trade token

  1. Need help with drayage token

    Dug this token last week on the edge of a saltwater beach. Had never heard the term drayage previously but learned some info while researching it. Unable to find any info about the company. Diameter is 35mm. Probably made of copper. I'm hoping someone on the forum may have a book with this token...
  2. Interesting finds with some local history

    I took my four year old son out to the woods for a couple hours to do some metal detecting. It was quiet at first until If found a 1919 s wheatie in great shape with very little oxidation. A few feet away I found the bridle rosette. Shortly thereafter I found the trade token. I did some...
  3. Anyone Know what this Token is?

    This token was recovered in Columbia, Mississippi on September 1st, 2018... It has a 25 Cent Value. We have guessed at some of the words on it, but I am hoping that some of you might recognize it and be able to post a pic of one in better condition. I am also including a link to an...