Any of you TH with physical limitations?


Sr. Member
Jul 21, 2007
Not trying to "pry" with a personal question, but I have bad knees, back, neck, and shoulder injuries as well. I'm currently "shifting gears" between outdoors sports because I'm no longer able to participate in my last one, I was a fur trapper.

I know I can MD at my own pace, just didn't know if any of you face a similar problem.


I have asthma and when I'm outdoors I pretty much get reactions, if I walk a lot my asthma acts up a, I'm like you,I go at my own pace and try not to be out in really hot weather or when pollen is bad.....but I usually pop 2 allegra and go anyway ;D metal detecting is hobby heroin :o

I've been stuck in the house for the past several weeks & am about to go nuts. I've spent a fair amount of time on this site in the past couple weeks, and have to admit I've got the itch to get out there pretty bad, lol especially looking at some of the finds the members have (re)discovered. I'll admit to have been really shocked t some of their finds.

I've decided to get an Ace 250 once I sell-off some of my other stuff, in the meanwhile I have no problem borrrowing one of dads MDs. I could see this as a great past-time an something I'd really enjoy doing. lol, I can always pack a lunch, a lawnchair & the Arthritis Strength Tylenol.....


Lets see Epilepsy,Diabetes,High Cholesterol,High Blood Pressure,Nerve damage in the left foot,and the Warden (wife) nope iam good to go :D AA

Well, I broke my foot about a month ago, (5th metatarsel), and will probably be in an aircast until at least sometime in Sept., but I can hoble around pretty good, and still go hunting anyways...Hunting the ranch this weekend....

I've had 6 back operations in the past 5 years, 2 disc fusions plus i have a fusion in my neck from awhile ago. I'm out of work on disability pretty much for the rest of my life. I'm on vicodin for pain which helps ALOT! I got and ACE250 for one reason because it's so light and easy to carry, my doctor told me I have to get excercise and do something...if I just lay around all the time and get lazy I'll probably get arthritis in my back so I try to keep moving and do something everyday. Does it kill me sometimes when I'm out detecting...YES! Do I let it stop me...NO! Actually most of the time it doesn't bother me TOO bad when I'm actually out detecting, it's the next day when I try to get out of bed in the morning that I really feel it...

Mornings are the worst!!! I hobble along till everything starts to loosen up.. You should also stretch before detecting.. I injured my left knee and shoulder.. It took 4 years of therapy and 6 surgeries to get out of the wheelchair.. Surgeons said if I don't keep moving I'll lose what I have gained.. Yes, I spend a lot of time wishing I could go out detecting, but I enjoy every minute of it when I can.. I does give me time for the forums and research when the pain is to much to go out and play... Sometimes I use crutches to go swing for a few minutes in the yard.. :D

I know a gold prospector in Northern California that is in a wheelchair. He has friends that wheel him out to the stream so he can gold pan.

He has a special shovel so he can dig. Then he classifies the rock in a bucket and pans the screened material.

He knows a lot about gold and does pretty good. It just goes to show , where there is a will there is a way.

It inspires me every time I see him.

Where do I start? :D I have had two open heart surgeries. Numerous angioplasties and stents. Artificial Implanted Cardiac Device. Diabetes. LOW blood pressure. Kidney problems. Retinopathy. Apnea. Dandruff. Recently diagnosed with problems in 4 vertebrae.
Visual acuity problems. Halitosis. Need I go on?
I am "housebound" any time the heat gets above 90 degrees. But when the weather cooperates I'm out there slowly swinging a coil. I don't find much and I look silly, but it gets me out of the house and 'talking' to my friends on TNet keeps me going.
BTW, I know several buddies on here who are worse off than I am. We may have physical disabilities but that doesn't mean we can't enjoy this great hobby.

grizzly bare

Thanks everyone for the replies. lol, gives me alittle bit of hope. Are there any techniques specific to say back/neck/shoulder pain, and carpal & cubital tunnal that make digging alittle less painful?

Thanks in advance

I stopped metal detecting due to a back injury for awhile, 2 years."could not sit with out pain." tried everything.

Started metal detecting again in about six months the pain disappeared completely.

True story. :D

Wrist brace-swingy thingy might help help.

Thanks again for the replies. I know living with chronic pain isn't fun. I have some days better than others, but none are pain-free. At one time or another I've worn a brace on just about every limb, but they quickly becoome uncomfortable for me.

I have however come-up with what I hope to be a solution. I'm going to place an ad on the personals for a retired divorced model who's stinking rich & likes to dig holes. Oh, might as well add-in cooking & cleaning :P


I have terminal emphysema, so I've been told by the doctors. They said I had to quit smoking after 40 years of the habit. They gave me medications, said I needed to be on oxygen, and didn't have long to go. Well, I quit smoking, quit taking their meds (I think they made it worse), and started going out detecting every day for exercise. Now I breath better than I have in years, and don't get out of breath every time I turn around. And it's getting better every day. Maybe it's just me, but I don't trust or believe in doctors, and I have to be on the verge of death before I see one.

Man, I feel ultra blessed after reading these. I'm gonna have to put you folks on my prayer list. Feel better--ALL of you!

Bearbqd is right.

all that is wrong with me is a total skelatal joint dterioration.
But I still climb the canyons and chase the Spanish signs.

Only one hand works anymore , but it only makes me frustrated. Not handicapped

The aches are my friends, they tell me I'm still alive.

What I'm trying to really say is
I'll quit when they throw dirt in my face.

Old Dog

:o WOW I had no idea I wasn't alone . I have arthritis in both my hips and take pain killers everyday. Then this feb i got a new symptom in my hip area. flash ahead to today and I have even the Mayo clinic stumped! :P They only know I have major nerve damage for my motor nerves. It affects my hands and my legs from the knees down. I cant walk now, mostly stuck in a chair. I just started pt.
I am really glad I found this post it opens a whole new light for me!!!!!! Doc leads me to believe I should get better but it will be along time !!!!! ugggggg ::) One of the hardest things is to see all the cool things on here and not be able to go find any. ;)

I have however come-up with what I hope to be a solution. I'm going to place an ad on the personals for a retired divorced model who's stinking rich & likes to dig holes. Oh, might as well add-in cooking & cleaning :P


Tried that, still trying that, hasn't worked yet. For some reason can't get passed the intro's.

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