Hand Arrastra


Jr. Member
Oct 15, 2004
Years ago, I was part of a group that found a hidden cave. After we found an opening , and went in, we found a small room
with a solid floor shaped like a big cereal bowl , with a round slot in the center almost big enough to hold a can of beans. Much later,
going thru Kenworthy's book about Death Traps , I saw the room described with a side view schematic. It was described as a Hand Arrastra.
Has anybody else ever found a Hand Arrastra. Does anyone know where I can get more info on Hand Arrastra's?


Thanks for the general Arrastra info....I am familiar with the traditional exterior big arrastra as described. I was not familiar with the Hand Arrastra as described by Kenworthy in his book about Spanish death traps at the hard rock mines. The book was called Death Traps to Treasure. An almost exact side view is seen on page 52, with a description on page 49. The hand arrastra we found is only about 5 feet around and is hidden inside a back filled cave with an internal spring. The cup in the bowl shaped floor is clearly visible.

I am looking for information about the "Hand Arrastra" I am certain from the carvings and pictographs the site is Spanish. Until we have coin, we can only guess age from the alphabet used. Our guess is 1543. Some of the interior carvings are 1' in size. Some are only 1/2 inch. The exterior carvings cover over 3 feet and are very detailed. Almost all the writing is quite small (interior as well). 3 7's are visible on an outside rock as well as a lance, a Z UCA LQ, Triangle penetrating triangle (silver), upside down T with a circle on top (identified as a 1500's symbol for copper by a T-net poster) , a helmeted man on a horse lancing a stick indian....Dog at side of horse,(Desoto brought dog and pig to area so NOT before Desoto)..... Duck, Giraffe neck and head (inside) X with a circle around it , g54 , Q 4 divided by V5. Spermy type snakes , heart with stem and peacock looking feathers. (of course a pair of scissors, dinner bells, 1540's crucifix , triangle are also inside about 60 yards) (Schaffers book identifies the scissors as 1/2 church , 1/2 not.... and evidence of the Kings 5th, De Rey Metallica was helpful

This all began YEARS ago. The project has been the torment of my soul , as I am struggling to achieve site ownership. Looting is tempting. Former owners died, as have several of my original hunting buddies. Others are now preparing to tender competing offers, and owners are not cooperating with me fast enough for my stress tolerance .

Yesterday was more back and forth between lawyers , agents (real estate), and owners.

I am really needing info on others personal experience with Hand Arrastra's......., especially in the Ozarks.
Although we have found some proof, and symbols, and the hidden arrastra with the concealed spring INSIDE a back filled cave,
geologist say no hard rock gold or copper in the Ozarks. ( and yet the symbols for both are visible ) So the mystery expands.
I am a gutless coward, and don't want to sell everything I own and "screw the pooch" , so to speak.

At the right price I'm ok but things are increasing and I may soon have to settle for a book instead of the on site museum with proof
on display. I am also afraid the owners may sell to a lawyer (not mine), to claim the prizes.

Any sincere, experienced help is appreciated.


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I recently had this moved this from Hard Rock Mining to here . Does ANYONE know about the Hand Arrastra, like shown in Kenworthys book pg 49 -52?


Hey we have a cave it is the Old Spanish Treasure Cave, it has no arrastra inside, but there was evidence that there was an exterior on the neighbors.
We have lots of signs and symbols that are easily visible on the inside of the cavern. What do you think?

Map, signs/symbols and arrastra

I forgot to mention we have a map outside outside of the cave entrance.

Thanks for the note. If your place is between Gravette, and Sulphur Springs, I have been there.
I hope to return soon, It was a beautiful cave seeped in history and lore. I recall seeing some
old looking artifacts in the gift shop. The tour guide also pointed out what appeared to be
Spanish carvings. (Isn't it the largest cave in Ar?)

As soon as weather permits, I would like to visit and look again at your giant cave.


Sincere thanks to all who have helped. The PMs and e-mails have been quite encouraging. I am hopeful that a long awaited window for site purchase is opening.
Once the legalities are settled , and the recovery underway a disclosure will be posted. (May still be a few weeks ) Thanks again for the guidance and help.

It is an arrastra that was built for use by hand. Sketches of one can be seen in Kenworthy's book Death Traps to Treasure pages 49 to 52. They are described there as well. This was mentioned before, earlier in the post. Traditional arrastras were large and driven by mules, or other animals. A hand arrastra is operated by hand. they are bowl shaped areas with a gold hole in the middle of the floor. One would sit on the edge of the bowl , break up ore,...... while water ran thru the bowl, gold would fall into the lowest spot, the gold hole. The operator would have a cup attached to a rod. The cup on a stick would be inserted into the gold hole at the beginning. Once full , it would be emptied, then replaced into the hole.....and the process would repeat. Hand arrastras were rare and according to the "books" used only in the mining of rich pockets of visible gold.

could this be a hand arrastra? F356CCF85F1611DD.jpg

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