Deputized at Dawn at the Soccer Complex


Bronze Member
May 24, 2007
Lexington, KY
Detector(s) used
Whites Prism IV / Bullseye II pinpointer
Sheesh.. just realized that it's actually the second day of this month now.. this post is about "Today's Finds" for September the first... technically.."yesterday" now. <rolling eyes> I must be getting slower all the time. That and it's been a busy busy day all round, what with it being.. or WAS.. a holiday and all the festivities involved.
My day (yesterday now) started off not so bright and early. Up before sunrise after a surprisingly good nights sleep, and off to the soccer complex that's turning into a gold mine.. er.. "CLAD MINE". I actually pulled into the gravel parking lot at the park just as the sun was burning its way over the tree tops across the field that I was going to hunt that morning.

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There was still dew on the grass and the air was a bit cool. The ground beneath the dewy grass was still rather dry even with the rain we got in this area a week ago. Not that dry dirt slowed me down any though. I was hitting targets and pulling out coins every other step it seemed. Of course not every target was a coin, there were all the usual suspects popping up out of the dirt .. can slaw, pull tabs, nails, grommets, screws, and a few other odds and ends. I found a couple of screw in cleats from someones (different someones) soccer cleats.

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Not everything was found under the grass in the dirt either. Most of the coins I found were actually dug up, but not all of them. Among some of the other stuff that were surface finds was this little baby duck.. a "gibbit" from someones shoe (Crocs?)

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Poor little guy was dry as a bone.. and dusty. <grin> Dusty was a recurring condition yesterday. Most everything I recovered was dirty and dusty. Some things were even squashed, beaten or battered. Some coins were even mangled. I found one quarter that looked as though it had been hit by a lawn mower and another looked as if someone had tried to turn it into a bowl.. a very small one at that... Seen here with another Kennedy Half that I found today.. this one is of 1977 vintage.. *sigh*.. no silver today.

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Lots and LOTS of quarters.. and dimes.. one lone Half.. and a couple of nickles, one was a 1959 <shrug> and some pennies.. memorial cents all. Almost as many pennies as quarters.. ok, that doesn't sound like much actually, but when you have 45 pennies and it's not as many as the number of quarters.. well.. <grin>

Here's the whole pile of everything.. clad, junk, goodies, and surprises.

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I knew I had raked it in this morning.. er.. <rolling eyes> YESTERDAY morning.. but I didn't know how much exactly till I got it home and sorted everything out. WHOA! a LOT of Quarters!!! 50!, 36 dimes, 1 Kennedy Half, 2 nickles and 45 memorial cents.. for a total of...

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$17.15 in clad.. a VERY good day in my book! Granted, I hunted that one soccer field, and took about three hours and twenty or so minutes to do it, but time flies when you are having fun! <grin> Got to love a hobby that pays you to have fun!

Coins weren't the only things I found of course, but one coin was unique even if it wasn't legal tender. I've found variations of these things before here on the fields at the soccer complex, but this is the first one that was designated as property of an official..


I hope this picture turns out ok.. I've been playing around with paint for windows to combine some pics to save space on these posts..

An official coin is one thing.. but other tokens of authority were found today as well.. damn.. I mean yesterday <rolling eyes> Well, not really a token per se, more like a shield... a STAR actually. As in a badge!


I was deputized by the dirt! I'm thinking that it is a higher end "toy" badge and not a Real honest to goodness badge that may have been lost by some Barney Fife of a law enforcement officer. I thought it was pretty cool though.
There were a couple of new repo's collected from the dirt today as well.. YESTERDAY.. sheesh!.. Two more vehicles for "Fro's Used Cars", although you might categorize these two as "modifides" or "customized" rides. Anyone out there remember a guy named Lee Majors? You know.. Colonel Steve Austin.. the Astronaut that got turned into hamburger then was reborn as "The Six Million Dollar Man"? Well he went on to make even a bigger splash when he starred in his next tv series.. "The Fall Guy". "splash"? or "flop"? Maybe it was "STOMP" by the looks of his truck here. But then, this racy little Mazda XR7 must have gotten the stomp too... they both look to have been "lowered"..


Here's the "Other stuff" I found today.. all sorted out from the initial pile..

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And one other find, perhaps the best for the day, was this cute blond gal that I picked up at the Teamsters' United Way Labor Day Picnic this afternoon.. er.. yesterday afternoon.. <laughing> Of course she is my better half.

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NOW THAT IS A KEEPER! It's always a treasure to see her smiling.

And with that happy note, another installment of "How to turn a short story into an epic novel" comes to a close. <grin> Perhaps I can get back out to the soccer complex tomorrow and hunt yet another soccer field and keep this streak going. WooHoo! But then again.. after being up this late tonight, going on 1:30 AM at this moment, I probably won't be getting up with the dawn in the morning. Oh well. Catch as catch can, right? Happy Hunting Everyone!



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Dirt Dobber said:
Fro Bro, Thanks for reply. I thought my field should be older. Maybe its the activity on it not the age? Thanks for the list I usually take all but gloves with me. Sometimes I forget the h2o(what a dummy), See ya. D.D.

Not a "dummy".. just absent minded.. a dummy would be like me.. packing everything I would need to have a nice little hunt with the metal detector... water, gloves knee pads, finds bag, pin pointer, even extra batteries.. driving to the next town over to begin the hunt and discovering that I packed EVERYTHING.. BUT THE METAL DETECTOR! <rolling eyes>
Yeah.. I did that once.. ONCE! But have on several occasions forgotten my pinpointer.. *sigh* you can still hunt without it, but DAMN you know the difference. That little Bullseye pinpointer is as important to a good hunt as the bid detector. Your REALLY miss it when you don't have it with you!. <grin>

Good luck on your Soccer Field Hunts!

Happy Hunting!


sparkymaster said:
That's an awesome pile of stuff for the day, or yesterday, or the day before, or when ever it was.

Nice going!

I can imagine that it was confusing to keep the days straight while reading it.. Heck! I was having a hard time writing about it.. <laughing> Hopefully, I'll keep it a little easier to follow with the next post.. going back to the same soccer complex this weekend, weather and crowd permitting. I'll be searching different fields of course, but if they are half as productive as the first three that I hunted, I'll be very happy indeed!

Happy Hunting!


Cynangyl said:
Yep, she is definitely a keeper! I am sure she feels the same way about you. I was oh so very glad to get a chance to read another of your posts and see what all you brought home this time! Congrats on a fantabulous day!!

<blushing> I can only hope she does.. thinks I'm a keeper that is. <grin> I get that impression most of the time though so I'm not too worried. Maybe it's just for my cooking skills though.. I can cook most anything, it amazes her that I can come up with a meal out of next to nothing.. She's a very skillful "box meal" kind of cook. If it comes in a box with directions, she can make it.. most of the time. Me.. I can take the raw ingredients, sometimes things that don't sound like a "traditional" meal ensemble (oooh.. french!) and turn them into a well rounded meal. Of course I've been cooking since I was big enough to drag a chair to the stove so I could see what was in the pan. <grin>
My waistline can attest to my cooking as well. *sigh* always a dark cloud to be found with that silver lining huh?
<shrug> Oh well. As long as my better half will still have me. I'm happy.

Happy Hunting!


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