Wow!!! Stock Market down over 1000!

Surprised gold and silver did not react more favorably.

Big recovery for the market - but I see lower days ahead. MUCH lower days ahead.

jrf30 said:
Surprised gold and silver did not react more favorably.

Big recovery for the market - but I see lower days ahead. MUCH lower days ahead.
I've family that was underwater in Market- I warned them last year we may reach 11000 but it would drop hard when it drops, was not off by much. sure glad have been in the PM's no worries here other than the State's design on total tyranny.

Several of my Family invested in Cattle- running them on their land and buying of rental properties all of which have went south big time, while I bailed out of everything but home live in.

PM markets are totally manipulated am not expecting big gains only hoping to hold onto wealth- what little have through the conflagration that is coming hard fast on US.

This drop was due to the riots and crisis in greece that has been known about for months and months. The fact that our leadership is doing EXACTLY the same thing that greece did and now seeing the violence it will eventually produce here was a major factor in our market plunge today. As soon as there is no one left to take from, or not enough money left to take from them, in order to give to people who have no idea how to take care of themselves they will also riot and protest for their handouts.

JD-GA said:
This drop was due to the riots and crisis in greece that has been known about for months and months. The fact that our leadership is doing EXACTLY the same thing that greece did and now seeing the violence it will eventually produce here was a major factor in our market plunge today. As soon as there is no one left to take from, or not enough money left to take from them, in order to give to people who have no idea how to take care of themselves they will also riot and protest for their handouts.
Yes and the fact Portugal, Spain and Ireland are in as much if not more debt than Greece, the people do not want to give up their assets to the Banksters to be bailed out- our turn in US is coming soon too we are the biggest debtor nation on earth.

obediah said:
jrf30 said:
Surprised gold and silver did not react more favorably.

Big recovery for the market - but I see lower days ahead. MUCH lower days ahead.
I've family that was underwater in Market- I warned them last year we may reach 11000 but it would drop hard when it drops, was not off by much. sure glad have been in the PM's no worries here other than the State's design on total tyranny.

Several of my Family invested in Cattle- running them on their land and buying of rental properties all of which have went south big time, while I bailed out of everything but home live in.

Truthfully I dont fear real estate if 1) You buy value type property and 2)Dont mind doing the work yourself. The other key point here is dont get overleveraged on the mortgage. If you stick to the guideline where you can always get rent thats over your costs it provides a nice little income stream. Where you go wrong is overleveraged and falling rents cause you to become cash flow negative and in deep doo. Rental properties will always be in demand if you are in the right places. But I will say, if you dont want to do work up front, its not for you. You have to be willing to do the dirty work.

Cant say I know that much about cattle....

JD-GA said:
This drop was due to the riots and crisis in greece that has been known about for months and months. The fact that our leadership is doing EXACTLY the same thing that greece did and now seeing the violence it will eventually produce here was a major factor in our market plunge today. As soon as there is no one left to take from, or not enough money left to take from them, in order to give to people who have no idea how to take care of themselves they will also riot and protest for their handouts.

Our day is coming. 50% of the population here are parasites. When the spigot is turned off, there will be violence in the US that no one could imagine.

Yeah Rich, that's funny. I figured where gold goes, silver must follow but that wasn't the case. Wonder why?? Silver has recovered a little but only a little and gold is still up $31.40 at the moment.

packerbacker said:
Yeah Rich, that's funny. I figured where gold goes, silver must follow but that wasn't the case. Wonder why?? Silver has recovered a little but only a little and gold is still up $31.40 at the moment.

As much as I like silver, gold is still the "big boy" when it comes to a PM being considered as "money" or a safe haven. Silver does not share that same distinction in the eyes of the big money traders.

I read as much as I can online about silver and gold and I don't buy into how some pundits say there is less silver above ground than gold now due to silver being used up in industry over the years. While it is true silver has many great uses, if there was any kind of silver drought the price would shoot up whether "manipulated" or not.

For example, if a company needs silver to make a product they have to go out on the market and buy it since they need physical. Obviously they are not having any trouble getting it at "market" prices, otherwise there would be a run on it and the price would reflect such. And think about all the silver currency that was made over the years that still exists in "junk bags" and in the coins we still find today, over 45 years after they stopped making silver coins for circulation.

