A funny thing happened at the park... the teenagers realized THEIR hobby is worse...

We're / They're "haters".... What do you mean? You come across or sound like a left wing loyalist who endorses this kind of behavior from children or expect parents to encourage it?

You and people like YOU are the problem. Not some kids enjoying life playing a video game. Politicizing everything, feeling the need to be miserable about something that you don't even understand.

What kind of behavior, specifically, do you claim I endorse? Kids playing video games and enjoying their life? Yes, guilty.

Hi jerseyben; If you have kids, I don't know, would you want them walking into dangerous situations because of a game ?? I think not. But if you would then it is your fault if something bad, God forbid, happens to your kid. That is my point. Where does your so called "HATE" come from ?? In my House We have simple basic Rules set up to PROTECT my kid. If that is wrong then I'll eat my hat.!!! :leprechaun-hat: I don't think a single word of HATE has been said this Entire Thread. We have only talked about good old fashioned Common Sense which some people lack. Apparently Common Sense has become a serious problem for a lot of people. I stand by my Actions regarding my kids disrespectful, dangerous behavior. The Evidence speaks for itself. What say ye Folks ?? I await. PEACE:RONB :leprechaun-hat:

Sorry Barker, I don't live my life in that kind of constant fear and paranoia. If you are seriously this afraid of a video game, then there is truly nothing more I can say in this conversation.

PS: Many of you need to look up the context of what the term "hater" means.

Hi jerseyben; I am NOT afraid of a game. I have said I don't blame the game. I do however worry about my kids Safety and Well Being. If you think there is something wrong with that then your right. There is Nothing more I can say. I, as her Dad, will ALWAYS worry about her Safety and Well Being. That is why I have basic Rules for her to follow and she knows not to break them. I do NOT live in total fear of a game. I am not on blood pressure meds and have a nice Life that my kid enjoys as well. If the game were the DIRECT problem It would be GONE "PERIOD". But she is still playing it and I have even helped her to reach some of her game goals. BUUUTTTT I will tell you and ANYONE else that if you hurt my kid or place her in a situation where she could get hurt. Then you "WILL" face Me. I'll track you to Pluto and back. Then I'll definitely "destroy" you. No questions asked. If you, or ANY Parent, did NOT feel the same way about their kids Safety like that then I truly Pity your kid, Not you. If this makes me a Hater then so be it. I'll still sleep very soundly at night knowing my kid is Safe. I mean that with every fiber of my Being.
If anyone can fault me on this then please speak up. I'm a reasonable Man and open to correction. I realize I'm not perfect. BUUUTTT I stand by my Statements. Hurt my kid and I will DESTROY you "COMPLETELY". Anyways, What say ye Folks ?? I await. PEACE:RONB :leprechaun-hat:

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Hi jerseyben; I am NOT afraid of a game. I have said I don't blame the game. I do however worry about my kids Safety and Well Being. If you think there is something wrong with that then your right. There is Nothing more I can say. I, as her Dad, will ALWAYS worry about her Safety and Well Being. That is why I have basic Rules for her to follow and she knows not to break them. I do NOT live in total fear of a game. I am not on blood pressure meds and have a nice Life that my kid enjoys as well. If the game were the DIRECT problem It would be GONE "PERIOD". But she is still playing it and I have even helped her to reach some of her game goals. BUUUTTTT I will tell you and ANYONE else that if you hurt my kid or place her in a situation where she could get hurt. Then you "WILL" face Me. I'll track you to Pluto and back. Then I'll definitely "destroy" you. No questions asked. If you, or ANY Parent, did NOT feel the same way about their kids Safety like that then I truly Pity your kid, Not you. If this makes me a Hater then so be it. I'll still sleep very soundly at night knowing my kid is Safe. I mean that with every fiber of my Being.
If anyone can fault me on this then please speak up. I'm a reasonable Man and open to correction. I realize I'm not perfect. BUUUTTT I stand by my Statements. Hurt my kid and I will DESTROY you "COMPLETELY". Anyways, What say ye Folks ?? I await. PEACE:RONB :leprechaun-hat:

I think we are all just wondering what this has to do with the game?? Why does the game need to be removed? I don't think anyone is questioning your parenting unless you blame it on the game which is not what is happening.

It was just on the news a driver in MD rear ended a parked police cruiser....while playing pokemon on their phone....will wonders never cease?

