south america

  1. Wide variety of pottery shard types and manufacturing styles

    Hello, I recently identified a site in Central Brazil with hundreds (more probably thousands) of ceramic shards of the most varied pottery and manufacturing styles. Below (attached) are some photos (macro - 23 x 23 square cm) and light microscope details (micro - some few square mm) with temper...
  2. Anyone capable of deciphering this piece?

    It was found in South America. Front, back, and overhead view. Thanks! artifact collectors, artifact, Identifaction, identify, south america, ancient artifact, ancient, decipher,
  3. Hi, i'm new

    I recently got a metal detector and I'm very excited to start using it. I am in the Coast Guard and will have a chance to find stuff in lots of different places. Any advice on metal detecting abroad? I am particularly interested in places like Panama, the Caribbean Islands and coastal Central...
  4. I have an opportunity to buy a detector for use in South America

    Hello all I just signed up on this forum, hopefully it's ok for me to make a new thread already :) A little back story. I used to live in Guyana, South America (NOT Africa) in a gold mining town for several years. I was not there for mining so i never really did any myself, but I have really...
  5. Prospecting, treasure hunting in Ecuador?

    I am thinking about going down to Ecuador to do some prospecting. Does anyone have any information on this. links? Has anyone done it? Is there a forum Im missing? magazine articles? books? I cannot find much on the web beyond lonely planet guide and hippy rain forest tours, stuff like that...
  6. Suggestions for documentary series episode - South American Discoveries

    Hello all, I have really enjoyed looking around this wonderful website during my research. I thought it might be a good idea to ask if anyone has a good suggestion for a story I could base a documentary television episode on about myth hunters. Each episode of the series focuses on a particular...
  7. Treasure, Tombs and Tolas - Finding Lost Cities and Relics in South America

    Hi Guys!!! I used to be an archaeologist, and have since become obsessed with applying that experience to treasure hunting. To that end, I developed a methodology (which has since become a book which I hope will be available later this year) which will enable anyone to find ancient treasure...