
  1. Native American tool?

    I got this in Blount County Tennessee (foothills of Great Smoky Mts.) from an antique dealer who buys alot out of local barns & estates. This item came in a box from a local barn here in East Tennessee. It looks like it could be something...very heavy and wonderful smooth chocolate surface...
  2. Dragging Canoe Chief of Chickamauga- North Carolina - 1770- metal detecting drones?

    Hi all! An ancestor of mine fought with Dragging Canoe and the British circa 1770 around Gowen's Fort, near Greenville, NC. Rumor has it my ancestor was also a horse thief, plunderer, etc. and buried treasure somewhere aroudn the HOgback and Glassy Mountains Each of these areas has been...
  3. Anyone know what this is/was?

    Found this gold panning at Cherokee Bar, CA
  4. Secret Cherokee Tunnel Treasure & MAP OF THIEVES

    Hey fellow Georgia hunters, I wanted to announce my new mystery thriller novel MAP OF THIEVES which plays off the legend of the Secret Cherokee Tunnel that supposedly is located somewhere along the Etowah River from Hightower to Canton. This novel is set in Georgia with scenes in Savannah...
  5. Cherokee Rose Buttons?

    My Grandfather left me a number of Civil War era buttons. I've been able to identify most of them but there are others I have not been able to identify. I will attach a picture of these buttons that I've been told may be what are called Cherokee Rose uniform buttons due to the seven pointed...