering what type of waterproof connector you have on the one with the WOT? I am so leery of those. I know some folks swear by them but the ones I have seen and discussed with others are so prone to leaking that to me, the risk isnt worth it. Hardwiring for me is the only way to go. Have you had any problems with yours?

I am hoping to get another excal in the near future. I have been thinking about that S-12 coil when I get it. How do you like it on yours?

old_goldchaser said:
Treasure_Hunter said:
I ahve two Excals, one has a WOT, (waterproof connector) the other has the Sunray S-12 coil (hard wired on)....any mods I do in the future will be hard wired on as well. I have hunted beaches for 4 years, been using with WOT coil for 3 years, I love the WOT coil....

Yea, the WOT is a great coil, no doubt about it. Am wondering what type of waterproof connector you have on the one with the WOT? I am so leery of those. I know some folks swear by them but the ones I have seen and discussed with others are so prone to leaking that to me, the risk isnt worth it. Hardwiring for me is the only way to go. Have you had any problems with yours?

I am hoping to get another excal in the near future. I have been thinking about that S-12 coil when I get it. How do you like it on yours?

My connector has not leaked, but to be honest, I will hard splice on all futures coils, there is no concern of it ever leaking, strongest point on my spliced cable is the splice, it is the last location that will ever leak.........I have no plans to swap coils.

I have hunted with the S-12, but found I still much perfer the larger WOT. I love the coverage it gives. I may try splicing on a SEF Butterfly coil and see how I like that, most likely the SEF 12"x15" Butterfly coil....

old_goldchaser said:
First of all, to be safe have your mod done by a pro. Minelab doesnt do the WOT mods any more from what I understand so you cant go there for it.

Is there anyone who specializes in this mod for Excalibur?

Tony in FL said:
old_goldchaser said:
First of all, to be safe have your mod done by a pro. Minelab doesnt do the WOT mods any more from what I understand so you cant go there for it.

Is there anyone who specializes in this mod for Excalibur?

I believe Doc does in Las Vegas.

He sells the coils and does the hardwire mods as well I believe. He also sells the stuff for you to do the mod yourself, but I surely dont recommend that route.

And on the east coast, I think Demarco Detectors does them too. http://www.demarcodetectorsales.com/

Both are great folks and I have done business with them both. Doc in Vegas is the one who makes and sells the Swingy Thingy of which I have two of them. <laugh>

Treasure_Hunter said:
old_goldchaser said:
Treasure_Hunter said:
I ahve two Excals, one has a WOT, (waterproof connector) the other has the Sunray S-12 coil (hard wired on)....any mods I do in the future will be hard wired on as well. I have hunted beaches for 4 years, been using with WOT coil for 3 years, I love the WOT coil....

Yea, the WOT is a great coil, no doubt about it. Am wondering what type of waterproof connector you have on the one with the WOT? I am so leery of those. I know some folks swear by them but the ones I have seen and discussed with others are so prone to leaking that to me, the risk isnt worth it. Hardwiring for me is the only way to go. Have you had any problems with yours?

I am hoping to get another excal in the near future. I have been thinking about that S-12 coil when I get it. How do you like it on yours?

My connector has not leaked, but to be honest, I will hard splice on all futures coils, there is no concern of it ever leaking, strongest point on my spliced cable is the splice, it is the last location that will ever leak.........I have no plans to swap coils.

I have hunted with the S-12, but found I still much perfer the larger WOT. I love the coverage it gives. I may try splicing on a SEF Butterfly coil and see how I like that, most likely the SEF 12"x15" Butterfly coil....

Yea, if you reinforce it, but still...yea..hardwire is the only way to prevent for sure future problems.

The SEF butterfly...yes...that would be my other choice. I have heard so much good about those and I have yet to get one or even try one. I would like to get it for my Etrac and put it to good use. Those SEF's are hot. I think that one you mention would be my choice as well. Would be a killer coil for the Excal. Give the WOT a run for its money for sure.

