Any of you TH with physical limitations?

Oh yeah, 2 stents, heart function less than half of most peoples. Fused vertibrae in my neck, no energy to speak of, but what I have, I spend swinging a Whites or my wifes Ace250. I cant get out every day and some days are shorter than others. I got a swingy thingy to lighten the load, and it helps a lot! Quit smoking 90 days or so ago and that helped with the breathing.

I would rather be swingin than dyin...


I have a bullet in my left ankle courtesy of a drunken guest on an outfitting ranch I worked at in Colorado.
The bullet was not removed and causes a lot of problems especially on days like today when I walk several miles and am up and down detecting.
I also have severe tinitus (ringing in the ears) which you would think would inhibit detecting ability but the tone on my detector is different from the tinitus tone and I can seperate them, particularly when using headphones.
It doesn't seem to hamper detecting ability.
I also can not see two feet in front of my face but I can read a road sign a mile away.
If I forget my glasses when I go detecting (which is common) I can't read dates on the coins till I get them home.
I can still tell a wheatie from a memorial and an indian head but the dates are too hard for me to read.

IndianaSmith said:
Not trying to "pry" with a personal question, but I have bad knees, back, neck, and shoulder injuries as well. I'm currently "shifting gears" between outdoors sports because I'm no longer able to participate in my last one, I was a fur trapper.

I know I can MD at my own pace, just didn't know if any of you face a similar problem.


Well i invested alot of money in detectors, I have a spinal injury and it has disabled me for life, So i mostly detect the beach sand, And use a scoop.

I currently stay in Alabama and the ground is hard to dig, so that has slowed me down, I take strong pain meds Oxycontin and it takes the pain from a 9 to a 6 and after detecting im laid up at least 3 day's before i detect again

I want to use my Minelab 2200 and hunt for gold, If you can get out of bed and dress your self you can metal detect,You may have to Practice different methods as i did to see what my body would allow,Once your able to control your pain, You may have to hip mount your detector,

Or chest mount it,An also get a straight shaft to lighten the load when swinging,Invest in lights that mount on your head and waist and around your neck so that you can light up different areas at night,Detecting in the daytime will increase your pain level,At night when it is cooler and a breeze is blowing fills alot better.

Make sure your in a safe location, or you have a friend with you, I purchased a waterproof thin pouch from dicks sporting that keeps my cell phone dry, And i fill great having it with me. Also dont carry alot of digging tools and pouches, I purchased a waterproof pouch from kellyco. and it is light and has three compartments

Thanks everyone for the replies. Looks like there's alot of folks here who suffer from some pretty chronic pain. I'm 6'2" & 225 lbs, used to work-out regularly, so I used to be in pretty good shape & live a pretty healthy pain-free life. Now it's the opposite. I know it isn't easy when your life does a sudden 180* turn.


mrs bomber says i'm a pain in the as$ most of the time ;D

bomber said:
mrs bomber says i'm a pain in the as$ most of the time ;D


I've been told that once......or seventy-five times as well, just can't recall by which wife :D


5 back surgeries and still not fixed right. At least right now I am not in pain all of the time.

Try a bowlers brace for your digging hand, it keeps it firm and may ease some of the stress... :)

Wow...where to start...
I have paralysis in my right leg, reconstructed hip and pelvis, (both a result of a head-on MVA with a dump truck), three fused vertibrea in my lower back, hypertension, liver problems, high cholesterol, surgery on my left elbow to relocate nerves, numbness in my left hand, degenerative joint disease (deteriorating joints in my back, hip and shoulders), osteoauthritis, severe pain in both shoulders and hips as a result if the joint disease/authritis, need right shoulder replacement, right hip replacement....and to top it off, I am ugly to boot ;D...

All this and I am only 37 years old.
I have a tough time getting out of bed after any physical activites the previous day but I don't let it stop me yet although I know someday it will.
Until that time, I take it one day at a time...and alot of pain meds...

I have Meniere's Disease, I broke 3 vertebrae in my back, have 5 others that are herniated, 3 in an area they cannot, or will not operate on until I am totally unbendable, I get shingles on a regular basis, post-herpetic neuralgia (the pain never goes away from the shingles), have a knee that works when it feels like it and doesn't warn me when it doesn't want to (2 surgeries on that), high cholesterol, had a stroke in 2004, have osteo-arthritis, mitral valve prolapse, fibromyalgia, have broken my nose twice, my collarbone, 4 ribs, 1 finger and 2 toes, and take more medications than I care to.

HI Beth, so what "is" your problem????? You have Roy and me, what more would any red blooded gal want?

Don Jose de La Mancha

Thanks RT for making me feel better :o AA

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