A forgotten UFO story that the Officals and experts fall silent with.


Silver Member
Jan 28, 2005
In a tax haven some where
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Hello All

When the subject of UFOS comes up many stories springs to mind. But there is one story that even the experts and skeptics have not fully explained to this day.

Firstly I confess I am not particular inclined to believe or disbelieve in the Subject of UFOS. However the following story I am posting here is in good faith. I am interested in opinions on this subject as I do believe something happened that night.

What I will let you be the judge...

I can remember this event well 30 odd years ago.

On the 21st of October 1978, 20-year-old Frederick Valentich disappeared in unknown circumstances while piloting a Cessna 182L light aircraft over Bass Strait, Australia. His intention was to land at King Island and return to Moorabbin Airport.

During the 127 mile (235 km) private flight, Valentich advised Melbourne air traffic control he was being accompanied by an aircraft about 1,000 feet (300 m) above him.He described unusual actions and features of the aircraft, reported that his engine had begun running roughly, and finally reported before disappearing from radar that "That strange aircraft is hovering on top of me again. It is hovering and it's not an aircraft".

No trace of Valentich or his aircraft was ever found, and a Department of Transport investigation concluded that the reason for the disappearance could not be determined.

The report of a UFO sighting in Australia attracted significant press attention, in part due to the number of sightings reported by the public on that night. Ken Williams, a spokesman for the Department of Transport, told the Associated Press that "it's funny all these people ringing up with UFO reports well after Valentich's disappearance. There was accusations of the tape of the conversation between the flight controller and the pilot being censored?

Valentich had a Class Four instrument rating and 150 hours of flight experience, Valentich filed a flight plan from Moorabbin Airport, Melbourne, to King Island in Bass Strait on 21 October 1978. Visibility was good and winds were light.

He was flying a Cessna 182-L, with a cruising speed of around 256 km/h (160 mph). He departed Moorabbin at 18:19 local time, contacted the Melbourne Flight Service Unit to inform them of his presence, and reported reaching Cape Otway at 19:00.

At 19:06, Valentich asked Melbourne Flight Service Officer Steve Robey for information on other aircraft at his altitude (below 5000 ft, 1524 m) and was told there was no known traffic at that level. Valentich said he could see a large unknown aircraft which appeared to be illuminated by four bright landing lights.

He was unable to confirm its type, but said it had passed about 1,000 feet (300 m) overhead and was moving at high speed. Valentich then reported that the aircraft was approaching him from the east.

At 19:09 Robey asked Valentich to confirm his altitude and that he was unable to identify the aircraft. Valentich confirmed his height and began to describe the aircraft, saying that it was "long", but that it was traveling too fast for him to describe it in more detail. Valentich stopped transmitting for about 30 seconds, during which time Robey asked for an estimate of the aircraft's size.

Valentich replied that the aircraft was "orbiting" above him and that it had a shiny metal surface and a green light on it. This was followed by 28 seconds silence before Valentich reported that the aircraft had vanished.

There was a further 25-second break in communications before Valentich reported that it was now approaching from the southwest. Twenty-nine seconds later, at 19:12:09 Valentich reported that he was experiencing engine problems and was going to proceed to King Island.

There was brief silence until he said "it is hovering and it's not an aircraft".This was followed by 17 seconds of unidentified noise, described as being "metallic, scraping sounds", then all contact was lost.

A Search and Rescue alert was given at 19:12. Valentich failed to arrive at King Island by 19:33, and a sea and air search was undertaken, and two RAAF P-3 Orion aircraft searched over a seven-day period. Search efforts continued until 25 October 1978. Analysis of a fuel slick found roughly near where Valentich had last radioed proved that it was not aviation fuel, and no trace of the aircraft was found. The aircraft was equipped with four life jackets and an emergency radio beacon, and was designed to stay afloat for several minutes. Nothing was found.

A two-week long Department of Transport (DOT) investigation into Valentich's disappearance was unable to determine the cause, but that it was "presumed fatal" for Valentich. A report published on 27 April 1982, summarised the radio conversations on the evening of 21 October 1978 between Valentich and the flight controller.

