Ace 250

Well guys, unfortunately, I have no choice now. I will be leaving town in late March, for a tour of the eastern United States. I will be living in my car and doing a lot of metal detecting along the Atlantic coast and Northern Georgia. I plan to take showers at beach facilities, buy food with food stamps and use my metal detector finds for gas money. Hopefully, I'll get lucky cleaning up the beaches after spring break. I also intend to stop at local homeless shelters to do some charity work, as well as to get a hot meal, a shower and maybe a bed for the night. The job market for electronics manufacturing is aweful these days and is only getting worse, so this is pretty much my only option now. If any of you guys see a rather short, blond-haired guy, with a talking Garrett Master Hunter CX3, roaming the Florida beaches, it's probably me. Feel free to say hi or give me some md'ing tips. If any of you are Christians, please say a prayer for me. Jeff

Hey Wabash. I always cut my own hair and I never go to the dentist or doctor unless I'm in agony. lol Also, I should be receiving food stamps pretty soon, which will cover most of my food costs. I'm even rolling my own cigarettes now and saving about $35 a month on that. I know that I will have to cut costs and live very cheaply. I have a little bit of "seed" money, to get me started, but will eventually be counting on my MD finds for gas money, car maintenance, repairs, insurance, ice, medicine, toiletries, tobacco, coffee, etc. It's going to be rough living and sleeping in a small car and taking cold showers at the beach though. Hopefully, the sightseeing/exploration/adventure experience will make it all worthwhile. I plan to travel all the way from Florida, up the east coast to South Carolina by May, then head into the Smoky Mountains and travel up the mountain chain to Niagara Falls by late July. Then, I'll head back down south, towards the Florida Keys by December and spend the winter down there. There have been lots of shipwrecks down there too, so ya never know what I'll find along the way. The mountains of Northern Georgia supposedly have gold nugget streams too. I've done some research on wild fruits and berries that are edible too. I might be able to survive, if I'm resourceful. If not, at least I'll get to see some of America before I die. Jeff, aka Silver Striker

Hi Silver Striker, been reading this thread and noticed another option not mentioned here, but you may add to the list.
I've heard of a fellow from Vancouver B.C. Canada who detects for people who have lost items. Check out his web page at

some people detect for a small fee or donation. Once you settle in an area you can advertise on bulletins, biz cards, you could volunteer with the police, insurance agencies with lost jewelery claims etc..
I know I'm looking into this myself to make a few extra $$$.

Hope this adds content to your adventure!
As a fellow Christian, just trust the good Lord and He will help, guide & teach you what you need to know.
Enjoy the journey ;D,
praying for you,

David from G.P. Alberta

oh my hope this guy hasn't starved somewhere parked in the forest roasting his left over bones in his car

wildmandan said:
oh my hope this guy hasn't starved somewhere parked in the forest roasting his left over bones in his car

yup this probably wasnt the wisest venture. ;D

at gas prices today.........finding some change don't get you to far......but i always said if i was a bum wino........i could pay for my beer with my change finds........thats about it....
hangover detecting is a b!tch.HAHA

good luck........

About all I can say is that I love my Ace250 and have found not just coins, but gold and silver as well, and in good amounts. I do NOT Like it for a beach machine however. It simply does not like salty sand. I live on the beach in Oregon and will only speak for the beaches here, but at three notches of sens, it falses far too much.Don't even THINK about searching saltwater with it! NOW, in the parks on the hills and inland a few miles I do not think there is a better machine for the money. I have had mine since Christmas and it has paid for itself MANY times over. One just needs to get used to the few odd characteristics of the machine and know what metals sigal where on the readout.

I WILL be buying a beach/water detector sometime soon. But for the average person who just wants to have some fun and find some cool stuff the Ace does its job. I believe not long ago I posted several gold and diamond rings that should prove that case. I have a few more but am waiting to fill my camera before I go have disc made so I can post. An issue with Kodak software and two different cameras.



Well, I'm 2 1/2 months into my adventure now and am currently in Dahlonega, Georgia. I haven't found a single thing worth anything, with my metal detector. Not on the beaches or in the mountain streams. I'm running out of money and will have to get a real job, like yesterday. It's been a wild ride, but the incoveniences (sleeping in the back of my car, trying to avoid the police and security guards, taking showers wherever I can find them, trying to find free things to do at night, etc.) and the dangers (hiking and driving in the mountains, taking showers in waterfalls and in the ocean, wild animals, disease carrying insects, etc.) somewhat outweigh the sightseeing and adventure aspects of the trip. I wouldn't trade the experience, but I'm ready to return to a normal life now. I hope all of you guys who are saying "I told ya so" are pleased with themselves. lol We only live once though. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Jeff

Silver Striker said:
Well, I'm 2 1/2 months into my adventure now and am currently in Dahlonega, Georgia. I haven't found a single thing worth anything, with my metal detector. Not on the beaches or in the mountain streams. I'm running out of money and will have to get a real job, like yesterday. It's been a wild ride, but the incoveniences (sleeping in the back of my car, trying to avoid the police and security guards, taking showers wherever I can find them, trying to find free things to do at night, etc.) and the dangers (hiking and driving in the mountains, taking showers in waterfalls and in the ocean, wild animals, disease carrying insects, etc.) somewhat outweigh the sightseeing and adventure aspects of the trip. I wouldn't trade the experience, but I'm ready to return to a normal life now. I hope all of you guys who are saying "I told ya so" are pleased with themselves. lol We only live once though. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Jeff
Thanks for the update Silver Striker and welcome to the real world. I wish I was young enough to go with you.
Do not sell your detector just yet. With a little more experience, you will find something valuable, you just cannot expect to make a living doing it. We would love to hear what you did find.

I almost sold it yesterday, but decided to sell the rest of my silver bullion coins instead. I haven't found anything with it yet, except for a nickel and a penny. lol So, not only are my finds not covering my gas expenses, they're not even paying for the batteries to run the darn thing. I've found a lot more spare change and other items, just by visually scanning parking lots, fast-food bathrooms and beaches than I have found with my metal detector. Pretty sad. SS

Silver Striker said:
I haven't found anything with it yet, except for a nickel and a penny. lol So, not only are my finds not covering my gas expenses, they're not even paying for the batteries to run the darn thing.
Thats the funniest thing I have heard in a while. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
You gotta remember: It is just a hobby. You must enjoy it. Keep trying and something good will happen.
Keep this in mind. Research is VERY important. Some have relied on dumb luck but if nothing is there, you cant find it. You may be searching the wrong places. Example: I cannot go to the mall and kill a deer. I must hunt in an area that contains deer to be successful.

Dick from IA said:
The Ace has automatic ground balance, so I'm sure a detector with manual GB capabilities would be better; but I was satisfied.

DFIU (Dick from IA)

The Ace has Fixed Ground Balance

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