
  1. The Lost Toyopa - Britton Davis

    In the little town of Nacori I met a curious state of affairs. The population was 313 souls; but of these only fifteen were adult males. Every family had lost one or more male members at the hands of the Apache. Here also I first heard the legend of Toyopa. This mine was said to have been of...
  2. Lieut. H.O. Flipper and Tayopa - 1887

    Don Jose would be disappointed there hasn't been a new post on the Tayopa thread for quite some time. Here's an article I know he would have enjoyed reading. This cup of sox coffee is for you, Don Jose. By all accounts, a good man to ride the river with! MEXICO’S LOST MINES. ----- A Story of...
  3. The Taiopa Mine - 1938

    THE TAIOPA MINE The Taiopa mine was located, supposedly, somewhere in southeastern Arizona or northwestern Sonora. It is said to have been unbelievably rich and was in territory possessed by the Pima Indians. It is claimed that this mine was near the mission of San Bernardino, which lies just...
  4. Sonora Antiquities by Lieut. Henry O. Flipper - 1889

    Sonora Antiquities. {Lieut. Flipper in Nogales Herald.} While Padre Niza, Coronado[,] Espejos[,] Father Kino and others were exploring Arizona and New Mexico, the Spaniards were pushing across northern Mexico west from Tampico and other points on the Gulf of Mexico. They founded Monclova and...
  5. The Lost Gold Mine Tayopa - 1898

    The Lost Gold Mine Tayopa. A Party of Four Hope to Find It in the Chico District. An Old Tunnel Discovered Hunting a Better Trail Between Chuichupa and Guaynopita – Forest Fires Still Raging Around Chuichupa Lighting Up the Mountains at Night and Obscuring the Sun by Day. ----- Special...
  6. Lost Mines in Mexico - An Important Discovery by H.O. Flipper August 21, 1889

    from the Arizona Weekly Enterprise, September 7, 1889 LOST MINES IN MEXICO. ________________ An Important Discovery. [El Paso Bullion.] NOGALES, Arizona, August 21, 1889 You and your readers will undoubtedly recall the articles published in the Globe Democrat and other eastern papers...
  7. Henry O. Flipper & Tayopa question

    In "Apache Gold and Yaqui Silver" J Frank Dobie writes "Flipper from far away South America sent a report of his findings back to another Tayopa seeker in this country." Does this document exist somewhere outside of Dobie's book? Is it mentioned in Flipper's book "Black Frontiersman: The Memoirs...
  8. Early Tayopa newspaper story

    Anyone interested.. Here is an early newspaper article about Tayopa. Corp