
  1. Can anyone tell me what this is and anything else about it?

    Hi This was my fathers and I remember this always being in his bathroom. He grew up during the depression so I have to think that’s it’s probably from that era. I think it’s a sugar bowl but not sure. I think it also used to be whiter than it is now. It seems to be getting pinker. Any help would...
  2. Found a Cooper Bros Chestertown MD Bottle in a Creek. Found out Company's Info Today

    I am one happy guy today. My quest to find out what the Cooper Bros Company in Chestertown, MD was started a year or two ago when I pulled up this barnacled beauty from the depths of a local river called Still Pond Creek: I know it's hard to see from the picture, but this an embossed soda...
  3. PLEASE HELP! New to Depression Glass collecting and need help identifying finds

    I've been trying to get into depression glass, and today I bought many pieces from a yard sale. I got a few guidebooks from the library, but I'm still having some troubling ID'ing some of the pieces. Help is appreciated!
  4. Needing Information about glass bottles found on my farm this weekend

    Please see Attached pictures of the One Quart Glass Bottles that I found while cleaning our farm. 1. What is the history of the Ball company? 2. Is this circa 1923 (assumed based on the top line of the bottom of the bottle)? 3. Can anyone give me a value, even an estimated one for these? 4...
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