Couple hard splices..........



Ok TH, you are going to have to tell me how you did the splice. I can see the outer shrink tubing but what and how did you waterproof. I can see, from the outside at least, that those would be pretty sturdy. As to waterproof, depending on what was used under the shrink tubing. I used to do marine cabling and connectors for an oil exploration outfit in Houston out on their ships. I had thought you meant the standard hard wire in the control box. My misunderstanding.
So those look to be pretty sturday and would stand up to hard use...but again...whats underneath. A darn good job though just by looking.

I put two two pieces of heat shrink, one one inch longer then the other on one end of cable to be used later.

I then covered each wire splice with liquid tape after sodering them together then a small piece of heat shrink on each splice covering splice end.

After all wires are spliced and covered this way, i cover splice with think piece of insulation I have cut off out door extension cord.

I slide the shorter of the heat shrink tube over splice and cover it with several coats of liquid tape, I then slide the longer heat shrink over smaller and cover it with several coats of liquid tape.

I then coat cable with several coats of PLastic-dip.

Treasure_Hunter said:
I put two two pieces of heat shrink, one one inch longer then the other on one end of cable to be used later.

I then covered each wire splice with liquid tape after sodering them together then a small piece of heat shrink on each splice covering splice end.

After all wires are spliced and covered this way, i cover splice with think piece of insulation I have cut off out door extension cord.

I slide the shorter of the heat shrink tube over splice and cover it with several coats of liquid tape, I then slide the longer heat shrink over smaller and cover it with several coats of liquid tape.

I then coat cable with several coats of PLastic-dip.

Similar to what we did to the marine cables...terms a bit different but the same. We used an armored cover over each of the soldered wires. It gave the junction strength as well as made sure there werent any cold solder joints. then and shrink wrap over the junctions. Then we would use a liquid insulation and then a shrink wrap over that. And then pretty much as you described. Sounds like you are/were a tech, like me.

Isnt anything wrong with someone doing their own if they have the background or the knowedge, but still recommend that it be done by a pro who does it every day. Fewer chances of mistakes. Like one guy I watched doing a splice. He did everything pretty good, good soldering job, put the armored covers on, then the wrap over the joints and the liquid insuation. It was about that time that he realized he hadnt put the shrink tubing on the cables.

I had tried mentioning it to him, but he was the kind of guy that didnt want advice from anyone and didnt want to be interrupted. An a**ho**. You know the type I am sure. After about 5 minutes of temper tantrum, he cut the cable and did it all over. This wasnt a small cable like a coil cable. It was about a 1/2 inch diameter cable with 2 dozen or so wires running through it. He could have gone ahead and finished it off but using a different method, but I figured he needed a lesson. It didnt actually need to be a waterproof connection but in that environment it was helpful to be on the safe side.

Dont know if you ever worked on board a ship, but was something I really enjoyed. Didnt do it as long as I would have prefered. It was just a temporary assignment for me. I was on loan from the main office. I liked it out on the ocean. Once I got my sea legs and got over a light bout of sea sickness, it was great. Most of the guys were great and they had a cook that could have have been a chef at any of the best resteraunts around.

Ahhhh, memories. <grin>

I have work telecommunications for over 35 years, spliced an alful lot of copper cable and fiber optic cables. Largest cable I have spliced on was 100 pair cable, once you memorize the color code, 25 pair or 100 pair wouldn't matter. Even as much cabling work as I have done, I still was aprehensive when I cut the coil cable, once it is cut you are commited to splicing it correctly.........I make sure I have the heat shrink on in the correct order so the short one is first, then the longer one is second.

Pockets and I did the waterproof connector on my main Excal with WOT, we hard spliced the S-12 coil on my backup Excal, and I spliced on the Team Orcasound headphones on my main Excal detector. From this point on any coils I put on the Excal I will only do the hardsplice on the cable, I am 100% confident of it being waterproof and safe. I have no worries of getting water in the control box like I would if I went in it to soder the cables to the circuit board and the mod has proven to be very stable..

