Almost strangles the bank manager yesterday......


Bronze Member
Dec 26, 2007
The Dirty Shire
Detector(s) used
Whites DFX, and Whites IDX Pro
hey guys
wanted to vent about the beoch of a manager i had to deal with yesterday. In my area I have these banks that have the counters. Almost all the branches have sold me the bags except for this one. Anyways i figured it was time to russel some feathers so today i asked to speak to the bank manager about the bags. Out woddles this 4-10 250+ whale of a women, and before i can say a word she snaps " you cant have the canvas bags they are property of the bank". I replied i do not want the bags, but rather full coin bags, she says oo and replies that she can not sell me the bags because there service provider will not allow it. Know full well this is bs i call her bluff and explain that i buy bags from other branches all the time. She proceeds to him and haul and give me the run around, so i ask for the distric mangers # so i could inquire further. She tells me she does not have his number, again i call her out and say " you dont have your own banks distric mangers number" she says she will go get the number and she walks away. Now im in the lobby waiting, and waiting and waiting, finally out she comes. Know while she was in the office i heard her saying things like " this is ridiculous", i dont want to get involved" "you should call the other banks". She comes out and tells me that she spoke with him and he will be calling her right back. I explained that there was no reason for her to call, all i wanted was his number so i could speak with him myself. She ignores me and goes on to ask me why i want the coin. Know im pisses so i explain that it has no bearing what i want the coin for. Again she asked, what do you go through it and collect it, all rude and snotty. Again i reply alittle more stern, it has no bearing why i want the coin. Again she pushes " if you want it i need to know what you want it for". Finally seeing she would not woddel away from me until she got an answer i said with a straight face, " I dump them all in my bathtube and roll around in them". She gets all huffy puffy and walks back to the office.
She come sout 2 min later and says i spoke with him and he says the other banks shouldnt be selling them either so he will be calling them. I say thank you very much, however im still going to need his number. She gives me his number and says," you can call but he's going to stand up and vouch for this" i said ok and walked out before i strangled her.

I proceeded to call him, at first his sec. says he's not there. I said excuse me the bank manger here just spoke to him 2 min ago, she then changed her story to o he's her just not available. I said ok just put me through to his voicemail. I left a message stated i wanted to speak with him about this issue. Waited all day no response.
I called again today, now im pissed. I ask again for him, again she patches me through, this time no one comes back, i just get his voicemail. I now state that its ridiculous that no one has called me back and that if i didnt not hear from him by the end of the day, i would go over is head and take it up with the regional manager.
Guess what, and hr later i get a call. The gentleman apologizes and states that he was at a different branch and did not get my voice mails, (obviously BS) anyways he proceeds to apologize for the way she talked to me and said he will talk with the other banks about possibly letting me still buy the bags.
Sorry for the long story, just thought id vent

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Joanner said:
Sounds like you went in with an attitude. You knew from previous experience they didn't want to sell you any coin.

As far as cherry picking in the bags, I doubt that happens. The bags should be sealed.

I am very nice each week I pick up my coin, asking the vault teller "is it still okay to order more coin; no problems?" Last week he asked me what I do with all the halves since I never bring them back. I told him I have a hobby of collecting old coins. One of these times, I will bring him in a sealed old half dollar to show him.

I hope for your sake the other branches aren't told to stop selling, but, if they do stop, it is entirely your fault.

hey, def had no attitude going in, i just dont like people pushing there weight around in banks, B/c u and i know the trueth of it, if i had 200k plus in that bank account the would have given me anything i wanted. Thats why i hate bank employees, the more money you have in there bank, the more they will kiss your ass. All customers should be treated fairly.

jim4silver said:
Sounds like an interesting gamble. To get one more bank to give you bags you risk losing all the ones you already have. I am curious to see how it ends.

I have some banks that give me bags from the machine, but other branches of the same bank refuse. I have asked the banks that refuse every so often hoping there is a different vault teller in charge, but they always say no.

I have never said to them "Sally down at the main street branch lets me get the bags, etc" for fear that they will stop Sally from giving me the machine bags.

