A Day For Giving.......Back!


Bronze Member
Jul 20, 2003
Mid Michigan
Detector(s) used
IDX Classic SL-x2....Excalibur1000
So, Im headed home from northern, MI last night.The fog is stupid thick on the interstate and my eyes were about bulging out of my head after doing the white knuckled cloud bank stare for the last hour.Through the haze, something caught my eye on the roadside, and being in serious need of a break I pulled over (Way Over) and made my way back to investigate.What I found was the scattered contents of two duffle bags.I worked my way along the roadway and picked up every item i could find.Most of which was clothing, but "nice" clothing including winter coats and dress shoes.The clothes looked as though they would belong to a teen age boy and a younger boy ...maybe 8 or 9. I pictured these boys getting ready for school this morning and having all of thier favorite clothes just gone.(My boys would be devestated).Not to mention the cash mom and dad put out for all of this.
So , this morning, Im looking through these items and find a very uncommon last name on one of the little boys articles and with a quick internet search and several phonecalls, Im speaking with a very grateful father.Apparently his rooftop carrier had popped open on thier way home and they had no idea where the items had been lost.
As luck will have it, I will be in his area tomorrow and have arranged to return his boys things then.
As for the uncommon name....I wont say, but dad was a very contraversial player/coach in the NHL.

Wtg on the give back. Some people would have kept it.

I think a lot of people would have just drove by without giving it a thought.

Good for you and hope you do get rewarded...maybe a nice, shiny gold coin...
And that goes for the ring return too.....nothing but good PR.

He shoots... and scores!!

Great return Joe!
You are one of the best brother!!

Hope you are rewarded with some good Mojo next hunt.

:) BDoo

Cool jopher

Let us know how it goes when you get to
Return the Things.


A very nice thing to do. Way to go.

I do believe that the things you do in life comes back to you tenfold.
Thanks for being a good soul Joe....I know if it had been my kids stuff I would have been very thankful for its return!

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