Astral Projection... you ever try it?

After reading Sky-Warrior's #70 post, I wonder if perhaps our Guardian Angels "work" on the Astral Plane level. He mentions the good spirits there that go about their business and try to ignore "newbies". What's their business? Guardian Angel-stuff? And NO I am not trying to bring religion into this discussion. Enough people have met these special spirits that there's no doubt in my mind that they exist. So, do they "work" from the astral plane; that's my question.
I'm going to have a try at finding the 2 books SW mentioned.

:coffee2: :icon_thumleft: ;D Yo, Ss! NOT gonna use the "R" word, OR... the "B" word; :D :wink:
"Google" DICTIONARY ON ANGELS... you MAY find info, you want. The various "jobs"/duties/work of angels/spirits is mentioned in VARIOUS cultures/faiths of the world, and so there is enough similarity
and "understanding", even tho words/names are different; TO EACH, IT IS GIVEN... ACCORDING TO
UNDERSTANDING. Based on MY NDE, ONLY family members who have "passed over" and trans-
formed become "guardian angels"; MY older sister, Evelyn, is mine... met with her in Nov. '92, and we chatted... she told me that I died after birth, and she "kicked my "soul" back into the physical body; that seem to be congruence with my grandma's statement, that she held me... (on way to 3 months in hospital... MY older sister had "died" from the same birth complications 3 years previously); my baby body "JUMPED", and I was alive. NOW! That makes TWO times, I had "died" since birth; as a child growing up...
I had various "psychic experiences", "seeing & hearing" beyond the "normal" (even tho, I was 1/2 deaf
in the PHYSICAL world), healing dogs & cats (even today, wifie calls me "Dr. Dolittle"... calling me "Noah", when animals are "drawn" to me... shoulda heard them at the STATE FAIR, this week
;D...); even today, showing NO fear... when "lights" & "shadows" play across the room... it is just a "normal" day/night for me. :hello2: ANYWAY... BACK on "topic"... NOT "work" as defined by "us" here... it is effortless. "THERE" we are ALL, "out & about"... a sofar/horn blows "somewhere, in the distance"; EVERYONE stops... and start "praising"; it is automatic, mouths are open, lips are NOT moving, yet songs of praise in various "languages" (I guess) comes forth. Then, we "go back" to "as we were"... :hello2:

I have had many out of body trips -- when younger it occured when I slept --I did not wish it to occur it just did -- I felt as if I was flying and seeing things as I flew * things that I had never seen before ( many years later upon visiting japan --I had "deja vu" it was some of what I had seen years before while flying -- it was a very uniqe feeling that over came me at that time when it occured to me.) -- my grandmother (fathers side) was highly gifted in a paranormal way --she creeped some folks out by telling them things that she should have had no way of knowning -- she was also a root medicence woman and healer ( cherokee indain ) -- I know there is much much out there than what modern science can properly explain at this time.

:icon_thumleft: Ivan, sounds like yer grandma's "gift" was passed "down to ya"; have NO fear, and learn what ya can. It is a DNA/gene kinda thing; being of "the blood" (Native American... aka "In-
dian") DOES help. I am 1/4 Monacan Nation, and 1/18 Powhatan Nation; Pocahontas was my granny, and her father, Powhatan, was my grandpa; WARRIOR SPIRIT! :D :hello2: :coffee2: :icon_thumleft:

all 4 of my grandmothers--grand folks were "gifted" - both sides both parents -- she was massively gifted --it seems to skip a generation in my family * if you got it --then your kids will not but your grandkids will, --odd that way -- my grandmother was pure blood cherokee -- so I'm only 1/4 blood but being she was so powerful --I think a good bit came thru genes wize to me -- which accounts for a lot of weird stuff thats occured in my life --my mom and dad were teriffied at my grandmothers "gifts" and never allowed her to teach me about my "gift" --I learned a little on the sly from her but my folks refused to allow her to teach me about it in a meaningful way --she told me that I was "gifted" and to not be afraid of it and to never use it in a bad way.

thankfully my loving wife has seen my "gift" in action -- first hand and knows without a doubt that its not sort of game or hocus pokus , that its indeed legit -- me having "abilities" scares her a bit at times but she loves and understands me fully. as a general rule --I do not speak of this to others unless they "know" having been thru it themselves or expressed a understanding nature first , for fear of being mocked or thought of a "weird or a freak of nature" or --even worse being thought of as a nut job --time to medicate em.

