1-1/2 hour hunt - Tiny Calif Fractional Gold coin


Gold Member
Apr 24, 2006
Hello to everyone and happy Memorial Day day weekend to those in the states. Love those 3 day weekends!!!

I took a vacation day today (deserved it, worked 50 hours in the four days this week... busy working that OT... "Own Time"...lol) I took it to do a major project here at home and I ended up working my butt off. I moved in here last Oct and this place had sat unoccupied for 10 months prior to that, so the aluminium siding on the north side of the house has some major algea growth all over it. My house is 48 feet long so it was a major job hand scrubbing it all off. The neighborhood assn wrote me up for it as an eyesore so I had to get it done. I got quotes and the lowest one was $220 so I did it myself (because I am cheap...lol). I am happy to say, to whole place is nice and clean now. Powerwashed the other three sides too. Has anyone else ever thought this about cleaning? Such a thankless job... you get done, it's clean, and now looks "normal", so to anyone else seeing it, there's no way to tell the effort that went into it, it's invisible. Oh well.

It turned out to be a beautiful afternoon and I finished the "job" around 4pm, started at 7am, so after feeding the kids after school and doing all that parental duty stuff, I rewarded myself with a short hunt. I went to a school that I hit last year. It's fairly close, less then 10 miles, so it was convenient and it's in a richer school dictrict.

My first find, very apt for this Memorial Day holiday, was a small American Flag laying on the ground by the bench, so I picked it up and took it home.

As expected, the finds were coming slow, because I cleaned it out last year, but I managed a few keepers. The coolest was this teeny tiny gold coin. It's a 1853 "California Gold - 1/2 dollar". It is the smallest coin I have ever found and I am so happy to have passed over the exact place it lay. It is about half the size of a dime. My hats off to Bootstrap Vinn for his find of an authentic Calif Gold coin up in the banner, these suckers are small. You Da Man Vinn!!! Unlike his, mine is a replica I am pretty sure. It does not have "copy" on it like most replicas but it doesn't look old. It might be real gold though??? maybe 10kt?? I am happy anyway. It's a cool and exciting MD'ing find. Other than that, I did manage two nice sterling keepers. A double heart "sterling" earring and a "925" heart locket. For an hour and a half hunt, I did pretty good.

I got a few other trinket jewelry pieces including a cheap-o ring. I also found a Sac $1 coin, my first this year and a very interesting Magician coin. It's the thickness of a nickel but a little bigger than a dime and has a a magicians hat on one side and a magic wand with stars around it on the other, cool. I also found a 2 cent 1999 Euro coin. I managed $4.02 in clad - 36 coins and had a great time out there too. Here's some photos of today's finds.

I plan to go out tomorrow moring if the rain holds off. Maybe hit the rich side of town and cover a school or two I hit last summer, maybe cover the soccer fields there too? Good luck to you all. Thanks for reading and happy hunting!



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Re: 1-1/2 hour hunt - Tiny Calif Gold coin

civilman1 said:
WTG Bdoo.....I would have cashed in one of those awesome ring's you've found and sat back and watched someone else do the dirty work.....Congrat's and HH!!

But I am too much of a hoard and too cheap CM...lol ;D
Anyway, It built up those detecting muscles a little more and I am no worse for wear today from it. Have a great weekend my friend!


Re: 1-1/2 hour hunt - Tiny Calif Gold coin

Michigan Badger said:
I see you're still making lots of great finds!

Very nice.


Hi Badger,

great to see you around again, appreciate the comment my friend. Love that meaty gold ring you dug recently...wow :o


Re: 1-1/2 hour hunt - Tiny Calif Gold coin

JerDfx said:
Wow nice finds,

Man you get more old gold coins in the new area's than I get in the old. I know my gold coin is out there somewhere. Even if I never find one I'll still be satisfied with the hobby.

HH Jer

I hope you get it Jer, you deserve it man. and what the heck, might as well dream big, hope it's the $20 variety!! Thanks for stopping in and leaving the inpirational comment.


Re: 1-1/2 hour hunt - Tiny Calif Gold coin

Bavaria Mike said:
Say what? That's the best picture of the gold coin you going to offer? Congrats, I would like to see some closeups. HH, Mike

Ok...lol, per your request, close ups of the front and back have been added to my original post above. Thanks for the look-see Mike. Best of luck to you out there my friend!!


Another Gold Coin!!!! How awesome is that!!!! :o

You, my friend, have got to be the most patient hunter I have ever known.

Heartfelt congrats.


What a cool gold coin. Congrats. Very neat.



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Re: 1-1/2 hour hunt - Tiny Calif Gold coin

Nana40 said:
Thankless indeed, Scooby! :D Just ask me.

Love that gold coin! Congrats on all those finds!

Nana :)

You know it my friend! But we have to do it, and keep doing it huh.
Thanks for stopping in and bringing some smiles to my life.
Good luck to you out there.


Re: 1-1/2 hour hunt - Tiny Calif Gold coin

JerDfx said:
Wow nice finds,

Man you get more old gold coins in the new area's than I get in the old. I know my gold coin is out there somewhere. Even if I never find one I'll still be satisfied with the hobby.

HH Jer

I hope yours comes soon Jer, I know you work it as hard as anyone here so it would be deserved and I know you do the research to be at the right place sometime. You just have to believe... I always am thinking with almost every signal that "this is the one, take your time, be thorough" Thanks for the read and friendly comment my friend. I'll be rooting for you!


dave-enc said:
that is so cool boobydoo you are really tearing it up, wtg

I work it hard Dave and am reqwarded pretty well.
Thanks for stopping in my friend. Good luck to you and Bobbie,
I will be looking forward to you next post!


SWR said:
In case you haven't found it yet, your California Gold Token (not a coin) was made in 1966. It is a Bear #1 token.

"Reported in April 25, 1990 "Coin World" letter to the editor by Daniel Hurkett of Maryland as all struck for him in 1966. 200,000 of each variety were struck. They were sold by advertistments in national magazines 1973, when sales tapered off too much to make a profit. See also 1972 dated advertisement, illustrated on the ephemera page."

Source: Mike Locke California Gold

Thanks for the good info SWR, I knew it wasn't authentic and your link makes sense.
Appreciate the visit and great comment , thank you!


Digginman said:
Another Gold Coin!!!! How awesome is that!!!! :o

You, my friend, have got to be the most patient hunter I have ever known.

Heartfelt congrats.


Thanks DM... comments like this are pure inspiration and motivation for me to keep working it hard. Hundreds of digs later and tens of thousands of detector swings, a nice keeper will reward my hard work. THANK YOU my friend!!!


ModernMiner said:
What a cool gold coin. Congrats. Very neat.

Thanks MM!! Appreciate the encouragement!
Good luck to you... you can have some of my luck!


Great gold piece!!!

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