3 reasons dont accept "Double blind test"

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Re: 3 reasons don't accept "Double blind test"

PuffDaddy said:
SWR said:
PuffDaddy said:
SWR said:
hehe...the ole "Nothin' from nothin' leaves nothin'..." ploy :thumbsup: :hello:

You are not a skeptic--you're a cynic...! Lookem' up !

So....I'm a "cynic" because I've exposed the fraud involved in the product/service you solicit on TreasureNet?

So be it. Call me what you want. It does not change the fact you are soliciting fraudulent instruments based on unsound and incorrect science. That, and you cannot perform the tasks/services you advertise. That would be false advertisement, along with with fraud.

You know very well from my posts,that I do not support any so-called LRLs on the market. And the only ones I've ever had,were given to me,or loaned to me. There isn't one of them that I could give a passing grade to. I do however know what I am doing--and it's not for sell. It's for my use.


Even if you did have the only LRL in the World that actually worked, what good would it do anybody else to post about it on here? It only gives you a different silly excuse for you yourself not to take Carl's test, and adds to the list one more silly excuse. Well we are already overflowing with silly excuses from the other LRL promoters, and sorry, we don't need any more.


Re: 3 reasons don't accept "Double blind test"

architecad said:
I wouldn't say that. I just say, prove that you're an electrical engineer with all capabilities obtained in a 4 years university and a board exam. So simple.!! :headbang:


Being or not being an Electrical Engineer is not what determines whether or not a circuit will work. If something doesn't work, it doesn't work.

You are merely trying to divert attention away from the LRL device hoax, by talking about people instead.

Sorry, that won't make your phony devices work.


Re: 3 reasons don't accept "Double blind test"

The Real Reason "Don't Accept Double-blind Test"

Because you can't ever pass one.

Or even score only 70% and win the $25K.

...Just to keep it simple.


Re: 3 reasons don't accept "Double blind test"

Great job on exposing things. Lack of understanding, desire to see someone defrauded, some mental things. Keep it up. Oh, and great dodges about proving your EE status. I am impressed.

I gotta ask, are you guys in the old EE home, like together? No that's right couldn't prove that, just in a regular old folks home.

Re: 3 reasons don't accept "Double blind test"

Sparky, I assure you, that you are doing a much better job than I ever could. Your "crotchety" nature alone does great add in the Freudian things and you got squirrel soup. At least you are not doing it alone. How much would you get to goad someone into the test?

Re: 3 reasons don't accept "Double blind test"

PuffDaddy said:
I'm going to do the test--but,no money,or technology,will be exchanged.


So when is the test scheduled for?

And you're going to turn down the $25K if you succeed?

That's strange.

Have you contacted Carl, and told him your intentions yet?


Re: 3 reasons don't accept "Double blind test"

PuffDaddy said:
SWR said:
PuffDaddy said:
I think Carl has done a very good job,exposing the Ranger Tell,and a host of other devices. A lot of people want me to help them with their "thing-a-ma-gigs". The first thing I do,is to determine exactly what they have,in "equipment". Usually,I can't help them at all. Perhaps the thing that annoys me the most are the poor,misguided chaps,who set their "LRL" on the ground,and walk around it in a circle,with a wand in each hand. The theory being that once one gets between the unit,and the target,a signal-line,is supposed to close,or open the wands,simultaneouly. That is MindOverAntenna Programing--And has no basis in Science. Sorry! I can detail precisely why it's not Scientific--but,it will have to wait for another time--Suffice it to say,that Magnetism can not cause two antennae, to go in opposite directions,simultaneously. To steal one of Carl's phrases: "It cain't happen!"

Spot on.

We are on the same wave-length in regards to the fraudulent RangerTell device. :thumbsup:

I have already detailed precisely why it is not Scientific in other threads. Including photographic evidence of the insides (what a joke) and a very detailed report, including photographs of the test equipment being used... on how the common pocket calculator will not transmit/produce various frequencies.

Links available upon request.

This is why I tell people,that if they want to fool around with this stuff,to purchase the GME FG- 3005;because it's under $200.00,and does 12 Volts Peak=Peak;and they can purchase a couple things from RadioShack,and build their own antenna. At least one has a real bonafide signal generator--that will produce a wave-form. They can try any frequency they care to. With the exception of those ChuckyBoy patented(joke).


If it would work if only it had an antenna, common sense says that the manufacturers would have simply put one on it.

But then common sense seems to be disregarded by LRL promoters.

And that's what you are doing here, right? Promoting your "special" LRL?


Re: 3 reasons don't accept "Double blind test"

Sit down Eel boy. You're not going to goad David into giving your lazy butt the key to the fort. My God man have some class!!!

Oh, I forgot you're an electrician. What was I thinking???

Re: 3 reasons don't accept "Double blind test"

Good boy, got the transference train wide open do you? Let'er rip.

Re: 3 reasons don't accept "Double blind test"

Exactly. Thank you. Now let's see if we can hit that compulsive response button again.

Re: 3 reasons don't accept "Double blind test"

There you go folks. Proof of the transference and compulsive response all in one. Good job. Duh, we were talking about you Sparky.

Re: 3 reasons don't accept "Double blind test"

If it would work if only it had an antenna, common sense says that the manufacturers would have simply put one on it.
But then common sense seems to be disregarded by LRL promoters.
And that's what you are doing here, right? Promoting your "special" LRL?

Poor EE..No photo’s or advertisements to analyze..He is lost...Art

I am elated that you agree, "thinking" is not one of your strongest suits
I am elated that you agree, "thinking" is not one of your strongest suits

Thank You H3Tec for shutting your web site down..It really help the treasure Hunters on this web site..Art

Re: 3 reasons don't accept "Double blind test"

EE THr said:
aarthrj3811 said:
Thank You H3Tec for shutting your web site down..It really help the treasure Hunters on this web site..Art

Except for the ones who paid $5,000.00 to $15,000.00 for their "H3 Treasure Tracker"!

Darn..The only people that I have heard about complaining about the web site being down are two skeptics..SWR and woof...Too the best of my knowledge they do not own a H3Tec..Art

Re: 3 reasons don't accept "Double blind test"

aarthrj3811 said:
EE THr said:
aarthrj3811 said:
Thank You H3Tec for shutting your web site down..It really help the treasure Hunters on this web site..Art

Except for the ones who paid $5,000.00 to $15,000.00 for their "H3 Treasure Tracker"!

Darn..The only people that I have heard about complaining about the web site being down are two skeptics..SWR and woof...Too the best of my knowledge they do not own a H3Tec..Art

Well, I was talking about the H3 Treasure Tracker, anyway.


Re: 3 reasons don't accept "Double blind test"

SWR said:
EE THr said:
aarthrj3811 said:
EE THr said:
aarthrj3811 said:
Thank You H3Tec for shutting your web site down..It really help the treasure Hunters on this web site..Art

Except for the ones who paid $5,000.00 to $15,000.00 for their "H3 Treasure Tracker"!

Darn..The only people that I have heard about complaining about the web site being down are two skeptics..SWR and woof...Too the best of my knowledge they do not own a H3Tec..Art

Well, I was talking about the H3 Treasure Tracker, anyway.



Art does not own a H3 Tec... yet, they (Art) defend them blindly.

More than obvious, is the LRL Proponents/pro-Fraudsters double-standards. They don't own a H3 Tec device either, yet they feel the need to continue soliciting the fraud.

Thank You SWR

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