Advice on 2box detectors


Hero Member
Sep 16, 2013
Detector(s) used
CTX 3030
GPX 4500
Garrett Infinium LS
45 inch Coil sled mono
Primary Interest:
Cache Hunting
Hi everyone. Im wanting advice on 2box detectors. Im considering getting the garrett treasure hound but open to suggestions. Pros and cons. How do they perform? What depth range do they have. Any information is good information. Thanks in advance everyone

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You might get some info at a place carboncoils dot com

I was really thinking more along the lines of the universal coil for the Pulse Star II. It's basically just a loop of wire, actually two wires--transmit and receive.

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Thanks for that ill check them out. My 42inch mono is like that. 2 cables in the same line. It works well. I just thought the 2box design might have better depth over that one. I can always get a larger coil however

My experience with two box: Bought a used one, sent it to factory for tune up, they said it was good as new. Had a post hole digger with a heavy head on it, dug about three foot down, could not detect the digger head no matter how I set the controls. Yeah, it was somewhat mineralized ground, sure not extreme.

With 18 inch coil, pulse will detect railroad spike, or 100 copper pennys, or pop can, each buried three feet. So i could go real negative here on the two box and say an engine block maybe six feet, but i think you get the point. Somebody knows how to build you a big coil. I don't know the exacts, but it has to be the same Henry's and resistance as what you have, that's about all there is to it. You get something like the universal coil for the Pulse Star and it is two meters square. You'll have to build a frame out of wood or PVC pipe. No question about depth.

Thats a good point. The video i watched on a giy burying mailboxes at 2m and not picking it up was a bit of an eye opener. Think i might just have to look into a bigger pulse coil. Id love a pulse start or deepmax but there pretty costly

Yeah, a lot cheaper to get a coil built. What i am talking about looks like a piece of extension cord. You build a frame and tie it onto it. Somebody knows how to build one. You just have to measure the inductance and resistance of the coil you have. Probably uses litz wire. So instead of many wraps of wire, a big coil has fewer wraps, pretty much the same length of wire as the smaller diameter coil. These pulse are very simple coils.

you can find out the nuts and bolts of building coils, detectors, help and advice on all of it at geotech dot com. Lots of interesting projects and articles.

Hi everyone. Im wanting advice on 2box detectors. Im considering getting the garrett treasure hound but open to suggestions. Pros and cons. How do they perform? What depth range do they have. Any information is good information. Thanks in advance everyone

I sell both of them, I have used the Whites TM808, It seems the treasure hound is more popular but I have never used it.
a lot of digging, so I would make sure your in a good area because you can pull up anything.

I'm trying to recover a strong box filled with 8 gold bars, a significant hunk of perhaps more than 100 lbs. of metal. I believe it's only 3 feet under the surface of unconsolidated gravel and dirt.

Does any one have a suggestion. I'm thinking a 2 box might be an over kill.. or the perfect piece of equipment?

Have you considered the Garrett ATX with a 20" coil. It is a ground balancing PI machine that is waterproof has a decent level of discrimination for a PI and with the 20" coil will go down very far on large and small objects. On an aluminum can it will go down 4 feet and on larger objects much deeper!

just started my search.. I'm a geologist, so I know my way around rocks but never used a detector.
the area is shale, with high amounts of hydrolyzed ferrous stained rock.

Have you considered the Garrett ATX with a 20" coil. It is a ground balancing PI machine that is waterproof has a decent level of discrimination for a PI and with the 20" coil will go down very far on large and small objects. On an aluminum can it will go down 4 feet and on larger objects much deeper!

The trouble with this, is that such an arrangement will also likewise get small objects. Eg.: that's still sensitive enough to pick up individual coins, for instance. So for a person who is looking only for a large object, they will be forever bedevilled by trying to mentally sort out big versus little.

Whereas a 2-box will simply not see anything smaller than grapefruit or soda-can sized object. Hence making them the perfect discriminator for pesky small objects.

I made the mistake of going with a standard machine, using a big coil. And I was using the same rationale you are: That the standard machine with a 20" coil, can actually (admittedly) go super deep on can and toaster sized items. As deep as a 2-box for that matter. Hence, on the surface, it seems you have the "best of both worlds" right ? But we found ourselves forever-and-a-day digging junk around the ruins we were searching. And even when we began to try to mentally ignore any "small" items, it was a perpetual chore of trying to guess big vs. little. Because go figure: A big object that is deep, might mimic a small object that is shallow (as anyone who's dug a soda can a foot deep knows, it gives a quarter at 2" deep TID, and so forth).

Have you considered the Garrett ATX with a 20" coil. It is a ground balancing PI machine that is waterproof has a decent level of discrimination for a PI and with the 20" coil will go down very far on large and small objects. On an aluminum can it will go down 4 feet and on larger objects much deeper!
This is the way to go.:thumbsup:

Walking the coil and listening closely once you know the machine will tell you if the object is large or not. I could esily do this with all my units. Once you know the PI machine you own find an object youll learn to size it, if you dig down two feet and you find nothing and walking the coil still shows a large object, then youll know you have something massive below.

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Walking the coil and listening closely once you know the machine will tell you if the object is large or not. ....

Yes. Sure. If the objects are spaced apart. Then yes a guy can deduce large vs small, deep vs. shallow, etc.... Just based on sound. But if you're in a relicky-ruins/ghost-townsy environment (where the surface is a continuous blanket of targets), then you're screwed. Because , for example, a bunch of pulltabs, foil wads, nails, and zincs, all crowded together 1/20" apart, can mimic a big target. Since they are a seamless continuous "target", so-to-speak.

And this is the reason yesteryear machines like the old BFO's, and all-metal TR's (94b, 77b, 66TR, etc...) actually found more caches than are being found today (on a per capita basis of hobbyists out there detecting). Because BY THEIR VERY NATURE they were insensitive to small objects. Lacked ability in minerals, etc... So for example, a BFO might have only attained 3" on a coin-sized object. Yet did PERFECTLY WELL on a soda can or hubcap. Doh!

So you see: "More sensitivity" is actually counter-productive to cache hunting. At least when that added sensitivity starts to meld itself to ability to find little things. If they're all strung together in junk-yard fashion, you will spend all day and night beating your brains, and "digging a bunch just to be sure". Whereas a 2-box simply doesn't see anything smaller than a soda can.

Actually, a 2-box can be super-finely dialed in to find objects as small as a domino or silver dollar. But in my experience using them (when I ONLY pulled it out for purposes of finding large items), I PURPOSEFULLY held it high enough that I WOULDN'T have the ability to find anything smaller than a soda can.

Really enjoyed Toms comments on the Two box issues, he's dead on. I've used the TM808 and have never had any issues with it. I found a plow at 5' a stove 6' or so, (which I thought was a safe >:( ) and a piece of iron 1'x1'x1' at about 4'. I carried the MD just like Tom did.

When you get a hit on a large target with the TM808 buried at that depth the machine is buzing/humming for about 5' in every direction. It's pretty exciting. Anyway, hope you found something.

Seeking Fisher Gemini III 2-Box please suggest.

....On a different note.... Ground penetrating radar units can be had ,used in old school to new , hi-tech compact stuff.
Yes , quite expensive but if the potential return is grand....... Have a look !

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