I really like the plasti-dip, it sprays on nice and leaves a nice finish and it is completely waterproof. I sprayed some on the handle of my aluminum Beach Brute II scoop to stop my hands from getting that dirty look you get when you rub aluminum with your hands for a long time. Plasti-dip is the same thing you dip your tools in to give them the rubber handle grip.

Treasure_Hunter said:
I have work telecommunications for over 35 years, spliced an alful lot of copper cable and fiber optic cables. Largest cable I have spliced on was 100 pair cable, once you memorize the color code, 25 pair or 100 pair wouldn't matter. Even as much cabling work as I have done, I still was aprehensive when I cut the coil cable, once it is cut you are commited to splicing it correctly.........I make sure I have the heat shrink on in the correct order so the short one is first, then the longer one is second.

Yea, size of the cable doesnt matter much really as long as you know the color code. But we had to install new power cables from the main generator on the ship while I was on it. We did it in port of course, but those cables were huge and solid copper, to the distribution panel. That panel was a nightmare. We had to put a new one in. That was a new experience for me. I hadnt worked with power requirements like that. Like I said...cables 1/2 inch to an inch with coded groups. So it was scary for me. The two other guys doing it had worked with that before. Not me. And never again.

Pockets and I did the waterproof connector on my main Excal with WOT, we hard spliced the S-12 coil on my backup Excal, and I spliced on the Team Orcasound headphones on my main Excal detector. From this point on any coils I put on the Excal I will only do the hardsplice on the cable, I am 100% confident of it being waterproof and safe. I have no worries of getting water in the control box like I would if I went in it to soder the cables to the circuit board and the mod has proven to be very stable..

I havent done any kind of mod like that myself though I should be able to handle it. Yea, a leak in the cable is not as catastrophic as a leak into the control housing. Doing a splice a foot or so back from the housing is better and safer. I would likely be as or more nervous though doing that for the first time as you. Working with small cables is old hat, but its different when dealing with potential leaks and such into very personal expensive equipment. And once you cut that cable to begin, you are commited.

I really like the plasti-dip, it sprays on nice and leaves a nice finish and it is completely waterproof. I sprayed some on the handle of my aluminum Beach Brute II scoop to stop my hands from getting that dirty look you get when you rub aluminum with your hands for a long time. Plasti-dip is the same thing you dip your tools in to give them the rubber handle grip.

Yea, I have used the store bought stuff before. We used something a bit different on the boat. We had to paint it on, didnt come in spray on form back then and I seem to remember it being different as well in how it felt. Course, in the stores now you can get the dip or the spray on.

Really enjoyed this discussion. Getting into the technical side is enjoyable. Oh, one question. I had meant to ask. How many wires in the Excal coil cable? Seem to remember 5? Is that right? And the other question...is the WOT cable coded the same as the excal. Are the manufactorors using standardized color coding nowadays on the coils? Or are there schematics available to id the wires. Otherwise...things could be problematic.

old_goldchaser said:
Treasure_Hunter said:
I have work telecommunications for over 35 years, spliced an alful lot of copper cable and fiber optic cables. Largest cable I have spliced on was 100 pair cable, once you memorize the color code, 25 pair or 100 pair wouldn't matter. Even as much cabling work as I have done, I still was aprehensive when I cut the coil cable, once it is cut you are commited to splicing it correctly.........I make sure I have the heat shrink on in the correct order so the short one is first, then the longer one is second.

Yea, size of the cable doesnt matter much really as long as you know the color code. But we had to install new power cables from the main generator on the ship while I was on it. We did it in port of course, but those cables were huge and solid copper, to the distribution panel. That panel was a nightmare. We had to put a new one in. That was a new experience for me. I hadnt worked with power requirements like that. Like I said...cables 1/2 inch to an inch with coded groups. So it was scary for me. The two other guys doing it had worked with that before. Not me. And never again.

