war medal

  1. WWII medallions / German propaganda tokens - Need help identifying

    Hey all! I recently came across a seller that is getting rid of this lot of WWII paraphernalia. I know that the white cloth with the eagle is a swatch from a Luftwaffe sport vest, and the cross medallion is a US marksman's medal, but I can't seem to find any info on any of the others. I only...
  2. WWII medallions and Nazi propaganda tokens - Need help identifying

    Hey all! I recently came across a seller that is getting rid of this lot of WWII paraphernalia. I know that the white cloth with the eagle is a swatch from a Luftwaffe sport vest, and the cross medallion is a US marksman's medal, but I can't seem to find any info on any of the others. I only...
  3. Victory Medallion or knock-off?

    Purchased at estate sale of old house owned by church for 150+ years in Wisconsin. Closest thing I can relate it too is a Roman victory medal. Made of bronze. Any ideas on age or origin? Any value? Thanks.