Ancient Aztec/Myan, Spanish, and KGC trail.

Your photo also has a very nice profile of a Roman soldier, complete with helmet that has a metal strap coming down along the jaw line and around the chin. It' at the top, center of the mount. There's another one at the bottom on the right side, by that bush, that looks like a helmeted head, but maybe not Roman.

Over on the left edge of the photo, a little below the center,is a free standing rock that could cause some serious injury if it has a trigger mechanism.

View attachment 1012685
SS those sentry's are guardians, of what I can only guess. This spot has the sentry as I call it facing different directions and different sizes, I have my guesses on that too. You have marked some good areas, one for sure has a marked entrance, and one has a hidden entrance. The third is guarded by death traps and I haven't figured a way into it yet. This is almost vertical and most likely a king trail. There is evidence of scaffolding and a pulley system. There is plenty of small sigh to keep you busy, sir shafts, fake rock, and rattle snakes and bee's.

Casca thank's for posting that awesome pic! One of these's day I would love for you to show me your neck of the woods. Alright guy's here is a pic I have studied and I just can't seem to wrap my head around what this is trying to telling me? I would love to hear your thought on what you guy's my think this is trying to tell you. 2014-04-12 17.40.06.jpg

Man, the ancients in your area had a "thing" for gorillas, didn't they??

This is a pedistal with a 3 dimensional carving of a gorilla's head on top. The gorilla is facing to the right and his head is tilted so he's gazing up and to the right. I outlined his ear, eye, and mouth to make it easier to see.

The red oval on the lower left is around some large, whitish letters that look like "A", "1", and "F" or "T" to bottom.

At the top of the pedestal part, I circled some small, black figures in is a black deer running toward the right. The yellow circle is around what LOOKS like a bear's head, facing down and quartering to the left.

Those 2 faces in the background are circled in yellow, each. I put a large, red dot on the end of the broad nose of the left face and one on the bottom, thick lip of the right face, to make them easier for you to focus on.

2014-04-12 17.40.06.jpg

Thank you very much Shortstack for that great information! It seems that the ancients in my area did have a thing with Gorillas. I just wonder what the Gorillas meaning is and what culture may have worshiped the Gorilla? The only thing I could really see in this picture is the shadow figure of a flying bird toward the bottom of the picture flying to the left. I couldn't make out what the indention ( the shadow figure) in the square rock was trying to show me or tell me.

Casca thank's for posting that awesome pic! One of these's day I would love for you to show me your neck of the woods. Alright guy's here is a pic I have studied and I just can't seem to wrap my head around what this is trying to telling me? I would love to hear your thought on what you guy's my think this is trying to tell you. View attachment 1013114
OTH these types of boulders seem to be placed there by glaciers. This is on a trail as you can see the hardened ground next to the marker. It has to be a marker stone, a pointer. The nose is too sharp for a turtle. The head is waist high so you have a ways to go. The base of this marker may hole a clue, and I see no confirmation mark right off to confirm its a marker at all. But this does seem odd and out of place.

witchesface.JPG This was a pleasant surprise. If you havent noticed I dont show the small sign I find. This large witches face is looking at something but I cant figure it out.

packmule.JPGThe pack mule laying down. Could I be at the end of the trail? The monument at a different angle shows a heart, owl, and contains a hoyo. There is a area that nulls out my detector and a 5 foot circle below in light colored rocks. Again another riddle.

Does the witch have a round boulder as her left eye? Looks like a fat guy is trying to roll it away.

In the second photo, what is on the pack mule's backtrail? Is that a pyramid rock on the upper right area?

Hi Guys. First I would like to thank every one for your thoughts on theses Monuments. You guys have got me seeing some things that I have overlooked. And as you know it is not so much what is easy to see, but what is overlooked is usually what matters.

