Ark of the Covenant may be hidden in Africa, biblical scholars believe


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Mar 3, 2013
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Primary Interest:

By Jon Rogers | The Sun

Bible scholars believe the legendary Ark of the Covenant may have landed in Africa after it was taken out of Israel.

The Ark is said to be a gold-covered wooden chest containing two stone tablets on which the Ten Commandments -- which Moses brought down from Mount Sinai -- are written.

It is also said to contain other biblical items such as Aaron’s rod, which is thought to have magical powers.

Since it vanished there have been several theories as to where the Ark is now, including Mount Nebo in Israel, southern Africa, Ethiopia, Egypt and even several locations in Europe.

While the idea that the Ark was taken to Ethiopia is not new, there has been renewed interest after evidence was unearthed by the Bible Archaeology, Search & Exploration Institute (BASE).

Christian monks in the African country have long-claimed the Ark is being kept under guard at the Church of Our Lady Mary of Zion in Axum.

In a blog post on the organization’s website it said: "As unusual as this may sound, the BASE team has uncovered compelling evidence that the Ark may well have been spirited up the Nile River to an eventual resting place in the remote highlands of ancient Kush–modern-day Ethiopia.”

According to their research the Ark was taken out of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem during the reign of Manasseh where it was first taken to a Jewish colony on Elephantine Island in Egypt.

After that it is thought it was taken down the Nile to Lake Tana in Ethiopia and in particular Tana Kirkos Island, which is considered to be a holy island only populated by Christian monks.

From there the Ark was then moved to Axum, or Aksum, a city in the north of the country.

The BASE institute claims to have spoken to a man at the church who was “The Guardian of the Ark of the Covenant” and who spent his life inside a fenced-off area surrounding the church and claimed he would not leave the compound until he died and a new guardian took over the role.

The man claimed he was the only person who could look on the Ark because it was a holy object and he and the villagers would protect it with their lives, if necessary.

When an investigator from the Smithsonian approached the guardian in 2007, he was told: "I'm the guardian of the Ark, I have no other name."

While the BASE institute did not claim the Ark had been found it did say: “At this juncture, we cannot say with certainty that it is, but neither can we say for certain that it isn’t. What we have concluded is that St. Mary’s of Zion church in Axum, Ethiopia, is the resting place either of an incredible replica of the biblical Ark of the Covenant, or of the actual Ark of the Covenant itself.”

Josh Gates went there with Expedition Unknown in 2017 (season 3, episode 12).

No real news. They won't let anyone in so it can't be verified, and even "an" ark is not proof of The Ark - unless your face melts when you open it.

The Associated Press did a story on the Ark as claimed to be there in 2002.

Not likely IMO, I don’t think that the Israelies would leave it guarded by one nearly blind man, they would surely retrieve it if it were the true Ark.

besides, Manasseh died over 100 years before Nebuchadezar sacked the first temple, so there would have been no reason to hide the Ark away in Ethiopia at that time.

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It is not in Africa. Read Revelation 11:19. The ark's Owner has it in temporary storage.

Not likely IMO, I don’t think that the Israelies would leave it guarded by one nearly blind man, they would surely retrieve it if it were the true Ark.

besides, Manasseh died over 100 years before Nebuchadezar sacked the first temple, so there would have been no reason to hide the Ark away in Ethiopia at that time.

They can not stand the facts. The Ark of the Covenant of God is in the United States of America, the land of Providence. This country was planned long before the explorers even knew it existed. This is the land of the free and the home of the brave because God planned it that way.

The Ark is probably just as real as the Golden Fleece of Greek mythology.

Not likely IMO, I don’t think that the Israelies would leave it guarded by one nearly blind man, they would surely retrieve it if it were the true Ark.

besides, Manasseh died over 100 years before Nebuchadezar sacked the first temple, so there would have been no reason to hide the Ark away in Ethiopia at that time.

So true. Just maybe according to scripture, Jeremiah took the "Ark of the Covenant of God" and hid in a cave near Petra? Read 2 Maccabees. The one in Axum is a replica Solomon had made.

A little story relating to the topic in hand.

So Strange, I joined this forum while looking at anouther treshure.
but clicked on this because it is somthing close to my heart.

I may sound a little whacky for posting this but I will anyway because it is somthing i still cannot forget.

When I was young I had a dream, and it was a dream that I have found has folowed me since that day, still as vivd.

I Flew as a bird, above the mountains made like pillars, Over chirches burred in the ground, they had a cross on them, In red. and then I climbed a tree that was burning but going out like charcoal.
I went through a cloud and was inside a small cabin with an old man, He proseded to touch a book, with a spoon. And so, I was transported to the foot of the chirch where a man spoke to me in thought and nothing more, He held a staff in the air with a circular end, and anouther man came to me and held out a black box, I was to take care of this box It was very special verry secret.

I researched these chirches for some years, Finding ethiopia, liabella. where I nearly threw up once I saw the photos.
The chirches matched my dream when i was a small boy. carved out of rock. inside the ground with even the doors In the same location.
I can Imagen that this may sound "nutty" and perhaps Is. But It is a true story, to me at least.

If I was one to belive in these types of things, I would look there. In laibella ethiopia.

I hope you enjoyed my story, it is true and verry close to my heart. weather it is just a dream, remains to be seen. But the most powerful dream I have ever had, and to me A true treshure To be seen.


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It is not in Africa, I believe it is in the vicinity of Jerusalem being left where it is hidden until it's time to be revealed. It is hidden where you would least expect it to be.

They can not stand the facts. The Ark of the Covenant of God is in the United States of America, the land of Providence. This country was planned long before the explorers even knew it existed. This is the land of the free and the home of the brave because God planned it that way.
There is no evidence to support this statement.

There is no evidence to support this statement.

Whadda ya mean ??
It's right there on the back of the $ 3 bill......

Lost Arc bill.jpg

Cleverly hidden in those trees behind the Masonic welcome sign.


A rather smokey point in the service, the blessing of the children, due to the incense burners swung by two of the priests officiating.
The red enclosure represents the "Holy of Holies" sanctuary within Soloman's Temple......
and contains a gauze shrouded replica of the Ark, which the Priests in attendance circle a number of times during the service. Each circuit is accompanied by a ring from the bell. I was actually surprised at how good the bell sounded, having made it from scraps of 1/2 inch CHT100 steel plate. Dadesi, the priest who I made it for got pretty emotional when he first heard it at work a few days before the celebration. As per his request, I also had to inscribe my name on the inside of the bell. I'm not sure why.And the personal blessing I received from the Bishop at the end of the service was certainly unique to me.

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AN episode of "Timeline" that's worth a viewing....

The Ark is not Lost and it is not or ever was in Ethiopia. It is in USA

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