New (half dollar) day record!!? -Benjamania!!! 90% X 626


Silver Member
Jan 14, 2007
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I NEVER thought I could top my day of 670 -40%r's in one day (,72511.0.html). Today I scored 654 silver halves including 443 Bens, 20 Walkers, 163 -64's and 28 - 40%r's.
I had some customers to see in the morning and was near a 2 bank town that was in my sights for a while. I hit the first bank at lunchtime and bought 9 rolls. A quick edge check and I pulled out 13 - 40% - not bad!!
The other bank only had 2 tellers but they had 16 rolls in their drawers. I bought them all and asked for vault rolls. They told me they had another 20 rolls there but had to wait until the other tellers got back from lunch. I found they were open 'til 5pm and headed out for another call and told them I would be back by to pick them up.
I wasn't too jazzed because they gave me a couple Fed wrapped rolls. As I drove to my next customer I started popping halves out of the hand wrapped rolls. Damn near drove off the road a few times as I found Ben after Ben and 64 after 64!!!.
I was settled down after my call and determined that 12 rolls were solid silver, most all 90%!!
Got back to the bank ASAP and almost lost it when they brought over the 20 rolls which looked exactly like the other silver laden hand wrapped rolls I picked up earlier.
They were happy to get those halves out of there after having to count them for several years according to the delightful ladies.
WELL, same result! All 20 were solid including full rolls of Bens and 1 full roll of Walkers!!!!
Thank You God!!!
I got 32 rolls of solid silver -including an extra Ben in one roll (641 coins)

Totals from bank 1:


Totals from bank 2:

Walkers: 36x1,37x2,39x1,41x2,42x2,43x3,44x3,45x3,46x1,47x1,no date x1.

Bens: 48x1,49x3,50x5,51x53,52x60,53x17,54x42,56x2,57x20,58x40,59x18,60x38,61x34,62x40,63x70.

64's : 163

40%: 66x3,67x5,68x7.


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That must be a record for a single day haul o' halves!

Good lord!!!!

That is at least $2000 in sheer profit!!!

Wonderful! Consider yourself one of the few on this forum whom have found a cache!

:o All I can do is sit here and stare at the pictures and giggle. ;D

Congratulations!!!! ;D

Are there any key date Walkers or Franklins?

Seriously I think if I found that, I would have had chest pains from all the excitement!

Thanks everyone!!!
As they say, every once in a while a blind hog finds an acorn!
I consider it very good luck- I'm flattered this post got moved to "the Best of...."


Holy shmoly! what a haul! I'll have to start checking banks as well....never really thought about this. I would have assumed the tellers would have gone through them and snatched them up! Guess that's what I get for assuming.

*Constructs temple*

All hail Tim, king of the shiny 1/2's.

Got my adrenaline pumping. It's 12:40...and I wanna go diggin

Gosh Dang, this is the second post w/ a massive amount of coins,1st dimes now half dollars :o

awsome score,congrats......I'm probably walking over a 80lb. box of hundred dollar bills every day and dont even know it. :'(

Holy guacamole, Batman!! (, TXTim).
I was trying to figure out how in the heck I missed this posting the first time around, until I noticed that you posted it on the day that we left for a 2 week vacation in California and Mexico. ::)

No wonder you are giving LJ a run for her money (90%'ers, of course). ;D

WTG Tim!!

Those tellers need to go back to school. great find wow.

They were happy to get those halves out of there after having to count them for several years :o.....LOL
joke is on them....glad they didn't check those or had a clue! SCORE !!!!!!


I've been hunting in the wrong places. Old homesteads, parks, playgrounds, etc. Never found anything close to this pile of coins. WTG

Incredible find! Some of the people at the banks have an attitude when I ask them for half dollar rolls. I am always polite and willing to take what they have. Lately I have been getting, "Are you a customer here with an account?" Well got this question again today so I politely asked why they ask me if I have an account with them and was told that if I didn't they couldn't exchange money with me! I am fairly new at this and have a question, are any of you having finds in the mint type rolls? I asked this before on another forum and was told they have pulled some silver. Because a few different "tellers" have had an attitude I am wondering if I should just order a 500.00 box. On a positive note some tellers are great, when they didn't have any rolls they went to the others to get me some!

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