During Valentich's final recorded transmission to the Melbourne Service Unit, seventeen seconds of unexplained noise, described as being "metallic, scraping sounds," were recorded by DOT ATC tapes.

Researchers Paul Norman and John W. Auchettl received a full copy of the original voice tapes from the DOT and later from the pilot’s father for analysis. Auchettl had a copy analysed in Melbourne by RMIT and another was taken to the United States by Norman for analysis by Dr. Richard F. Haines, a former researcher with NASA-Ames and Associate Professor of Psychology at San Jose State University.

Haines described the sounds as "Thirty-six separate bursts with fairly constant start and stop pulses bounding each one," and said that there were "no discernible patterns in time or frequency." The significance of the sounds, if any, has remained undetermined.

To this day authorities are at a loss to explain the events that happened on that night in 1978.

You can see for yourself the Transcript of the transmissions and judge for yourself.

Your comments appreciated.



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Flywest posted:
Not reported in the above referenced wiki article, was a book written by a colleague of Frederick Valentich, one Stan Deyo- called "The Cosmic Conspiracy". ISBN: 0 947117 33 4
First printing Nov 1978

In it Deyo claims he released (published) his book - to save his life, from the so called men in black...

He claims that He was a bright young US scientist and that he befriended Frederick Valentich - when he was recruited/seconded from the RAAF - when the two of them worked for the US government in a covert "UFO" propulsion Research Project.

Deyo moved to Australia when he and Valentich "left" the US military program - and when Valentich "disappeared"- Deyo published his book - purportedly to prevent the MIB's from being able to "disappear him" in a similar manner in order to silence him.

In his book Deyo, discloses his research on electrodynamic propulsion and Einsteins relativity error.

These days he leads some kinda religious cult & lives back in the USA

Whether he and Valentich were somehow involved in the MK Ultra (LSD) experiments are not known.

The thing is - they are both very mysterious, and some how related, yet nothing is ever mentioned about Deyo these days - and the obvious links between the two are never made public such as the wiki article.

Both Valentich and Deyo were apart of one of Hoovers teams subliminally programmed thru hypnotism - and when Hoover went to war with the CIA and Kennedy died - Valentich & Deyo were sent to Australia to lay low...

Valentich disappeared - Deyo wrote his book...

People who want to "understand" - would do well to read the book - you need to realise the uS were reverse engineering technology found in a downed UFO since 1947 at Roswell.

Both Deyo & Valentich were a aprt of that covert operation.

Looks a lot like Valentich was silenced if you ask me.

Amazing what you learn on the tinfoil lined armadillo hat channel! ;o)


Interesting post...and since I know the guy who posted it - highly believable IMHO.

I have a copy of that book - and referred to it and its contents in the "Philadelphia Experiment" thread at this same forum "Psychics/Mediums/Paranormal".

I didn't refer to the Valentich episode tho.

You can read it for yourself online here:-


Also this makes interesting reading and co-insides with what Deyo wrote above.

source: http://www.angelfire.com/oz/cv/pinegap8.html


An article was sent to the Rumor Mills news site anonymously about recent developments in Australia preparing it to be a safe haven for the global elite during a one world Government with martial law. An alien invasion may also be impending. http://rumormillnews.com/FORTRESS_AUSTRALIA.htm. It appears to be written by an Australian former govt.. insider. Here is a short summary:
In 1989 Australian emergency services began to be upgraded and military reservists encouraged and the National Safety Council was started for this (NSCA). Police, Fire and Ambulance services are now under one roof and sold to a company called 'Intergraph Inc' which is a specialized American communications company said to be closely connected to the NSA. In 1976 an American John Fredrich, backed by the CIA joined and became executive director in 1982. It expanded rapidly with an elaborate base in Gippsland, Victoria containing a private airforce and marine section. Australian intelligence were trained by the CIA. NSCA provided security back up to all the American secret bases in Australia including the new Omega bases in Victoria and Tasmania. The U.S. Airforce conducted joint training exercises with the NSCA. The association with the East Sale secure RAAF base was a close one and is often used by NASA U2 flights and other unexplained U.S. aircraft. It is also the repository of secret UFO information and Frederick Valentich attended for a special course relating to UFOs before he disappeared over Bass Strait in 1978 while reporting a close encounter with a large UFO. So concerned was Valentich about what he had seen and been told at Sale that he emotionally told his parents shortly afterwards that "should they take me I should be O.K. so don't worry, they will probably put me back." NSCA is said to be closely involved with the UFO problem and can effect retrievals on land and from the great ocean depths. Their private airline for did drug running and moving laundered money in and out of Australia. Freidrich flew in an executive jet in U.S. colours and the CIA insignia on the tail and his ex personal pilot mentioned three occasions he collected him from Pine Gap where was always waiting alone on the vacant airstrip.

