A deer hit me on the way to work this morning


Silver Member
Oct 3, 2006
Wartburg, Tennessee, U.S.A.
Detector(s) used
Garrett Ace 250, Tesoro Tiger Shark, Garrett AT Pro
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
I was almost to work this morning and a big doe ran out from the woods at an angle toward me. I was in the process of slowing down and moving into the left lane and that crazy deer thought it could jump over my truck. Well, it didn't make it. It landed across my hood and fender and put several dents in them, broke my passenger side view mirror off and bent my antennae. I also have a bunch of scuff marks in the paint. I guess there is a bright side to it though. My insurance company said my comprehensive coverage would take care of it and there was only a $100.00 deductable because it was an animal I hit and not another car. They said they would pay for the rental car up to 30 days for it to get fixed. The only thing I'm concerned about is they are sending a field claims adjuster out to look at it. I hope I don't get the big screwdriver used on me. Wish me luck!


Dang, glad your safe. Sorry about your truck. That is something I have to watch out for in my neck of the woods. If I see one I stop if possible. Deer will not stop as you know....they just keep going.


AA ,
I think a Doe is female.

Dang Nathan,
You sure are lucky she didn't come through the windshield.
I have seen that happen, We had one kick the passenger and killed her.
That was an awful state of affairs.
So glad to hear you are OK.
Good luck with the adjuster.

Not all of them are bad guys.


Old Dog said:
AA ,
I think a Doe is female.

Dang Nathan,
You sure are lucky she didn't come through the windshield.
I have seen that happen, We had one kick the passenger and killed her.
That was an awful state of affairs.
So glad to hear you are OK.
Good luck with the adjuster.

Not all of them are bad guys.

I must be tired DOE!!! LOL

Thanks everybody, I feel much better now. It's just that the "LANGLEY LUCK" is an enigma. (something hard to understand or explain) It has been known to cause massive catastrophes. Remember the Titanic, Hindenburg, Mt. St. Helen, Atlantis, Pompei and a few more....LOL!!! :wink: :wink: :wink: ;D


Thanks everybody, I feel much better now. It's just that the "LANGLEY LUCK" is an enigma. (something hard to understand or explain) It has been known to cause massive catastrophes. Remember the Titanic, Hindenburg, Mt. St. Helen, Atlantis, Pompei and a few more....LOL!!! :wink: :wink: :wink: ;D


glad your ok :thumbsup: did you get any good back straps from her since she damaged your ride :wink:

TT- some bikers I knew had the subaudible "deer scarers" and the deer stopped in front of them. Bad hospital stay.

Yes DANGLANGLY, hope you got some of that doe. Glad no-one was hurt.
A month to fix? Wow, you should try out several new vehicles.

Just got my vehicle back yesterday....three weeks after hitting a deer....$3700.00 damage and $500.00 deductable....my new detector will have to wait a while longer....Steve

i hit a deer not to long ago love how they stop right in front of you and look at you like hey iam standing here lol it got up and ran followed it for a while didnt get to eat it darn.

Everyone knows deer don't run into you . You run into them . I watched an episode of judge judy
just the other day . A lady stated a deer ran into the side of a car she was driving . Judge judy flatly
stated the lady was lying because deer don't run into you , you run into them . What an idiot ! :D

While I was still dating my wife, she had a deer run into the side of her car and crush the doors while knocking her into the next lane. She called the police and told them and they argued that she hit the deer. That is until the trooper showed up and said "Yep, he hit you".

I have hit a few deer and I will say I hit them but one day I saw them coming out on the road I stopped..dead stop..one dumb a$& deer went out of its way, I mean it actually crossed the road then came back out just to charge the car and broke my side mirror. I was so mad.. I went home and got the gun and spot light. They were feeding in the neighbors yard when I returned. Lucky for the little 4 point he wasn't with them when I returned.

Bridge End Farm said:
Thanks everybody, I feel much better now. It's just that the "LANGLEY LUCK" is an enigma. (something hard to understand or explain) It has been known to cause massive catastrophes. Remember the Titanic, Hindenburg, Mt. St. Helen, Atlantis, Pompei and a few more....LOL!!! :wink: :wink: :wink: ;D


glad your ok :thumbsup: did you get any good back straps from her since she damaged your ride :wink:

You know, I could not believe it but that deer went over the top of my truck and landed in the road behind me and just jumped up and ran back into the woods like there wasn't a thing wrong. Strangest thing I ever saw. It went high enough that it missed the bed of my truck. I guess I had slowed down to about 20 mph or so when it happened.


TreasureTales said:
Glad you didn't get hurt. You must have a great insurance company. Mine doesn't care if a deer runs into you, they still want the full deductible paid upfront. Two deer ran into me in one month - that was a bad month for deer. Fortunately, I hit them square on so no damage to my vehicle, sadly the deer didn't do as well.

Have you thought about getting one of those deer avoidance devices? I always wondered if they really work. http://www.911phone.net/Alert.htm

My insurance company is Safeco. I had a really bad experience with Allstate and I would not recommend them to anyone. Thanks for the info and have a good one.


greydigger said:
TT- some bikers I knew had the subaudible "deer scarers" and the deer stopped in front of them. Bad hospital stay.

Yes DANGLANGLY, hope you got some of that doe. Glad no-one was hurt.
A month to fix? Wow, you should try out several new vehicles.

Yeah buddy, I'm just fine but I'd say that deer had a bad day. Oh, the insurance company said that it would cover a rental up to 30 days if it took that long. Hopefully it won't though. Thanks for the reply.


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