A visit from Henry Ford!


Silver Member
May 15, 2007
Southeast Missouri
Detector(s) used
E-trac, Explorer II, Xterra30, Whites Prizm IV
I haven't been able to get out and hunt much lately and last night I was feeling the itch bad!!! So I was about to call Baldingboy when my phone rings and guess who it was? Yep, BB!

Seems he had the itch too and wanted to tell me he was going. I told him I would meet him at site where they have graded down a big hill to see if we could find anything. Then I remembered to inform the Warden and of course, as usual, a work release was denied, a furlough was denied and an all out pardon was out of the question. So I did what any self-respecting detectorist would do, I dug the last two foot of my new escape tunnel and it was over the wall for this inmate!!! Don't know if I am adding time onto my sentence or qualifying for early release but either way I was going hunting!

Met up with BB who was late as usual, darn that pink TuTu!!! You should have seen the little pink and green bows he had put in his hair on this trip! Gave me a good laugh. I was thinking about wearing the camo TuTu that Roswellborn had made for me for the LBH for good luck but forgot about it when I saw BB hop out of his truck.

Well 45 wasted minutes later we both agreed that we were not at a sight we wanted to keep hunting. I mean two signals in 45 minutes and both were trash.

So I suggested an old home site that was now just an empty field and BB agreed. We jumped into the car and drove off just as the Space Aliens landed in the middle of the field we had just left. I called BB on the phone and told him to keep up with me. And we got out of there fast!

Once at the old home site things weren't really popping but at least we were getting lots of signals. Beer cans, can slaw, pull tabs, etc do count as signals. I found a 1941 wheat penny and it was almost 11 PM and I was about to quit when I got an iffy signal. Dug down about 5-6 inches and out pops this key and its little holder. I just looked at it and a little bell went off inside my head. When I woke up I was laying on my side with a huge knot on the back of my head where BB had clocked me with his Ground Shark after I dug up the key. I was having trouble thinking but I knew I had seen a key like this one on the forum somewhere.

I got home and started cleaning up the key a little and then snapped some pics and posted in the what is it area of the forum, and someone confirmed what BB said and what I had hoped to be the truth. Turns out it's a Model T/A key!!!!!! :o

Now I know that this isn't all that great a find for some of you but it is one of the coolest relics I have found in a long time and it has brought me back to my happy place with detecting again. So thanks for looking and if you ever go hunting with Baldingboy, NEVER let him get behind you with that darn Ground Shark....... ::)


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Look at that!! Good job, ME! Can you tell the number on it? Wonder if there's any way to find out what year and model it was??? You guys and your night-hunts!

Did you have to crawl back in through your escape hole? :D

Thanks for sharing!

It has a 54 on the back.

No way of knowing but both cars were manufactured from 1908-1927 so at worst it is a 81 year old key at best 100 years old! The thing I thought was so cool is that the little clip was attached to it just like in the picture. I have found keys before but never anything like that with a clip/chain attached.

As for getting back in, I don't think she knows I am gone yet. ::) ::) :wink:

Africa said:
:stop: Are you saying that you and your buddy hunt at night?Do you then use torches, must be interesting if you visit an old grave yard at the same time.

Yes BB and I hunt at night every time we hunt. You see I have a VERY unforgiving spouse who hates when I detect. So the upshot of that is that I hunt ONE night a week usually and I have to fight for that! This week was an exception because due to high stress in my life etc and wanting to do physical harm to myself I thought detecting would be a saner alternative. So I went hunting with BB last night for a couple of hours. Now I'm not so sure about the saner part of that alternative.... :tongue3: :tard: ::) Just kidding BB. Thanks for going last night.

This is a link to the new headlights BB and I bought. I HIGHLY reccomend this unit! It is AWESOME!!!!!!


We don't detect grave yards, we don't visit them after dark either.

Nope it would be more like this. ......


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Hey! I need one of those for finding my hunting stands in the winter! (the light, not the car) But that car sure is cute ... love the white wheels and the horn. I can just see that chuggin' down my driveway, can't you? :D

That is sooo kewl, ME! 8) Love that car too, and yes, Noodle, I could see that car coming down your drive back in the day. :thumbsup:

Congrats and glad ya got to go! :icon_pirat:

Nana :wink:

Ah must be the key to everybodys heart. :thumbsup: Congrats OH start wearing a helmet around BB.


Not ALWAYS but I have to be totally honest I LOVE this key!!!!! It has really brought some brightness into an otherwise dreary existance. It's ALMOST as good a a zipper pull. ::)

Very cool Buddy,
We had one parked in front of the house on the Fourth
The kids all had a blast riding around the neighborhood blowing the horn.
HAOOOGA ! All afternoon.
I think grandpa was really pleased with his "kid fix"



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Awesome!! So glad you escaped and had a good time even if you had to do it with a guy in a pink tutu!! :wink: Good to see you out again! Missed ya horribly! ~hugsnprayers~

Sooooooooooo glad you got to get to go ! Love the key thats the best!

The car pics are really great Thom, bet ya had a blast!

ME Ya need to get that side view mirror fixed on the light band so you can see BB, Spouses, Kids, Bosses, and other detectorists comming up behind you! ;D

Thats a T key. A keys were slightly more complicated than that...I think.
Notice the single pin notch on each side. Thats the most basic key for a car I've seen in a long time.

love the key ME22 and also the story ! congrats :thumbsup:

Now we all know where car 54 is 8)
Great find. Keep on keeping BB out of trouble. What's his new Lisence Plate say?

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