:icon_thumleft: Ivan, you are BLESSED to have such an "accepting" wife (loving & trusting); MY wife is getting better; was terrified at first... LOL. Yes, it does "skip" generations, my dad's ma had it; HE did not. SO! When I started the "weird stuff"... neither he nor my older brother could accept it. HA!
My ma's ma had it... ma had SOME of it, BUT! Dad "oppressed it" when they were a'courting... ah well! ANYWAY, they ALL saw "me" in a locked-in-state COMA of 2 1/2 months; hospital doctors
"doomed" me to "vegatative state" in a nursing home... BUT! NOW, I am a walking/talking "miracle"...
"fighting" my way back to INDEPENDENCE, no longer in a wheel-chair, eating food, when I want w/o
wifie having to cook it. Do ALL my activities of daily living UN-assisted. MORE later... :wink:

the body can mentally "lock down" to "physically" repair its self --or if the trama is too great to deal with mentally "shut down" to spare its self the "pain" as it dies. -- sort of like going into "shock" is for phyiscal injuries --in the old days folks would often die from long term comas (dehydate / starve) --thankfully due to todays modern liquid food type iv's folks bodys can sometimes slowly heal and recover from what otherwize would be "fatal wounds".

like it seems yours did. -- often during that prolonged "shut down" state people be come very self aware.

I found those books Sky-Warrior mentioned on last night. There's alot more along those lines, too.

I have several others on order; one of which came in today. I ordered it on the 28th of Sept and it was in my hands , 01 Oct. The Book of Enoch is the one arriving today. The Book of Jubilees; Uriel's Machine; and The Book of Jasher will be coming in soon. A lot of reading ahead dealing with "the rest of the story" in the first 5 books of the Bible---historical information. Uriel's Machine is supposed to deal with how many of the old structures, Stonehenge and pyramids, etc. were REALLY built.

But, now I'll have to order the AP books, too. Wellllllll, I believe in and fully support continuing education. ;D

:coffee2: :icon_thumleft: ;D As do I, Ss; "continuing education" is a MUST! The "puter" does have good "up-dates"; I have ALL the books you ordered, and they ARE good! Let's "chat" as you read 'em,
and OTHER ppl MAY be interested enough "to join in" (in a POSITIVE manner!). :icon_thumleft:
:wink: :coffee2: :icon_thumleft: ;D

jeff of pa said:
Yes But not sure If real Or Dreams.

all I know is it's a shock when you snap
back in to Life & it Makes ya Jerk real hard.

Like Having a rubber Band between You & your astral Body.

I dont know if I experienced that, but when Im asleep (and sometimes daydreaming) I'll be in the "dream", wherever that may be, and its very realistic, then all of a sudden, my entire body jerks, hard. Then im awake, or more lucid if i was daydreaming.

Not sure that this was astral projection or anything, just my experiences.

:icon_thumleft: PROBABLY was OBE (Out of Body Experience... aka AP, Astral Projection); the
"SNAP BACK" was the result of the ASTRAL CORD connected to the "Spirit Body"... "snapping it back" to the physical body. TRUTHFULLY, it is REALLY "CONSCIOUSNESS" (aka MIND), that is "snapped back". Out of Body Experience is DIFFERENT from Astral Projection, in that OBE is involved in BOTH.
ASTRAL PROJECTION is simply WILLFUL (will power) "projection" of CONSCIOUSNESS. :hello2:

I was an avid fan of Carlos Castenada back in the early seventies. In his books he spoke a bunch about shift changing and such. Examples of men turning into crows or wolves and traveling great distances and then turning themselves back into men. It was fascinating and I imagined many times as a jogger in those years doing the same thing. When I would come back to my senses I would realize that I had indeed jogged much faster and had covered more distance than I normally did. I don't know if that was astral projection but, it was pretty cool.