You can keep researching Valentich all you like but you need to be aware what your getting yourself into....

(I research missing persons for a living - it's what I do, including common law wives and kids of agents ex-filtrated out of our country by foreign intelligence services, who's existence gets buried in the missing persons files - because its not a crime to go missing down under.)

Only the other day someone told me "don't mention the silenced helicopter/s' it makes you sound like a nutter and that's the direct purpose".

I'd have been a lot more intrigued the night I heard it (couldn't actually see it - more on that in a moment) except I do know a bit about Helicopters having ridden in many and at times for extended periods *days* at a time).

I don't like Helicopters per se, and don't actively seek out riding in them - my instincts telling me they are a highly suspect death trap and they are bloody expensive to hire on a per hour basis.

Many years ago working of Forestry I rode a Bell jet ranger at a fire once - that was scary as a first time thing.

I did love my fishing and the whole family got the chance to ride one 50 miles to an offshore island at someone else's expense for a fishing holiday, so we jumped at it of course. Later i got a job researching lobster bait on a govt research grant and hired a few choppers to deliver frozen bait to the same islands (and pizzas once, 3 months on a rock at sea, you get some crazy cravings).

Flew out n back to the islands a few more times in various choppers, Robinsons, a french Sikorski - then one day got a Job managing an offshore Island resort, and the Island resort owners an eccentric 70+ year old with his own squirrel so flew up n back (2 days each way) in his squirrel and around the islands etc while up there - I just "got to know my way round choppers" basically and not bye choice, it just worked out that way. I'd help the boss with putting the covers on his rotors - washing out the compressor for the turbine and plugging the intakes (trust me you don't want sand from the island in the compressor / turbine intakes).

So now days back in the city - I live in an area with a park behind us and lane-ways that connect the park with a major shopping center - it's a magnet for graffiti artists and petty crims who use the lane ways and people back yards to elude police after they steal from the hopping center or cars parked there because police cars can't get down the lane ways and the parks at night are good hiding places.

As a result the Police Helo is ALWAYS hovering around our back yard environs - you just get used too it - Thursday late night shopping is a common one but weekends get s a visit or two as well.

As you might imagine I;m not a stranger to choppers or the noise they make and why - in fact while I'm no pilot I'd venture a guess i could get a chopper on the ground safe enough if the pilot snafu ed in flight just from what you pick up + glide ratios over water and just working the joystick and cyclic it isn't that hard really with a little practice.

I read a book recently about "spy craft" written by a couple ex old cold war CIA spooks - and one part that interested me was their description of the program taken to silence a chopper for covert work...

Its not cheap - they said about 1 billion from memory eventually for the first prototype one the CIA did - obviously they have learned more and as they mass produce such beast the costs come down it all gets outsourced by military contracts and compartmentalized so no one knows what the final product is that they are supplying parts for...

Reason its expensive- those rotors that lift the air craft are noisy as all get out as is the tail rotor and the there's machine noise from the drive shafts and turbine engine etc.