For me personally, I would not risk losing several golden geese to get one more. If the banks decide CRHers are more trouble than they are worth they could put a huge stop to the hobby real fast via fees for buying and/or dumping anytime they want, or stop the practice of selling machine bags.


really wasnt a gamble- the banks i told her sold to me stoped recently. So they could call those branches all they want. The only thing i may have hurt myself with, is that one branch does sell me the half bag, but only like once every 4 months + silver totals havent been that great out of the bag.
The 2 branches that do sell me any bags whenever i wont were never mentioned to either of them. Plus i mainly do boxes, so if i cant by the bags from the few banks anymore il just make them all dump banks.
I was just more or less pissed at the fact that this whale of a women was talkig down to me because im a 25 yr old kid wearing a hat and an eco hoody. Im sure if i was a 45 yr old man wearing a suit with 200k+ in an account i wouldnt have been talked to like that. Banks treat people differently bepending on how much cash you have in there vault.
that just aint right

You said it was time to ruffle some feathers. You went in looking for a fight. Bet it really is embarrassing to be bested by a whale. :hello2:

Do you have an account at that bank? Just so you are better informed, having a large amount of $$$ doesn't mean they will get you the coin; I speak from personal experience.

Also, it might be time to invest in some spelling/grammar lessons. :read2:

Hey Joanner, Now it would appear you have come looking for a fight. This thread does not have to go in that direction.

Golden silver

Why does it matter if the lady was fat or not? Maybe there are some overweight posters on here who take offense at all the "whale" characterizations, etc.

Even if she was a smokin' hottie, with the attitude of her's as described by Ugotit she would still be a

Seems in our country overweight people and Christians are the last two groups that can be made fun of or denigrated in some way without anyone really thinking twice. Not that I am for censorship or political correctness at all, but try saying things about people with certain other physical conditions, or of certain races or other religions and you will generally catch hell. (Sorry for the political commentary but I believe this to be true).


He was just stating facts. I don't care if the manager was a stick thin geek with black horn-rimmed glasses with bottle glass lenses! I thought his story was interesting.

thrillathahunt said:
He was just stating facts. I don't care if the manager was a stick thin geek with black horn-rimmed glasses with bottle glass lenses! I thought his story was interesting.

I thought the story was interesting as well.


Liked the story also but I guess the whale part does take a poke at a particular physical trait that really doesn't have a bearing on the outcome. I've had skinny cute female tellers be just as bad but oddly I never have had a male teller seem to care or even appear to be collecting the silver.


Joanner said:
You said it was time to ruffle some feathers. You went in looking for a fight. Bet it really is embarrassing to be bested by a whale. :hello2:

Do you have an account at that bank? Just so you are better informed, having a large amount of $$$ doesn't mean they will get you the coin; I speak from personal experience.

Also, it might be time to invest in some spelling/grammar lessons. :read2:

not even worth my time to respond
fellow CRH already told you what was up
enjoy a nice :coffee2: on me
if your not a complete idiot you can figure that one out

golden silver said:
Hey Joanner, Now it would appear you have come looking for a fight. This thread does not have to go in that direction.

Golden silver

thank you g&s

thrillathahunt said:
He was just stating facts. I don't care if the manager was a stick thin geek with black horn-rimmed glasses with bottle glass lenses! I thought his story was interesting.

thank you and i was only stating she was a whale of a women

You sound like you have an attitude. Let's face it, we are in a war with some of the tellers we meet that we can never win. What we can do is drown them in politeness and in doing so we have let the frustration go. Think of it this way, she is stuck in that job at that bank, while we have a world of banks at our fingertips. The only thing that limits us is the time we put into it and the risk we are willing to take. We have the cleanest silver mine in the world, and we probably live in the only country where you can do what we do and have a chance at a great find.

50centman said:
You sound like you have an attitude. Let's face it, we are in a war with some of the tellers we meet that we can never win. What we can do is drown them in politeness and in doing so we have let the frustration go. Think of it this way, she is stuck in that job at that bank, while we have a world of banks at our fingertips. The only thing that limits us is the time we put into it and the risk we are willing to take. We have the cleanest silver mine in the world, and we probably live in the only country where you can do what we do and have a chance at a great find.

well said,
although i didnt have an attitude. Just dont like rude people

ugotit22 said:
jim4silver said:
Sounds like an interesting gamble. To get one more bank to give you bags you risk losing all the ones you already have. I am curious to see how it ends.

