Asking for coin at banks you dont hold a account with?

Just ask, Don't mention account. If they ask just say you don't an account and move on. I have 2 banks that order for me and they don't care if I have an account or not.

When asked, I never lie. In response, I usually say "Not yet", and I smile when I say it.

Most banks will say yes to your request. I got shot down last week at a bank that always has filled my coin request.

The bottom line is that getting shot down is going to happen. When it does happen, just be friendly, and easy going.

A couple of tips:

1. I always have my cash out...for whatever reason, letting them see $100 bills, laid out on the counter, makes a difference.
2. I always say "Do you have $300 in dimes to spare? If not, that is okay, I'll be happy to take whatever you can spare. I don't want to put you in a jam."
3. I always try to be confident, fun and relaxed, and of course, always extremely polite.
4. I always say "thank you" about 14 times during the conversation.

I'm sorta new myself but one bank I went to had 3 boxes of halves in the vault but said I needed an account to get them and that she could order more for me in the future if needed. All i needed to do was a $10 deposit and a minimum balance of .01 cent at all times with no montly fee or anything, I think if you can find a good bank like that just open an account and start workin up a friendly relationship

I just walk in like I own the place. If they have a name tag on I will say "Hey Kim how you doing today?" like I've known them for years. Stay away from the old hags, always go for the younger ones. I would say I get asked about an account maybe one out of ten times.

Also if you ask for coin and they say "how much?" don't say $2,000 worth or some crazy amount. That's a real quik way to get asked if you have an account. Always tell them "what ever you can spare".

kevinbomb123 said:
I was wondering does anyone have a tactic for trying to get boxes of coin from banks you dont have a account with. I tried a few today but both asked if i was a account holder. :'(

I've asked at a variety of banks so far, (though still very VERY new) most require an account it seems. the place I got my first (and so far only :( ) box of halves, I don't have an account, and they didn't even ask. I didn't even have to *order* a box. I just went in and got it, no fee or anything even.

probably going to GET an account, both because thats kinda awesome, and to help make sure it stays that way. this bank in particular seems to really butter up its customers. where the bank I have an actual account with... well not so much.

clovis97 said:
When asked, I never lie. In response, I usually say "Not yet", and I smile when I say it.

Most banks will say yes to your request. I got shot down last week at a bank that always has filled my coin request.

The bottom line is that getting shot down is going to happen. When it does happen, just be friendly, and easy going.

A couple of tips:

1. I always have my cash out...for whatever reason, letting them see $100 bills, laid out on the counter, makes a difference.
2. I always say "Do you have $300 in dimes to spare? If not, that is okay, I'll be happy to take whatever you can spare. I don't want to put you in a jam."
3. I always try to be confident, fun and relaxed, and of course, always extremely polite.
4. I always say "thank you" about 14 times during the conversation.

Very good advice here.

I usually don't get asked, but I think the advice to have some cash showing helps to disperse the question. I think that in a couple of cases they were about to ask me -- not to verify this to do any business with me, but just to find out how I was planning on covering the "purchase" -- but then they realized I had the cash out so that made it clearer.

Only rarely have they asked because of only wanting to deal with me if I have an account. In a couple of cases, I'm ready with a custom answer, in the case where I have a credit card with them and where they currently (or formerly; I can't keep track anymore!) service my mortgage! I was at a B of America yesterday where the teller said she was only supposed to do transactions with account holders, but since I have a mortage with them, she'd make an exception. (Of course, that varies from branch to branch - most branches have never asked me.)

So hold tight, be confident, and don't get too discouraged if they turn you away completely for not having an account. That's only happened maybe once or twice in all the months I've been playing this game.

most banks are relationship based, it helps to have an account.

If you roll smart and exchange for cash there is no downside to having an account, there is no paper trail....just pick up a few accounts no big deal!

In my personal experience the quickest way to get the "do you have account flags up" is to ask for more than $200-300 worth of coin. Most banks (if the tellers are nice, and they have the stock) don't really hesitate to sell 200 in dimes and whatever loose halves they've got.

A great suggestion on having the money out, I will start using that myself.

clovis97 said:
When asked, I never lie. In response, I usually say "Not yet", and I smile when I say it.

Most banks will say yes to your request. I got shot down last week at a bank that always has filled my coin request.

The bottom line is that getting shot down is going to happen. When it does happen, just be friendly, and easy going.

A couple of tips:

1. I always have my cash out...for whatever reason, letting them see $100 bills, laid out on the counter, makes a difference.
2. I always say "Do you have $300 in dimes to spare? If not, that is okay, I'll be happy to take whatever you can spare. I don't want to put you in a jam."
3. I always try to be confident, fun and relaxed, and of course, always extremely polite.
4. I always say "thank you" about 14 times during the conversation.

Extremely well stated. The part about not lying is especially important...sometimes it's just not meant to happen but (as stated above) MOST banks will still help you out anyways.

When I asked for coins at about 30 different banks in the last 2 weeks, I would say 80% didn't ask me if I had an account or not.

The definition of account is broader than you might think.

I have been able to buy and order coins from Chase without having a savings or checking account, just a Chase Visa card. I have not tried to dump coins with them as they want the coins rolled.
I dump at a bank with a coin counter in the lobby (no fees with a $100 savings account).

Good info. I'm looking to start dumping and picking up coins at more banks. And I really don't have the funds to go open an account just to have one with a bank. They shouldn't even care if you need anything. They are there to provide a service so serve the people. What really irked me once is I needed to break some bills down. And they ask if you have an account. Why? I'm not a counterfeiter and if you have any question then take out your pen and check my bills.

I'm a little timid about asking for lots of coins from banks I do not have an account at but I have done it. What ticks me off is one local bank in town did a vehicle loan for me. I pay them religiously every month and when I walk in with $100 and ask for a box of nickels, I get the run around about having an account. I sais I pay you guys every month and here's my loan account number but they were still butts about it so i just move on. I could refinance my loan at another bank and then pi$$ on this bank but why go through the trouble.

many banks these days are trying to save their on hand crw wrap "halves" and such for their account holders who ask for them to search and only want to "order" for existing account holders (ie- paying customers)--its a perk of being "their" customer

when asked if I "have" a account -- i do not lie --I say I normally do my bussiness with my hometown branch banks* not them, which is why they do not know me and that I have bussiness deaings with all the local banks ( by bussiness dealings I mean I buy halves from everyone that has any * but I do not say that part of it ) - ( PS I do have accounts in a couple differant banks -- exactly which ones I do not say*)

I dont have a BANK account with Wells Fargo, but I have my mortgage with them - and I have gotten coins there once or twice. IMO me having several hundred k's worth of business there should allow me the same privileges as someone with a checking account! That said, I actually plan to open an account there with my next spare $500 so I can have another supply bank and NOT get questioned about it. :thumbsup:

In my opinion it isn't just checking and savings accounts, mortgages and credit card accounts count too. They make plenty on the interest from my mortgage (but not my credit cards since I pay my balance in full each month), so the least they can do is satisfy any reasonable coin needs I have.

up to about 20 bank accounts to solve that to remember which is due for inactivity......

corey237 said:
Stay away from the old hags, always go for the younger ones.

This is very good advice as a general rule.

Of all the times that I've been told flat out "NO", it has been and old hag, or a young gal with an old hag standing behind her who is being a coin Nazi.

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