historic site

  1. 200+ Year Old Lead Seal Fragment

    Our first lead seal. We are hoping to learn more about it.
  2. Missing those tones

    I've been neglecting my share of the fun for over a year. I'm dusting off the Safari and the battery packs are charging up as I write this. I've been given access to a historic site out here. This time of year, snake boots are mandatory (and a sidearm is a good idea). I'll be up early looking...
  3. Plumas-Eureka State Park in Winter

    The historic mining area includes a museum in the miner's bunkhouse, the Mohawk Stamp Mill, Bushman five-stamp mill, stables, a blacksmith shop, and the Assay office.Located in Plumas County, California, USA Hope you enjoyed the video, Thanks for watching !!!!
  4. Union Depot Station, Pueblo, Colorado. Planning the hunt.

    I have worked for the owners of the Depot in Pueblo since 2014. I have been metal detecting for a week, and already have the fever to hunt. Today I plan on asking permission to metal detect the property. My family lived in Pueblo since the 1800's. In 1943 my grandfather left for WWII from this...