You ever feel like an alien when your detecting


Bronze Member
Aug 22, 2013
Rolling Rock, Pennsylvania
Detector(s) used
Minelab xterra, Whites DFX, Notka Makro Simplex. Folks the price don’t mean everything, the question is are you willing to put in the time to learn the machine, experience will pay off I guarantee it.
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
After all these years you would think most people have seen a metal detector or a human being swinging one. But when some see you detecting they look at you like something they should stay away from or come up and talk. Uncomfortable in the public gee whiz any of you get that strange feeling to. I welcome someone come up and talk, other say what do you expect to find, oh never had the authorities called on me, lol. Your opinion why do we look like a foreign substance, these dam detectors been around for long time. Just maybe they should turn off that fake reali tv and learn some history and actually find something that has more significance than that phone or the, thanks

You're not alone. I've gotten the look while detecting public parks. I try to go early enough to be alone for awhile then people get up and start stirring around. Then the looks. You get use to it.

Heck with it as long as I’m aloud Ill continue onward swinging my ugly stick. No harm no foul, I look at all those idiots walking in the park can’t even put the phone away, now I think they r sad, what’s the point of resting the mind, point is life is passing them by and to dumb to understand it , no pity from me. They need an unfortunate rude awaking as this aweful virus and to have government tell you what to do and limit your madness of spinning like a top out of control,

Here's what the little voice in their head said "Just look at that creepy guy/old fart/or 100 other names, listening to the dirt, what a weirdo". Yes we all get those, or the group of young ones that get so close you have a hard time swinging the coil and can't see what's in the hole, due to the 3 or 4 little heads that are in the way. The most time consuming ones are those new to this hobby. They will talk your ear off if you let them. I tend to stay away from the masses and hunt public property, parks,& schools during off hours.

Yeah I don’t get paranoid by no means, however if they approach me I would be glad to educate them on the excitement they can have with this hobby, understand relics and meaning of history and the monumental task to survive by these relatives of yours called early settlers. Most where farmers before industry and jobs came along. So. Imagine living off the land and not knowing how your crops are going to grow to eat and survive, well this is what should be taught in school, more dam important than some of these subjects most will never use, thankyou

I'm an early bird, and like to get out before the people. I have encountered people walking who just ask from afar, "finding anything" ? I will usually just respond back " not yet, I just got started" and they keep going. I would have conversation with someone if they approached me, but I don't encourage them by telling them I just found 3 silver coins.

Beaches is where I get the most people asking questions. What are you looking for, whats the most valuable thing youve found, how much does a detector cost "these days". How does it work. Etc

I had a foreign (to USA) lady come up to me last year when I was in a park in massachusetts, right as I was pulling an IHP out of the hole. In broken English she says Oooo what is it. And I said an old penny. And she stick out her hand, like. Hey let me see it!

I put it in her hand. I hadnt even cleaned it yet. No problem for her! She was here to help! She spits right on my coin and starts rubbing it with her fingers. She does this for a second and says Old Coin! And hands it back. I had gloves on so I threw it in the pouch. If this happened during this epidemic id say Its yours now lady.

Had a set of genuine "My Favorite Martian" antennas back in the 70s. Used to pop em on every once in awhile. You think you've seen weird looks!?!?! Another one was to put our ball caps on upside down. Believe it or not that got more weird looks than the martian antennas I think. Oh! Forgot my buddy used to shout booga booga at hisloop every few minutes. Saw many mothers leading their kids away from him!

Ya just gotta have fun with it!!!!!!!

Let 'em laugh......people tend to make fun of things that they can't have. Less competition......

You didn't mention what she was wearing, I mean, it being a beach and all. Inquiring minds want to know. ;-)

No... but I a had an alien feel like me when I let it metal detect.

Beaches is where I get the most people asking questions. What are you looking for, whats the most valuable thing youve found, how much does a detector cost "these days". How does it work. Etc

I had a foreign (to USA) lady come up to me last year when I was in a park in massachusetts, right as I was pulling an IHP out of the hole. In broken English she says Oooo what is it. And I said an old penny. And she stick out her hand, like. Hey let me see it!

I put it in her hand. I hadnt even cleaned it yet. No problem for her! She was here to help! She spits right on my coin and starts rubbing it with her fingers. She does this for a second and says Old Coin! And hands it back. I had gloves on so I threw it in the pouch. If this happened during this epidemic id say Its yours now lady.

Hope I’m there when you find a gold coin

I've been metal detecting since around the age of 7, and all these years later I would say that not much has changed when it comes to others... You get the odd looks from some people, wondering what you are doing, others come up and start asking what you're looking for, or if you've found anything (even though I am wearing headphones), and then there are kids that love to run up (walking way too close to the detector for my comfort when I'm digging) to see what I am digging up, with tons of questions, and the occasional odd look from someone who has never seen a metal detector or thinks you're odd for digging up coins for hours. Others are too busy looking at their phones to even notice you.

When out in the desert searching for gold nuggets or meteorites I rarely encounter anyone, but have had a few odd looks from the occasional rabbit.

Over the years I've learned to ignore any odd looks or stares and focus on the search, and then you're in the zone and you quickly realize what others think doesn't matter; good finds and good times with fresh air is what matters.

When I started detecting I the late 80’s I ended up quitting because I didn’t like people staring. But thanks to being forty years older and TV shows that have made detecting less of a oddity, no one pays attention anymore.

I have had many instances hunting in the woods and people see me and turn the other way. Probably think I am burying a body or something, lol. I had an old couple call the park ranger on me, they said I was carrying a gun. Must of thought I was hunting gophers or something. Park ranger walks up and says I could tell you were detecting from a hundred yards, "find anything??"

never have gotten that feeling. But I have never worried about what people think about me. Kids are the best. They ask honest questions and are very curious. One young girl's mom warned me that she would talk my head off. She was about 8 and ask so many intelligent questions about metal detecting. Lately I hunt mostly Civil War relics so I am not where the public sees me.

Many years ago, I had a guy come up and watch me detect for a little while. After a couple of minutes he said- "my brother has one of those". I said- "oh yeah? what kind does he have ?"
He said " a GAS powered one" .

If someone stops and talks to me, I try to keep it short. If it continues, I ask them if I can detect their property.

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