I think we are all just wondering what this has to do with the game?? Why does the game need to be removed? I don't think anyone is questioning your parenting unless you blame it on the game which is not what is happening.

This. Exactly.

NO ONE questioned your parenting or anything having to do with you as a father. You are making correlations that simply are not there.

I already posted on this thread but deleted it soon after because I have strong feelings towards those zombie phones so I will only say here that deaths from distracted drivers (primarily those on their phones) have increased more than deaths from drinking and driving.
Fine, nothing wrong with video games but playing them while you're driving a vehicle makes you a piece of garbage that should be heavily fined, incarcerated, and have your driving privileges taken away.
Piece of garbage too harsh? Nope, not to the people who loose a loved one because some humans are soo pathetic that they just can't be without their phone for one minute.
I remember thinking as kid when I would watch a moth fly straight into our campfire that I'm so lucky to be a human with a consciousness.
Natural selection is continuous. If a human is not bright enough to be aware of their surroundings then let them get hit by a train or bus but put that donkey behind the wheel of a car and now they're putting innocent SMART people at risk. :BangHead:

Not the first or last time a parked cruiser will be rear-ended by distracted drivers. Lipstick, radios, soda spills, stuffing the mouth with food, daydreaming, sleeping, panic, and even just plain forgetting to stop in time. According to my buddies on the force, pretty much ANYTHING that takes your attention from driving can cause accidents. LOL

Pokemon Go... is just another in a long list of things inattentive drivers do. :)

Your post made me laugh, though... how stupid that person must have felt... but hey, maybe they got to be the FIRST person to do that. Famous, right? LOL

Lol! Of all things to hit, and with the officer standing right there on the sidewalk! The driver got and said she was playing "that d___ stupid game!" I'm thinking the i phone is the brilliant one here...at lest it can shut its self off.

I won't answer my phone when i'm driving.

You and people like YOU are the problem. Not some kids enjoying life playing a video game. Politicizing everything, feeling the need to be miserable about something that you don't even understand.

What kind of behavior, specifically, do you claim I endorse? Kids playing video games and enjoying their life? Yes, guilty.

So what is the comment about a bunch of hater's about.. (#45).

C'mon guys, let's just move past that mess. Ok?

....Actually, better idea - UNSUBSCRIBE! Ciao! - Copy.gif

Better idea! Lets all go find treasure! :eek:

Hi Hunter and jerseyben; I know no one is doubting my parenting skills. I used it as an Example that I am not a HATER. I said at the beginning of this Thread that EVERY parent needs to take control over the games usage thus ensuring their kids Safety. I stated what my kid did because of this game and that she lost her phone Privileges for a few days because of HER actions. That I will destroy ANYTHING that places my kid in a dangerous situation like the one she got into. Even in the name of playing that game. I find nothing wrong with that at all. I never said the game has to be removed. I said that "IF" it became a problem that places my kid in harms way again then I would absolutely remove it forever. I find nothing wrong with what I said nor do I say anyone is lacking Parenting skills. Each persons Record will speak or itself; not me. I even said that I'm even helping her play it for now ok. PEACE:RONB :leprechaun-hat:

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Well from what I've seen and read, the game tends to put folks into the Zombie Zone. They wonder around aimlessly, staring at their phones, totally unaware of their surroundings. And often it can get them into trouble or injured. Wow I just thought of a book I could do. Okay if I could write one...

Evil genius comes up with a game to be played on phones. Uses the game to mesmerize folks with mind control. Kinda like The Manchurian Candidate.
They break into banks to steal the prizes, loot and burn businesses trying to kill the evil beast. Non players are eliminated as they are not part of the Borg.

Anywho, we had to lay down the law at work with some of our younger employees. We'd find them wandering the aisles, outside the shop wandering the grounds, ignoring customers, not doing their work, all the while staring at their phones. Now need to figure out how to stop the customers from doing the same. Nearly had one of our Zombies run over by a customer who was playing with their phone as they drove in the lot.

I wonder who will blink first, the pokemon players or the general public?

I have a feeling we ain't seen nothing yet when it comes to not paying attention and getting into trouble....maybe they should be required to wear a bubble wrap suit while playing, with flashing warning lights. At lest those that can't seem to pay attention to their surroundings.

The insursnce companies must be having fits.

Hi Dr Syn; That sounds like you have the makings of a new video game for sure. What have you been doing in your own spare time ?? :icon_scratch: :laughing7: Another for you could be "Zombie kills Zombie". :tongue3: PEACE:RONB

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