I left this pic of this monument at the end of my last post. I was hoping some of you guys would have some thoughts on it. This monument is just in front of the turtle and to its left. The Pointer is pointing to the monument that I am having trouble Identifying.
Treasure cave 125.JPG

Here is that monument from a different angle. OTH thinks it is a snake or dragon but I am still struggleing with it.
Treasure cave 130.JPG
Well any ways after climbing the ridge behind this monument, I could hardly catch my breath. As I stood there about to hyperventilate I looked back on this monument and snapped this picture. From this view I think it may be a jaguar that is about to pounce or attack. But I am still struggling with the proper ID.
Treasure cave 150.JPG

I took in the view from up high. Then we started looking around to see what else we might find. One of the first things we up high was this chair. It is set up kinda like some could sit here and watch over the work that was going on. The problem was that with all the trees the leaves and blooms were budding and blooming. We just couldn't see much.
Treasure cave 167.JPG

Some very nice posting Pinwheel. This Monument is just awesome along with all the other ones at this site and they are telling a story of some sort? I think it was Casca that posted early in this thread that he was seeing a story of some sort being played out in these's Monuments and I would have to agree with him.

The chair.JPG
Here is a Picture of OTH sitting in the chair looking over the site from about 80feet above. There are some symbols on this chair that you can't find in those treasure symbol books. Hey Shortstack you got any ideals on them? Anyways as we moved around the side of the ridge we saw this little guy.
Treasure cave 175.JPG
Some folks may call this a Spaniard. I think it is a devil. You guys who know geology will know more about this. But this guy is made of rose quarts. When it comes to geology i don't even have a working knowledge but I think that rose quarts is inportant. Any ways we continued on this trail and and came to this place.
Treasure cave 177.JPG
Here you can see the depression in this bank. As OTH checked out this depression it was composed of an aggregate. Different kinds of rock busted up into gravel. There was a spoil pile near by composed of the same material. The pile was so large that it diverted the mountain stream. This mine was covered but not much effort was made to conceal it. One of the interesting things is we looked upstream and saw another monument.
Treasure cave 180.JPG

Treasure cave 182.JPG
This one points out the Pozo.
More to come


Great stuff Pinwheel,thanks for posting the photos. And great work on the needle eye with L.C. Baker.If you guys get a chance,check out Treasure Legends, KGC needle eye by L.C. Baker. it might help you with your sites.great job Pinwheel,how you nailed that is amazing to me.great stuff.

Does the witch have a round boulder as her left eye? Looks like a fat guy is trying to roll it away.

In the second photo, what is on the pack mule's backtrail? Is that a pyramid rock on the upper right area?

SS, the pack mule at this angle has a large load. There is also a visible death trap as you get close, a heavy boulder balanced on a pebble. I just recovered some data from some crashed hard drives will try to get close ups.

At this angle which is from the same direction as the main cluster of markers you have seen a lot. The triangle or pyramid as SS calls it denotes a trail. There is some some small rock foundations up top of the hill in the direction the mules head is pointing. A hoyo points down the trail below and to the triangle rock in the photo. As you get closer you have at least 6 well defined signs to verify this is legit. I could take pictures all day here, it would be better if you walked it, takes a few hours to do. I have a bad back and was able to accomplish it in a half dozen trips. One in decent shape could do it all here in a few hours. Im going to have to invest in some new equipment to search for disturbed earth or voids.

Pin wheel your last set of markers have some definition and I see some basic shapes also. One rock that you called a jaguar looked well work, as if used for a long time bu many people. The trees and leaves and moss are for sure covering up some marks. I like to focus on a few well know signs than trying to take it all in. Your camera work is impressive, you have figured out how to work the light and where to stand. The size and elevation of your signs say something. Also I would suggest trying to find confirmation marks or signs to validate your find. I am not sure the ancients used such things as the spanish did. I use the word spanish very loosely as I am talking about several groups of people who came in the kings name or the pope. As the Kensington stones were buried under a large tree root, you may look for upturned trees there also. I really suggest adding trees and plants to your study as trees have been used for centurys. Let me post a jaguar for you I have found. Yours does look a pouncing cat. panther.jpg

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