So far I have no problems with arthritis but I've heard of a few other natural
ways to ease it. I have no personal proof & I am going on a couple of old timers
experiences. I used to spend a good bit of time deep in the mountains of West Virginia at a friends parents home. My friends Dad would go out & pick wild ginseng root, scrape it clean & stuff it down in a bottle of whiskey & let it soak for a month or so. He always kept one working in the cupboard. The mother said if it wasn't for a shot or two she took every day, she would be unable to get out of bed. Ginseng surely doesn't taste good , but she swore by it. Maybe it was like Granny's rheumatiz medicine. The other was from an old guy who swore by
good Olive Oil, he would drink a little a few times a day & also rub it on the affected joints. He also said it works. Natural healing plants & foraging is my
number 1 interest & I get numerous books each year & have been studying this longer than I have been MD'ing. I surely believe there are remedies out there for most of our ailments, without drugs & their side effects. Some quality, theraputic
grade essential oils may also give relief.

My neighbor told me about this and I was thinking it was fallacious. Being since I have trouble with arthritis some times I gave it a try as she directed. I have to say it works. :D I don't know it it is all in my head or joints, but so long as the pain isn't there I am happy. Course the gin disappeared before the raisins.

I looked on Google for information about this, and sure enough it came up. Must admit to being abit surprised. It read, that it was claimed to be a natural help for arthritis, the ratio was 9 raisins per day. ( wonder why just 9) I have abit of a problem tho, you all seem to be talking about golden raisins. Would that be what we call "Sultanas" here in the UK. I searched the supermarket for golden raisins and couldnt see any. The only thing that was golden are what we call "sultanas". As they are derived from grapes the same as raisins are, I presumed it was those. Can anyone help with this information please.

regards Unicorn

Treasure Tales......Thank you very much for that information.........No I am not in Scotland, although my Hubby is a Scot. For his sins he is married to an English Woman ;D

regards Unicorn

First off, I am going to try this for sure....someone mentioned Gordons gin, has juniper berries in it...that is the one I shall use..why? I have a recipe I made for a arthritis rub, that I have stored somewheres here, anyways, in my rub that I researched, it had in it...soaked crushed juniper this makes sense to me big time..also in my rub there was also birch tree oil....any tree oil is considered a topical anesthestic... interesting big time...and off to find that rub receipe too.

thank you for sharing this.


Visited the doctor (with my wife for her neck injury) who prescribed the Celebrex. I told him I QUIT it and am doing the golden raisin soaked in gin thing. He smiled but I could see he wasn't pleased. I told him I feel GREAT now...and I do. His comment was "whatever works" as he rushed off (since I wasn't paying for a visit).

I just bought my third box of the raisins and am soaking another batch. I put about a cupful of raisins in a cereal bowl and just cover with the gin and put a screen over it. usually within 5 or so days the raisins have soaked in the gin and the remainder (I guess) evaporates off. My instruction was to take 9 raisins a day and I do that at breakfast.

I quit the Celebrex and had pain right away but I was still mostly functional. I would recommend for anyone wishing to try this: Use the raisins but KEEP your meds. Then after a month or so perhaps try a slight reduction of the meds. I don't think conventional doctors would agree with this so be careful and don't rush quitting your meds.


Well, Joe, I, too, figured I might as well give it a shot. I'm into my 1st week..but still taking the meds for my knee bursitis. Funny thing I know why I never liked'm a scotch drinker, not a gin drinker....LOL

l figure I'll give it a try. Can't hurt. Helped my dad & mom, so maybe it will help me. ;)


I read this thread last week, and decided to try it. I searched and found several boards with multiple threads and replies on this and all praised it as working for them.

Anyone know how long they should soak?

I got the Golden Rasins and the Gin on Monday of this week. I am soaking them now, only problem I have is the Gin (It is the Dry Gin) evaporates quickly. No I am not drinking it. ;D I have had to refill the bowl twice as the Gin was down to about a forth of the bowl. I decided to cover another bowl and put them in the fridge for a week then uncover them and let it evaporate.

