bottle caps

  1. GB Pro bottle caps/pull tabs

    Just ordered my new GB Pro. Cant wait to get it a swinging! Any suggestions for keeping pull tabs and screw caps dug to a minimum? For you users out there of the G2/GBPRO lineup, what vdi numbers do these items ring up as numerically? What do YOU DO to keep the digging of these to a minimum, if...
  2. do you pick up everything on the beach?

    I met a man the the other day who had an excalibur detector. He has been at this a long time. He said he picks up everything because you can never know for sure. He said once it sounded like a bottle cap and he picked it up any way and it was a ring. I was going to get an excalibur to avoid...
  3. Do you pick up everything on the beach?

    I met a man the the other day who had an excalibur detector. He has been at this a long time. He said he picks up everything because you can never know for sure. He said once it sounded like a bottle cap and he picked it up any way and it was a ring. I was going to get an excalibur to avoid...