map dowsing

  1. I have a dowsing question for some of the more experienced dowsers.

    Was dowsing a missing persons case for a mother of a young woman the results were that she was murdered and that came up correct but when they found her body it was about 2 miles from where I had gotten the original target ID. They found her in a river and the river I had gotten in my results...
  2. Map dowsing with chambered pendulums?

    So I'm back to treasure hunting and I bought a very nice brass pendulum for pretty cheap that even has a chamber (which is what I have always wanted) and I had also purchased a gold sample that is even native from my own state. I guess my question is this: I'm going to start adjusting myself to...
  3. Any Map Dowsers Care to Try Your Skills??

    So I've been researching map dowsing & the ancient & modern techniques. I'm not 100% convinced about the whole theory behind map dowsing yet. Would any of our members with dowsing success like to try out their skills and make me a believer?? I've attached some photos of an area I'm currently...
  4. Map research for historical hot spots.

    Hello fellow hunters! I'm in SE Florida and have been hunting for just over a month or so. I'm seeking any guidance or input on map research methods or tips for potential detecting grounds. I've found some cool resources online for old maps of Florida and state recognized historical...
  5. Map Dowsing Help Please.....

    For the past 2 years we have been working three sites that date back to the 1800's, we have found old cellar holes and signs of old abandoned farms but no trash pits or coins/caches? I ran across map dowsing today on Treasurenet and was hoping that someone out there could check out these...