I have some banks that give me bags from the machine, but other branches of the same bank refuse. I have asked the banks that refuse every so often hoping there is a different vault teller in charge, but they always say no.

I have never said to them "Sally down at the main street branch lets me get the bags, etc" for fear that they will stop Sally from giving me the machine bags.

For me personally, I would not risk losing several golden geese to get one more. If the banks decide CRHers are more trouble than they are worth they could put a huge stop to the hobby real fast via fees for buying and/or dumping anytime they want, or stop the practice of selling machine bags.


really wasnt a gamble- the banks i told her sold to me stoped recently. So they could call those branches all they want. The only thing i may have hurt myself with, is that one branch does sell me the half bag, but only like once every 4 months + silver totals havent been that great out of the bag.
The 2 branches that do sell me any bags whenever i wont were never mentioned to either of them. Plus i mainly do boxes, so if i cant by the bags from the few banks anymore il just make them all dump banks.
I was just more or less pissed at the fact that this whale of a women was talkig down to me because im a 25 yr old kid wearing a hat and an eco hoody. Im sure if i was a 45 yr old man wearing a suit with 200k+ in an account i wouldnt have been talked to like that. Banks treat people differently bepending on how much cash you have in there vault.
that just aint right

From my experience, it isn't true on how banks treat you. Some are just arrogant and need to understand the pecking order. And from my position, they aren't on top. I have close to the 200k in savings, and have still been talked down to. Unfortunately, for those that choose this fight quickly find themselves out of a job or demoted. I have a few district managers that I keep their numbers around. Last bank manager pushed the issue, I dumped heavily on him to push him to his limit. He retaliated and wanted to push his weight around (literally). No problem. The guy is no longer the bank manager. He is no longer at that branch. He has been reassigned in a customer service roll. He barely has a cube farm desk. I'm sure to smile and thank him each week as I tote my 8K in halves past his desk. I think next week, I'll ask him to help carry them to my car.

I always appreciate when writers are descriptive in their stories because it helps me to not only identify with the story teller, it helps me really picture the whale-like teller.

I also enjoy the descriptive stories. Makes it easier to relate to the whale-like nasty tellers I deal with.

most times i choose to let the crap go. other times i'm in no mood for puny minded people with a little bit of power throwing thier weight around like they are someone important. if i feel i'm being talked down to and i know i'm right i'm gonna have something to say regardless of the consequences. these people forget they are in CUSTOMER SERVICE. thier business relys on customers. what ever happened to "the customer is always right"?
i believe most of these people with the attitudes really deep down hate thier job, and anything that varies from the norm or takes a little bit of work sets them off and they try to throw thier weight around. all to avoid a little inconvenience. i'm glad Kieth challenged her, all she had to do was give him a good reason why he couldn't buy the bags there when every other branch of the same bank do it. when she couldn't give him a real reason or the truth (she silver picks, or its just too much hassle) then i think he had every right to challenge her.
Im sure if i was a 45 yr old man wearing a suit with 200k+ in an account i wouldnt have been talked to like that
here i have to disagree though Kieth, i'm 48 and have a decent amount of money in my accounts. i have been turned down in a suit and i have been turned down in my hoodie. i even had them still turn me down after i threatened to close all my accounts. some people are stubborn and refuse to give in even if it means they lose your business.

however other times thier supervisor has sided with me and the a-hole teller or manager is put in thier place. i love it when that happens. ;D

A generalization about the manager...

Hopefully I'm not overstepping the political correctness of the manager by calling her 'big boned,' (thanks Southpark!), but occasionally people become 'big boned' due to laziness. This hobby takes anything but laziness to find what you're looking for, thus I doubt she was cherrypicking.

I also enjoyed the comment about rolling around in a bathtub of coin!! H-I-L-A-R-I-O-U-S

ugotit22 said:
a manager i had to deal with yesterday.....Out woddles this 4-10 250+ whale of a women
If you ever go back to that bank ask her if she ever worked at a Wells Fargo in SoCA. She fits the description to a tee of the vault manager that refused to accept my half dollar deposit. Maybe she has a BIG sister. :laughing7:

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