WOW just dug my first plate! Looking like Pre-CW Militia Eagle!


Hero Member
Jan 7, 2016
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Minelab Safari
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All Treasure Hunting
Trying to post this before grad school again! I should be reading about government budgeting but I'm too excited (Sorry to those of you who love government budgeting haha) I'll post my finds this morning first then post my finds from the last time out.

We got a ton of rain yesterday down here in Charleston and the colonial site that VMI and I are always digging loves the cold. Every time it's cold and wet it seems like we find something good. Today I decided to start where we park and hit an area where there is a lot of aluminum trash so its hard digging. I got a really high tone and it was loud so immediately I think its a can. But i dug my Slave tag about 10 yards away so i knew to dig it anyway. The second I saw it I threw my gloves off and texted VMI a series of expletives...he replied "dude, what did you dig!" I sent him a pic of the plate and he replied with worse expletives than I had originally sent him. He needs to find Jesus clearly. With Steve's plate so fresh in my memory I knew what I had was special. I don't think it is as old as his but we are thinking 1840's 1850's. I have been trying to find another example of it and found one dug down in SC as well which leads me to believe it was a South Carolina Militia plate, but I do have feelers out trying to narrow it down further. Its bent but its a beauty. Im guessing I could send it to someone to fix? not sure. But my FIRST plate!


Here is the rest of what I found today. I found a coin/token that came in low but looks like an old copper that has been worn pretty bad. There is writing around the edge the letters i can make out thus far are "OLUSE" can also almost make out some kind of design at the bottom of the coin. I keep seeing two busts like a William and Mary but its probably just my eyes playing tricks.


I also pulled a little underwear button. Not sure how old these are. A tiny piece of porcelain but luckily it had the crest on the back which I think is the British motto and crest not sure what that tells us other than its british. Found a big ole turn of the century spoon. And a broken piece of a buckle and a brass whatzit.


Here are the finds from last weekend. First good signal was surrounded by poison oak/summac/ivy of course but it was a screamer. This is the biggest dandy and nicest dandy I've ever dug. Pretty happy with how it cleaned up with some alum.jelly as well. The gold gilt is more of a rose gold which is unusual from what I usually see. Dug some other buttons with flower designs and a tombac. The oval brass is a turn of the century brooch and I found the 1918 wheatie in the same hole. Cool piece of porcelain with what looks like "MARYLAND" on it. And the typical shell/feather edge.


As always thanks for looking and good luck out there! Also for all my fellow Irish, have a great St. Paddy's, Sláinte!

UPDATE: After reaching out to some other detectorist they pointed me in the right direction and gave me a website that had the same design as my plate. Looking like 1832-1836 with the arrows pointing down. Seems like this plate would have belonged to a local militia and not state or fed.

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Upvote 52
That's awesome did not have time to read all the replies but I think you may have a hat badge there.

sent from my computer by frantically poking at the keyboard with a single finger

Nick sorry I'm late to the plate party but I don't get on here much but man what a fantastic find. Knowing how long you've been digging you have done exceptionally well. I guess living in the LC, having guidance from Jon and having his Lucky detector helps huh :laughing7:. Congratulations on your find and for not letting Jon dig it all

So I'm still trying to figure this coin out (Actually starting to think it might even be a token)...its become an obsession now. It looks Spanish with OLUS then looks like a roman numeral 1 or an E. Now i'm starting to make out a design of the bottom of the bust that looks like a British bust. PLUS the kicker that is throwing me even further is I can almost make out on the bottom right REGINA. Heres a pic of a KG3 Half penny that who's shirt/cape looks similar to what I'm seeing. PLS HELP losing mind!

Screen Shot 2017-03-28 at 2.13.22 PM.png

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yeah so looking at the bust centered. at 10 o'clock is the OLUS then 4 o'clock is what looks like REGINA and above that looks to be more writing. I cannot find anything that looks similar. A few English King Charles 2 coins come i'd say the closest.

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yeah so looking at the bust centered. at 10 o'clock is the OLUS then 4 o'clock is what looks like REGINA and above that looks to be more writing. I cannot find anything that looks similar. A few English King Charles 2 coins come i'd say the closest.

Based on the script size I'm thinking Guinea Token...


Excellent digs my friend! Dandys are one of my favorite relics to find and you have found a beauty! Keep hitting that site she's paying off still

Kinda looks like a William & Mary half penny to me? Almost looks like there's two busts rather than one.

Kinda looks like a William & Mary half penny to me? Almost looks like there's two busts rather than one.

I had originally thought the same. Because it did look like two busts. It seems like writing goes from the 7 o'clock to the 4 o'clock position as well. Interesting. This might be a lead. Thanks man.

Yeah upon further investigation the coin looks to be 30mm which is what a Half Penny comes in at and the Reverse is pretty slick but you can see a line at the bottom typical of what you would see under a seated Britania. Also William has some substantial bags under his eyes (not too sure what to call that) and on my coin you can see that there might be that same bulge under the eyes. The key is the shoulder detail, where you can see in this example and on mine it could be a match.

Wish I could get better pics of it. I'll keep trying but this is pretty exciting.

Screen Shot 2017-03-28 at 10.21.57 PM.png

Yeah, there's no smoking gun that tells me it definitely is from your photos but definitely looks like it could be one? Seems to match up well. I know there are different varieties. Incidentally, I think that plate is banner worthy as well. My vote is in!

Yeah, there's no smoking gun that tells me it definitely is from your photos but definitely looks like it could be one? Seems to match up well. I know there are different varieties. Incidentally, I think that plate is banner worthy as well. My vote is in!

Im going to have VMI take a look at it next time we dig so he can take some fresh eyes to it. A lot easier seeing details in person with a mag glass. I appreciate the vote. The plate doesn't fit in my main display because of its bend unfortunately. Looking into reno wax like what Scrappy used for his plate.

The british plate steals the show. What a hunt, congrats on the cools finds.

The british plate steals the show. What a hunt, congrats on the cools finds.

Thank you bill. its actually an 1830s American militia plate. In SC, to my understanding there was a substantial amount of militia's that were set up around the time of a southern policy of Nullification in which John Calhoun of Charleston was a leader of. The American CW was a culmination of a lot of things with nullification being one of the early seeds.

I'm trying to bump this post from march because i wanna know if anyone has suggestions on whether I should send it in and get fixed up or not. And if yes, then who do you suggest...i reached out to one guy and never heard back. Also who much would y'all think it would cost? Thanks!

Great finds! I really enjoy seeing finds from the low country and I'm always amazed at how much is still found here!

Congrats on the Militia Plate. The patina is really nice. A dry tooth brush and that thing should clean up beautifully.

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