Pockets and I did the waterproof connector on my main Excal with WOT, we hard spliced the S-12 coil on my backup Excal, and I spliced on the Team Orcasound headphones on my main Excal detector. From this point on any coils I put on the Excal I will only do the hardsplice on the cable, I am 100% confident of it being waterproof and safe. I have no worries of getting water in the control box like I would if I went in it to soder the cables to the circuit board and the mod has proven to be very stable..

I havent done any kind of mod like that myself though I should be able to handle it. Yea, a leak in the cable is not as catastrophic as a leak into the control housing. Doing a splice a foot or so back from the housing is better and safer. I would likely be as or more nervous though doing that for the first time as you. Working with small cables is old hat, but its different when dealing with potential leaks and such into very personal expensive equipment. And once you cut that cable to begin, you are commited.

I really like the plasti-dip, it sprays on nice and leaves a nice finish and it is completely waterproof. I sprayed some on the handle of my aluminum Beach Brute II scoop to stop my hands from getting that dirty look you get when you rub aluminum with your hands for a long time. Plasti-dip is the same thing you dip your tools in to give them the rubber handle grip.

Yea, I have used the store bought stuff before. We used something a bit different on the boat. We had to paint it on, didnt come in spray on form back then and I seem to remember it being different as well in how it felt. Course, in the stores now you can get the dip or the spray on.

Really enjoyed this discussion. Getting into the technical side is enjoyable. Oh, one question. I had meant to ask. How many wires in the Excal coil cable? Seem to remember 5? Is that right? And the other question...is the WOT cable coded the same as the excal. Are the manufactorors using standardized color coding nowadays on the coils? Or are there schematics available to id the wires. Otherwise...things could be problematic.

I worked installing and doing upgrades on central telephone offices for 16 years, We would install a central office from the ground up, the building or floor would be empty when we started, we had to lay out the frame work using floor plans, install the bays and racks, run the power, run all the cabling, wire it up, fire it up, install the data base and bring it online.

I have worked with 500 and 750 power cable, installing the main power source for telcom central offices. 750 power cable is about 2 inches thick stranded copper with very heavy insulation about 3/8 inch thick, each copper strand is about 1/4 inch thick. To bend and form it we had to use rubber mallets.

Back to the Excal Mod...........

There are 4 wires in the Excal and 4 in the WOT. The wiring scheme for Excals has changed over the years including the color of the wires. On the newer Excals 2004 and later on it is red, black white and yellow, in the WOT it is red, black, white and orange.........

The splice code is

Excal Splice too WOT
1. Red RED (Transmit)
2. Black Black (Transmit)
3. Yellow White (Common)
4. White Orange (Receive)

If your wiring is different let me know.................Before sodering wires you twist the wires together to test the code, if you have threshold before you do the splice after you have cut stock coil off, and no threshold after attaching the WOT coil, then swap wires 3 and 4 on the Excal and you will have threshold. This means your Excal was made prior to 2004...

miser said:

WOT coils, they range in size from, I believe 12" to about 18" I think, maybe bigger. They are a secondary market coil made for Minelab detectors. Mostly for their gold detectors like the 2200 and their new one the GPX-4500, I think it is but the company that makes them also have begun making them over the years for the Explorer series detectors and Some Soveriegns and a few others.
Go to this site, Docs Detectors. He is a dealer in the coils and his site has a whole bunch of them listed and the detectors they are for. http://www.docsdetecting.com/ He pretty much concentrates on Minelab stuff.

Treasure_Hunter said:
old_goldchaser said:
Treasure_Hunter said:
I have work telecommunications for over 35 years, spliced an alful lot of copper cable and fiber optic cables. Largest cable I have spliced on was 100 pair cable, once you memorize the color code, 25 pair or 100 pair wouldn't matter. Even as much cabling work as I have done, I still was aprehensive when I cut the coil cable, once it is cut you are commited to splicing it correctly.........I make sure I have the heat shrink on in the correct order so the short one is first, then the longer one is second.

