Any ideas on what to do (legally) with 60 really good looking fake Morgans?


Sr. Member
Mar 9, 2014
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All Treasure Hunting
So if any of you have followed my recent thread you know i got taken to the cleaners for some very good fake Morgans dollars, including some key dates. I was already givin the idea by another member who asked to purchase a couple for educational purposes, and see this as a option to recoup my loses.

Does anyone else have any ideas? I dont want just pass the buck to someone else, and if they go to something like a display at LCS or something as a reference, then it keeps these off the streets. id like to return them for my money back, probably wont happen. i could destroy them, and eat over 1K ( i have 2 babies, thats not a option)

These coins do weigh correctly but are a tiny bit wider on the rim then a normal morgan, and non magnetic.. all i tested was weight and to see if it was magnetic.. i didnt really notice they size of them rim until i stacked it on my other morgan.. and the ping is alittle off.

So if anyone knows of someone whos looking to build a counterfeit Morgan dollar collections, let me know lol, but if you have any ideas it would really
help (I dont want to sell my AG!!)

Thanks everyone,


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If you sell them at all even as copies or even give them away and someone deceives another with them the trail will lead back to you. I'd turn them in to the secret service as evidence of a very serious crime. You never know, they might find the guy and you may recoup some of your loss.

It would be illegal for you to sell them to someone else, even if you tell them up front they are fake. It is illegal for you to possess them, unless you stamp "Fake" or "copy" on them. Your best bet is to contact Secret Service just like above poster said. It's too bad that this happened to you, but (I am assuming you here that you are knowledgeable about Morgans - if not, ignore what I am about to say) it was your own greed that got you into this situation. If someone offered me $1000+ valued coins for $19 (assuming I knew the '89 CCs were worth that much), I would either figure they have to be fake or stolen OR my own moral compass would force me to offer more money for them so I wouldn't be ripping him off (which I wouldn't do unless I was 100% sure they weren't fake).

I had no idea what valuable dates were in the mix... it wasnt til after i left when i looked up the key dates, so i will ignore what you said

Turn them to the Secret Service. Find out firts if they are illegal to own. Call the US mint.

If it sounds to good probably it is not real. It can happen to anybody here. We all CRHunters are greedy or we would not be in this business.

I thought i was just getting a mix of morgans for a lil bit over spot... after i had them and found 4 1889. Cc i realized what was going on.. they weigh up and are non magnetic.. i. did not see it coming

I'm sorry this happened to you but don't call anyone, throw them away and take the loss as lesson learned. It happens to a lot of us. Calling the authorities will only open a can of worms

Starkizzle....I've been a long time collector of Morgan dollars. Seems to me you tried to do some DD but it didn't work out. I for one would love to buy one of your fakes just to compare with my collection and learn a little. Maybe others would be interested. Might help you get some of your funds back? I really don't think the "FEDS" are going to bother with this...PM me I want one or two.
So if any of you have followed my recent thread you know i got taken to the cleaners for some very good fake Morgans dollars, including some key dates. I was already givin the idea by another member who asked to purchase a couple for educational purposes, and see this as a option to recoup my loses.

Does anyone else have any ideas? I dont want just pass the buck to someone else, and if they go to something like a display at LCS or something as a reference, then it keeps these off the streets. id like to return them for my money back, probably wont happen. i could destroy them, and eat over 1K ( i have 2 babies, thats not a option)

These coins do weigh correctly but are a tiny bit wider on the rim then a normal morgan, and non magnetic.. all i tested was weight and to see if it was magnetic.. i didnt really notice they size of them rim until i stacked it on my other morgan.. and the ping is alittle off.

So if anyone knows of someone whos looking to build a counterfeit Morgan dollar collections, let me know lol, but if you have any ideas it would really
help (I dont want to sell my AG!!)

Thanks everyone,


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Starkizzle....I've been a long time collector of Morgan dollars. Seems to me you tried to do some DD but it didn't work out. I for one would love to buy one of your fakes just to compare with my collection and learn a little. Maybe others would be interested. Might help you get some of your funds back? I really don't think the "FEDS" are going to bother with this...PM me I want one or two.

I disagree. I think they take currency counterfeiting very seriously. I would be shocked if they didn't. Who's to say this counterfeiter isn't making fake paper money also, or millions of modern quarters.

In the above article take a look at the massive box of indian penny's, and large cents.

It makes me never want to buy a coin again.

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I should be talking to police today, il post what they say

You need to make a police report - and for the record, these copies look like hell!

Looking at all of them together i now know is a big flag, but i think them individually are really good.

You can possess them as long as you represent them as fake. You can buy them at times a coin shows... people collect them... they just have to be sold as fakes...

Thanks masterjedi.. may the force be with you


Before you sell any of these, you should be certain that is legal to do so. You are getting conflicting information here on the topic. Personally, I'm under the impression that a replica must be marked as such to be legally sold, but I really don't know the law. Ultimately, it may not be an issue, as the authorities could well seize them if you report the incident.

Also, I must say, I see a fair amount of victim blaming going on here, which is uncalled for. You may have had a lapse in judgment, but the blame should fall squarely on the fraudster!

Just my opinion.


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Thanks, i don't take it to personaly, by most of the comments i can tell they haven't read the whole story, i also was not looking for pity, and anything of topic off my original question is uncalled for, i was just hoping that with the amount of knowledge of the folks here, maybe i had some options.
I know i need to deal with the police first but i preferred the responses that wernt so negitive, yes, they may want them to be turned right over, but maybe not, thanks everyone who's tryed to help

Call a current coin dealer they will know the current rules. I was a coin dealer for 20 years and as I said you could buy and sell them as long as you told the person they were copies. I
One call and you will know...

Legally there is very little you can do. Do you have a bill of sale? Do you have a witness that you purchased those exact coins from this individual and do you have knowledge that they knew they were fakes. It is sadly just time to admit you were taken either intentionally or unintentionally and remember. Buyer beware!

You now have the proverbial hot potato on your hands! Since you know they are fake that makes selling them a problem. You would have to live with those issues if you sold them as silver. Probably not worth the worries given the actual small amount of money you are really talking about. I kinda like the idea of turning them into belt buckles or some other artistic way to creatively to at least recoup some money. The paper weight idea is cool. I have an acrylic block filled with old coins that I use a paper weight. The coins are never gonna be removed from the acrylic and all you would need is a square mold. Could be fun! Toss in a wheat penny and maybe an old buffalo nickel and whatever other cull coins you've around. Once you got a system in place try other things in the mold like sea glass or maybe old skeleton keys. Make it interesting and have fun with it and move on.


If the weight is ok and they have key dates more than likely silver test it and you may recoup most or all of your fund Are they silver?

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