2 short hunts - A bit of silver


Gold Member
Apr 24, 2006
Hello again to all!!

The weather has been good the past few days, soon to change with snow in the forecast the next 5 days, but I got out twice for short evening hunts at schools close to me. It was great to be out there enjoying a little bit of nice weather and in some great swinging.

Sunday evening for an 1.5 hours in the woodchips at a school I covered last April. I didn't find too many coins but managed several small keepers. A nice little enamaled pendant marked 925, two 925 marked earrings, and a sweet little pocket knife which is in good shape, not rusted. I also found a fake gold doubloon, the same one that is the wallpaper backround on TNet!! Unfortunately, I forget to include it in the photos as I was showing it to my daughter and had it in my pocket. Oops.

Monday evening, another 1.5 hour hunt, I went to the school that I had my photo taken that ended up on the Feb 07 cover of Western & Eastern Treasures. This place is surrounded by huge new mansion houses. I gridded a grassy area between the play structure and one of the swing sets. I found a lot of coins and one keeper, a small sterling cross. There were a lot of kids there practicing baseball and playing on the play equipment so several of them were following me around. They were respectful so it was kind of fun. I let one boy hold my finds for me so we both had a bit of fun.

I included both hunts finds in one set of photos. So here's the totals. 3 hours hunting. 82 coins for $8.04 total clad and the keepers mentioned above. I also found a bunch of junk jewelry and other interesting relics.

Best of luck to everyone. Have fun and happy hunting. Thanks for reading!



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River Rat said:
Those are some very nice finds, BDoo. Nice looking pocket knife...hope a grown up had lost it and not a child.

;) RR

For sure, I hope so too. Our school district is really strict about knives as they has a stabbing at the high school 4 years ago. Thanks for reading and commenting.


Green1 said:
great finds bob !! and some clad to boot .... ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
bummer on the snow........ :'( :'(

Hi Rick!

I just saw the 7 day forecast and it's not supposed to get above 39 the whole time. Dang... and brrr. Guess I better research instead. Thanks for stopping in buddy!


ringfinder said:
Hey Bob, looks like a neat place to hunt, keep hitting it! Thanks for the post and pictures.

HH, Ringfinder

Thanks RF!! It's a great place for sure, the soil and grass are really nice there also and there are a lot on elevation changes for the kiddies to play on. Best of luck to you out there buddy!


mountainplayer said:
Nice haul BDoo! I just love hunting the wood chips. Never know what you'll find and the recovery is so easy I don't even mind the little pieces of foil. I'm also establishing a really cool collection of those aluminum tubes that hold erasers onto the ends of pencils. (Don't tell anyone, but I think some of mine might even be Civil War era!).

I have the same experience with kids every time I hunt the chips. I told one Mom the other day that I feel like the pied piper whenever I'm out with the detector. Most of the kids ask for a turn...sometimes I let them, but I've found that they like it better when I tell them they can dig the targets. Its a win-win for both of us that way.


Hello MP!! You are cracking me up... civil war era huh. ;D

I wear the old style full headphones so I do play deaf sometimes with the kids but the persistant ones, if they are nice, I will share and let them have a little fun with me. I don't mind. That's how I started out 34 years ago, watching a neighbor guy detect. He let me swing his detector once and I found a merc dime... but he kept it. It's a found memory that seems like it happened just yesterday.

Thanks for the friendly comments!


JerDfx said:
Nice looking finds.

Your off to a hot start. You hot sites seem to be always repleneshing themselves. And I'm sure you find new ones along the way.

HH Jer

Thanks Jeremy!!
I fan out and get around, but I have some close sites to hit for quick fixes. Good luck to you buddy, get some gold rings for us to see soon!



nice group of finds.

Silver always is................

Thanks for posting. Glad your getting out.

have a good un................

Hi Hot Dog!!

Thanks for stopping in and giving me some smiles my friend!
Hope all is well your way!


pogmothon said:
do you plant the stuff before you go out hunting? ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)nf

lol... the kids doo that job for me I guess!!
My trustie old Garrett TR machine is a jewelry magnet for sure.


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