Silencing a chopper takes a LOT of $

What they do, in essence, is remove the rotors all together (often they are a composite carbon fiber with 4 or more blades), and they replace it with a specially designed NEW rotor that has at most 3 blades.

these have to be MUCH stronger because now only 3 blades have to have more twist to get the same lift and each has to carry more load BUT also they each have to do it is such a way as to emit the LEAST air disturbance - this means much LONGER thinner rotors carrying more stress and much more expensive man made fibers like Kevlar and high modulus graphite and this is Americas Cup yacht mast type technology light & strong and mega bucks.

Also the sound frequencies are computer designed to be outside the human hearing range, and they are harmonics where one frequency (say from the tail rotor) cancels out (is a reciprocal harmonic) of say the main rotor - hence you get an immensely "quiet", helicopter at GREAT expense.

The main engine turbines are balanced and the fans tuned likewise to harmonics and or outside human hearing range.

In this way the chopper become "silent"to all intents and purposes, it isn't however an "exact science" its a level of silence that you can still "hear" in close proximity, but its like some of the new cars etc - you can barely hear the damn thing running the sound proofing is so good - but if your used to helicopter noise certain rotor variations associated with holding a hover position for example will still emit the odd muffled rotor chop nise and the overall background chopper noise is still audible.

"In theater use age" at night - these things have the Stealth bomber camouflage anti radar signature of a US B52 flying wing stealth plane, they operate without navigation lights (in contravention of air safety regulations) but instead use electronic beacons that other air craft at night can detect for use in domestic applications like police etc to allow air traffic control to monitor their air space and keep domestic traffic separation requirements.


The question then that I ask myself (when the Police helicopter is a regular visitor in my house for obvious reasons already explained) and thus would not draw even a second glance from me, is WHY the heck would any agency (Asio/CIA) want to hover a silenced helicopter over my house one night - when a poster on a forum says to me at about the same time - "be careful what you post you never know if the black helicopters might start paying you a visit"?

I go outside and sure enough - there's one hovering over my house.

Here's how good they are.

1 Its a clear sky night in a city with pretty high background light illumination back into the night sky from floodlighting all around at the car yards and supermarket car parks etc.
2. There's about a half moon but it NOT in a position where I can get a position within my yard to skylight the thing against the moon - the pilots too clever to let that happen.
3. I can see the stars quite clearly.
4. For the life of me I CANNOT see this damn chopper even tho I know it's there coz I can just hear it, along with an occasional muffled 'chop chop' from one rotor, as he maneuvers to hold a hover position over the house.
5. There's no nav lights.
6. I thought about getting out my mag light torch and shining it up into the sky to see if I could get a glimpse of this thing coz it couldn't have been more than 200 feet up - but I know chopper pilots are very sensitive about shining ground lights into their eyes during night flights, it destroys their night vision, so decided against it (being a skipper who has had to rely on night vision before today).

So - I've been out to the local light air craft air-o-drome in this city and left by chopper from there and arrived back by the bosses chopper, - you get to see all the other light air craft in their hangars (including the bosses DH28A De Haviland "Tiger Moth" bi plane & Beechcraft Barron), and chat occasionally with the owners / operators while hes putting the squirrel away into the hangar etc

I know as a result that there's no covert agency in this city with a spooked up silent chopper in a hangar there or if there is its kept under pretty tight wraps.

So - why is this silent billion $ chopper operating in restricted manner and air space over my house?

I can think of 2 possibilities.

1. I know about Valentich and the reverse engineered UFO's and Pine Gap and Harold Holt communications base and the one at Geraldton near Bernie Clunes ol place at Moonyanooka.
2. I know about Deyo's writings.
3. I know about anti gravity flight and how it is accomplished.
4. I've developed an new Unified Field Theorem
5.I've had covert operatives working to keep an eye on me for YEARS now - interfering in any business plan I try to establish because they can't afford to have me finance practical application of any of my knowledge - that would possibly give away state secrets.
6. I've spoken with ASIO to complain about the the over interference in my life, and its deleterious effects.
7. I've reported a lot of these things to my local police with who I have already established a pretty credible relationship.

Who knows - who or why the black ops chopper was there - probably sweeping the neighboring flats and houses for wireless wiretaps on my house I think - to see just which foreign intelligence agency is crating this havoc for one of their citizens I guess.

