
  1. Metal Detecting in Italy

    Good afternoon! My name is Christian, and I recently graduated college. This upcoming August, I will be entering medical school. Before the year starts, I wanted to travel to Europe and experience all there is to offer. Ever since I was a kid, I was fascinated with metal detecting and the...
  2. Planning a Trip, but Where?

    Hello all! I live in Arizona and have been detecting for a couple years now. Unfortunately, I haven't found any coins older than 1910...and even then, I only have a couple. Arizona does not have nearly the history or finds that say Pennsylvania, Georgia or some of the much older states. Now, I...
  3. Prospecting trip to Colorado from Missouri

    Hello all! I'm wanting to take a trip out to Colorado from St. Louis, Missouri this summer. I'm still new to gold prospecting. I've only panned for gold one other time on a short trip in Arizona. I didn't find much, but had blast looking. Anyway, are there any good public locations for...
  4. gold dredging North Carolina

    Hi everyone, I'm looking for some people to go out dredging with i have a 2 1/2" keene. I am thinking about going out here in the next couple of weeks its getting cold but if anyone wants to go hit me up. I dont have a definate area yet that I'm going to so im open to sugestions.
  5. Planning a trip/vacation for my first nugget hunt experience, but undecided...

    Undecided as to where to go. Was thinking about trying the southwest, but not familiar with any of the states and don't know the public areas I can hunt. Any suggestions? Live in WA, which is not really known for nugget gold, but it's fun to hunt all the old mines and camps. Am a rockhound...