Yea, size of the cable doesnt matter much really as long as you know the color code. But we had to install new power cables from the main generator on the ship while I was on it. We did it in port of course, but those cables were huge and solid copper, to the distribution panel. That panel was a nightmare. We had to put a new one in. That was a new experience for me. I hadnt worked with power requirements like that. Like I said...cables 1/2 inch to an inch with coded groups. So it was scary for me. The two other guys doing it had worked with that before. Not me. And never again.

Pockets and I did the waterproof connector on my main Excal with WOT, we hard spliced the S-12 coil on my backup Excal, and I spliced on the Team Orcasound headphones on my main Excal detector. From this point on any coils I put on the Excal I will only do the hardsplice on the cable, I am 100% confident of it being waterproof and safe. I have no worries of getting water in the control box like I would if I went in it to soder the cables to the circuit board and the mod has proven to be very stable..

I havent done any kind of mod like that myself though I should be able to handle it. Yea, a leak in the cable is not as catastrophic as a leak into the control housing. Doing a splice a foot or so back from the housing is better and safer. I would likely be as or more nervous though doing that for the first time as you. Working with small cables is old hat, but its different when dealing with potential leaks and such into very personal expensive equipment. And once you cut that cable to begin, you are commited.

I really like the plasti-dip, it sprays on nice and leaves a nice finish and it is completely waterproof. I sprayed some on the handle of my aluminum Beach Brute II scoop to stop my hands from getting that dirty look you get when you rub aluminum with your hands for a long time. Plasti-dip is the same thing you dip your tools in to give them the rubber handle grip.

Yea, I have used the store bought stuff before. We used something a bit different on the boat. We had to paint it on, didnt come in spray on form back then and I seem to remember it being different as well in how it felt. Course, in the stores now you can get the dip or the spray on.

Really enjoyed this discussion. Getting into the technical side is enjoyable. Oh, one question. I had meant to ask. How many wires in the Excal coil cable? Seem to remember 5? Is that right? And the other question...is the WOT cable coded the same as the excal. Are the manufactorors using standardized color coding nowadays on the coils? Or are there schematics available to id the wires. Otherwise...things could be problematic.

I worked installing and doing upgrades on central telephone offices for 16 years, We would install a central office from the ground up, the building or floor would be empty when we started, we had to lay out the frame work using floor plans, install the bays and racks, run the power, run all the cabling, wire it up, fire it up, install the data base and bring it online.

I have worked with 500 and 750 power cable, installing the main power source for telcom central offices. 750 power cable is about 2 inches thick stranded copper with very heavy insulation about 3/8 inch thick, each copper strand is about 1/4 inch thick. To bend and form it we had to use rubber mallets.

Back to the Excal Mod...........

There are 4 wires in the Excal and 4 in the WOT. The wiring scheme for Excals has changed over the years including the color of the wires. On the newer Excals 2004 and later on it is red, black white and yellow, in the WOT it is red, black, white and orange.........

The splice code is

Excal Splice too WOT
1. Red RED (Transmit)
2. Black Black (Transmit)
3. Yellow White (Common)
4. White Orange (Receive)

If your wiring is different let me know.................Before sodering wires you twist the wires together to test the code, if you have threshold before you do the splice after you have cut stock coil off, and no threshold after attaching the WOT coil, then swap wires 3 and 4 on the Excal and you will have threshold. This means your Excal was made prior to 2004...

You got into stuff far beyond my meager abilities and experience. <laugh> I was only in that part of the field for about 4 years. From there I went into computers and programming and networking small companies and offices. At times still some heavy backup power requirements but that I didnt get involved. Thank god. Not my thing.

Thanks for the wiring diagram. Most appreciated. I do intend to get another Excal to have as a backup and for other use. The coil though, I already have a the 15inch WOT on the one I have now. The other one I will get, well, when you mention the 11x15 inch butterfly, that did catch my interest for the backup. Is the wiring the same on it or are they color coded different do you know?

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