The thing is - when you go down this track - you have to expect to get unwanted attention from these pricks.

They will get psychological profiling done on all your family members - they will pay someone to seduce your wife, just to destroy you emotionally, they will plot to get your kids into trouble - even jailed if they can.

You have to realize what sort of attention your in for when you start into researching these types of mysteries.

In mos cases - dip shit gumshoe who like X files on the TV and wants to talk about scary movie crap online to likewise dip shit gumshoes on a forum doesn't matter - they are just dip shits and can be discredited in the overall scheme of things pretty easy...

Likely a couple co intel pro posts about your tin foil hat or suggesting your off your medications is enough to do the trick with MOST low intelligence forum users.

People like me who are trained professional investigators worry them a LOT more - people like me who have helped bring down a government before today, by gathering the evidence and having it raised in parliament - thus involving the fraud squad, and then testify against a sitting deputy premier of state - people like me they worry a LOT more about - because people like me are tenacious - we don't just quit when the going gets tough - it just spurs us on to redouble our efforts.

I've sent bad guys to jail before and i kinda like it!

The thing is - IF you want to get to the bottom of the Valentich saga - your not going to like where it leads you.

Deyos book (containing the info about Valentich) is written in 3 levels of encryption - and you need to familiarize yourself with the type of trade craft encryption / decryption keys used by covert ops in foreign countries.

Read about one time pads and their use etc - without it you'll never read what Deyo was Really saying - its a LOT more than just the black and white print designed to titillate the non thinking individual but obscure to anyone unless they have the trade craft training to actually decipher it in full at all 3 levels.

It is a major work when you consider that its BEFORE the computer age largely so all hand crafted encryption, of the old school cold war era type encryption.

Where is the best place to hide such information?

In plain sight of course! :wink:

The Valentich story leads to places, that if you haven't done your homework, - can lead to a world of hurt.

Read about John Fredericks the CIA spy in Australia - in his book Code name Iago.

Unless you do your back ground research before you start and know what and who you are up against?...- your likely to go somewhere with valentich that theres no comming back from.

Like seeing your 98 year old grandmother nekkid in the bathtub with her 25 year old toy boy having gratuitious sex - there is No unseeing what the eye has already seen, there is no way back if you pursue this avenue.

Its NOT a mystery thriller for a little late night entertainment - it is state secrets and the wrld of spooks and a whole lot of hurt the more you find out.

An its like an ant trap, theres no going back once your over the rim - you keep climbing up just out of reach of the ant lion in the base of the volcano crater, as it keeps trying to drag you down and consume you from the legs up and if you get tired or make a slip up - well your toast as was Valentich - Deyo on the other hand - used his book as a get out of jail free card - he dies and the decryption key gets published and the jigs up - the whole world will then know EVERYTHING.

Valentich got a burn notice and didn't make it out alive - Deyo did.

There's your answer - have you got the balls to find out the truth?

Think long and hard before you press the go button is my hard won by experience advice.


:coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2: Anyone? I remember this story; don't think ya gonna get a full explanation. I had my best buddy (disappeared since 2000) tell me he was USN on radar on a USN base in AussieLand during Vietnam War, and they had "enemy helicopters" (UFO's) "blipped" on radar "down there". Wouldn't suprise me if the "Yanks" & "Aussies" had their own "Area 51" down there, and "V" just got caught up in one of those "time/space experiment", similar to "Philly Experiment" (experiment)/Bermuda Triangle (location) "thingie". :coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2: ;D

:coffee2: :icon_thumleft: ;D "Google"... "Pine Gap, Australia". :wink: :wink:
THEN... "think"; MILITARY TRANSPORT, Navy or Air Force. MAYBE, USN Time/Space Experiments or
USAF Time/Space Experiments... PROBABLY "highly classified", BUT! SOMEBODY knows, with 2010
"physics"... DUNNO. :dontknow: :wink: :coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2: Anyone? ;D MORE
R & I; read "The Pine Gap Underground Base: Australia's UFO Connections"; Frederick Valentich is mentioned... he was CIA. :o

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