I have no pain yet, but I do have knuckles in my right hand (i'm right handed) that are stiff every morning and I have to work the stiffness out. I thought it was my metal detecting so I stop for about 3 weeks and it made no difference...

I am also a Scotch drinker, Chevis. I was told by a doctor a long time ago that if I was going to drink, to drick Scotch. I aquired a taste for Scotch when I was in the Airforce station in Okinawa during Viet Nam war. My commander that I worked for was also from Florida and told me "I will buy all your drinks when your out with me, but I drink Scotch and I will only buy Chevis Scotch." It did not take long for me to aquire the taste.... ;D

He was a full bird, and I was only an Airman, pay scale was not even close, it allowed me to save my money for other vices. ;) ;D

Hey, TH, the way that my parents did it was to pour in some gin so that it covers the raisins..and then the raisins absorb the gin...inflating the raisins. Not sure if this is how everybody else perceives the remedy, but this is how my parents did it.


Thanks for the reply. That is what I did too, but it seems to evaporate half way with in a day or so, I refill it each time. Gin wasn't that expensive and if it works it is worth it to me.=

i have known about this remedy for years. and told whomever i thought it could help...i have never, never had anyone tell me that it was not helpful...steve

I can see us all now running and making that soup..... interesting sites and thank you Borninok



Alright...I can see this now....we are all using the "remedy" and we go on a MD hunt. "Okay, who's got the gin & raisins? (hic)?" And as each of try to figure out why nobody is walking a straight line, it becomes abundantly clear........IT WORKS! HA/HA :D

;D ;D

:D :D

::) ::)



I just found this thread and glad i did, yes i'm getting older and all my joints seem to hurt at times. My shoulder sometimes my back other times , knees and elbows and wrist and get worse in the cold months so i'm thinking i'll try this and I hope it works ;) anyway thanks to everyone for sharing this old remedy ;D

I have had the raisins soaking since Sunday! I am looking forward to getting started on the regimen. I will post updates as I go. I am 50 and am not on any prescription meds. I don't drink "per se" ( once in a great while I will have a beer or two), and I don't smoke.

I do, however, have plenty of pain in the various joints. I figure that I should be a pretty good subject for this remedy, as there is not much in the way of masking effects, other than the fact that I started taking a multi vitamin about a month ago.

I had to laugh when I went into the liqour store last week, not knowing what I was looking for. I told the guy I needed some gin for a home remedy. He asked if I was doing the "raisins and gin thing". I was surprised to hear this and then he handed me a photocopied sheet of info and testimonials on the subject, that happened to be sitting right on top of the gin.

Good luck to all those who are giving it a try! Let us know if it is helping you.

Heres a folk remedy that also works real well ;two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and one tablespoon of honey mixed in a glass of water or a cup of tea twice a day .Results usually in 5 or 6 days if it going to work for you. The raisins soaked in gin works well for some and some it does not . I have never had a problem with alcohol but for someone that is in a recovery program it could cause a problem. My 88 year old mother does the vinegar / honey deal every day and it keeps her arthritis at bay .

UPDATE: January 22, 2008

It's been over a month since I originally posted this FolkCure and I do have further progress.

As of today my pain has completely disappeared for at rest and normal walking. Getting up from a sitting position still gives me a small pain in the knees but very much reduced to an acceptable level. Mobility of the knee is very dramatically improved. I notice this in the shower as I pull my foot up to wash my soles.

I plan to restart my old routine of walking daily for 2 to 3 miles. Currently I do walking and bending of about 1/1/2 to 2 hours daily for my metal detecting "fix".

I take NO other medication with the exception of a "baby" aspirin of 80 mg. I stopped taking Celebrex prior to trying this FolkCure.

Best of Luck to All...I will be very anxious to mear reports (even if negative) from other users. Joe

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