I used to think the gold silver ratio would one day get back to the traditional 16 to 1, but I am starting to doubt it ever will. I am still gonna keep my stash 50/50 in value between silver/gold because I like them better than dollars, but who knows what will happen.


obediah said:
jrf30 said:
Surprised gold and silver did not react more favorably.

Big recovery for the market - but I see lower days ahead. MUCH lower days ahead.
I've family that was underwater in Market- I warned them last year we may reach 11000 but it would drop hard when it drops, was not off by much. sure glad have been in the PM's no worries here other than the State's design on total tyranny.

Several of my Family invested in Cattle- running them on their land and buying of rental properties all of which have went south big time, while I bailed out of everything but home live in.

PM markets are totally manipulated am not expecting big gains only hoping to hold onto wealth- what little have through the conflagration that is coming hard fast on US.

Rumor floating around was that it was a typo of a big selloff which caused a domino effect. Cattle in the past 9 months has been one of the best investments around. Huge dip and then prices bounced right back and are projected to go higher. Better hope the rest of the world falls apart before we do. We are in HORRIBLE shape, but if we are the only one left everyone is still going to depend on us. Can learn from watching greece.

Not about the riots - this was the result of an erroneous trade made by a big bank - but the nervousness about Greece et al. did not help. What this IS is a wakeup call for the government to start really regulating the automated trading and computer trading systems. While I am a dyed-in-the-wool Republican and want the gov't out of my business and life as much as possible, these massive computer trading systems jeapordize ALL of our lives and retirements / pensions / investments.

I've seen similar things happen before - up until early this year I was a professional stock trader for 10 years. Part of my leaving that endeavor was due to the computer programs that infest the market, making any real visibility impossible. USUALLY this sort of thing would happen in ONE stock, like I saw a stock drop 100 points (literally) in the 3 minutes before the market opened one day, on which I made a few pretty pennies. Silly me! The SEC broke all those trades as "erroneous", a result of a computer glitch or trader error. Which is total bull sh*t of course, because when *I* make a "erroneous" trade, that being I bought the wrong stock or at the wrong price, no one gives ME back my money. But that's the game - little guy gets raped. That said, something on this sort of seismic level needs to be investigated and prevented - normal people can panic and make trades based on this sort of move, and be ruined. YES - I know it's your own fault for panicking and doing so, but still! We are supposed to have an orderly market so people can make reasoned decisions. This sort of nonesense has to be stopped. >:(

Rich Hartford said:
Hi Ho Silver! said:
They are claiming a human error tripped slide! :icon_scratch: :icon_scratch:

It was not human error that rumor was false

I don't know what happened specifically today to cause the drop, but I believe 100% that someday in the next 5 years (probably in 12 months or less) we will see something like this happen on a larger scale in the stock market and there will be no "bounce back". Why the stock market has gone up as much as it has this past year I cannot figure out. I hope the average Joe gets wise to PMs before it is too late. Even cash is better than stocks I believe.


jim4silver said:
packerbacker said:
Yeah Rich, that's funny. I figured where gold goes, silver must follow but that wasn't the case. Wonder why?? Silver has recovered a little but only a little and gold is still up $31.40 at the moment.

As much as I like silver, gold is still the "big boy" when it comes to a PM being considered as "money" or a safe haven. Silver does not share that same distinction in the eyes of the big money traders.

I read as much as I can online about silver and gold and I don't buy into how some pundits say there is less silver above ground than gold now due to silver being used up in industry over the years. While it is true silver has many great uses, if there was any kind of silver drought the price would shoot up whether "manipulated" or not.

For example, if a company needs silver to make a product they have to go out on the market and buy it since they need physical. Obviously they are not having any trouble getting it at "market" prices, otherwise there would be a run on it and the price would reflect such. And think about all the silver currency that was made over the years that still exists in "junk bags" and in the coins we still find today, over 45 years after they stopped making silver coins for circulation.

I used to think the gold silver ratio would one day get back to the traditional 16 to 1, but I am starting to doubt it ever will. I am still gonna keep my stash 50/50 in value between silver/gold because I like them better than dollars, but who knows what will happen.


time to turn-up the crh'ng

Stock Market is rigged game, yeah you can make money but more loose it than make it way I see it so I don't mess with it.

I herd on the radio tonight that it went down because of a computer glitch. :icon_scratch:

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