Emerald Member

Found the Site we have been looking for - 5 ROMAN SILVER DAY!!!
This is the 5th new Roman Site we have discovered this year, but all the others were either cleared out or low status. We have had permission for this land for many years but have never done the leg work until today. At least 1 other Detectorist does this land & they have reported finding very...
Thanks to Landmag he did a recon on Cru'dad's request & took a picture of the freshly ploughed Roman Lion Site. It was enough to make me want to go & try it. This field was named after the Rare Votive Roman Lion Statue that I found in the above post.
The field looked like it had a 7-8 inch turn, however, there was so much new material in the surface layers, that we suspect it had a 12 inch turn before the last sowing.
A very productive 4 hour hunt, with our best 1 day total this year;
35 Roman Bronze Coins
Roman Iron Locking Mech.
1st C AD Fibula (Brooch)
Small bit of a Roman Fibula
A small section of Roman Bracelet turned into a kids Ring.
2 Broken Roman Silvers. One was found in the next field OTWBTTC. When I looked at where it plotted, it was very close to another broken Siliqua. After searching my broken bits I reunited them! (still a tiny bit missing)
STAR FIND - AD112 Silver Denarius of Matidia:
CNG: Feature Auction Triton XII. Matidia. Augusta, AD 112-119. AR Denarius (3.43 g, 7h). Rome mint. Struck under Trajan, AD 112.
Offering Roman coins, Greek coins, ancient coins, British coins, medieval coins, coin auctions, renaissance coins, Indian coins, rare coins, Celtic coins, European coins, Jewish coins.
Love it when a Plan B comes together....
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