A famous man once said something like, "If one could leave his body and stand one foot behind it, he would see the world much clearer". I don't know but, it kinda makes sense in the respect that a person whom is not involved with the cause and is just an observer can see the problems more clearly than those that are the cause. Kinda like a marriage counselor helping a married couple with their problems. You know what I mean, jelly bean!


I have had some experiences like this too, and the last one I induced. I am still a noob at it, but it seems to come very natural to me. I have never been scared, nor have I ever had any issues with AP. The last time I did, I just wanted to see how far and fast I could go. I do know, where I ended up, was no place on earth, I made thru the brown haze, out of my home and into the sky, I remember fixing my gaze on a star and just going towards that. I never made it to the star but once i stopped, It was about the size of our sun. The experience is very surreal, and it did take alot out of me, but I think it will be worth trying again. Just the thought of being able to explore places where humans might never be able to set foot on is absolutley amazing.

Erin :)

I have always been very interested in AP/RV. While I have never done either one, as a hypnotist I have help others to achieve the remote viewing. It seems to come very easy for them while in the trance state. What few times confirmation of the accuracy during the viewing was possible the clients were very accurate.
During age/pastlife regression I always give the client a protective shield and the option of taking a guardian along with them in order to keep the bad spirits at bay. Just my thoughts on this interesting topic. I think it would be great to have a client who was connected to the gold rush in a previous life and guide them back to a treasure they knew of at that time. Great thread and happy hunting however you do it.

:coffee2: :icon_thumleft: ;D YEAH! "Simple", sounds like yer "brown haze" is my "The Ambers"; it DOES seem like a "transition dimension" or something. "HERE" & "THERE"... WOW! :wink: :coffee2:

This is going to be a little strange for me. First off I'm not some whacked out freak, I don't dance around robed at the sight of the moon, no drugs ( well not since my youth) and I'm not one to storytell just to fire other peoples imagination.

On an off throughout my life this has happened numerous times without warning or provocation. OBE out of body experiences or astral travel. At first I didn't know what was happening until I did some research and discovered this phenomenon. There are many books available, much much information to look at you simply have to weed through it as best you can.(most of which with an open mind and a GOOD sense of humor)

I found that it usually occurs to most people in a time of great mental or physical duress or it can be done by mental self imaging or meditation methods. This are the common themes that I came across into starting the process.

When it happens to me I'm generally at the cusp of sleep and am very relaxed. My body very "heavy" feeling. The next thing is a vibratory sensation all around you which keeps growing in intensity faster and faster and is accompanied by a high pitched ringing type noise. At the height of the vibrations/noise there is a breaking, or snap feeling you could call it and then you find yourself in a weightless disembodied corpreal form. At this point I am aware of myself I have a body but it seems not substantial. I am missing a general thought process and am very calm. I know what things are around me, but they do not invoke any sense of wonder.

People and animals (live things) seem to captivate most of my attention in this state. I can hear sounds and remember them later. I can see people truer than what they normally are, by that I mean (lol not sure what I mean) I can tell if someone is a good person or not.

I seem unable to physically touch anything but am able to pass through physical barriers, although this is mildy disconcerting. Travel of great and small distances is capable as slow or instantaneous as you would like or imagine it to be. I have never seen a cord to my physical body and have never been lost or afraid. This state seems to reflect your basest principles of your character and I, speaking for myself only, can do no harm to others. There is more, more that I'm not willing to share or put out there at this time.

I have after reading much literature on the subject tried to produce astral travel/OBE on demand, and I come close the actual event but have never been able to accomplish this feat where many other have said they have done so. For myself this is a chance occurring happening that has occurred numerous times in my life and I have no control over.

I wrote this, safe in my online anonymity, that I may somehow help answer any questions others may have. I will respond to personal messages on the topic.

Good Luck in your treasure hunting all:)

Addition to my post, forgot to cover on major, important topic.

What I encounter is not "lucid dreaming", If you research you will find much on this topic and there is a big difference. The main difference being if you should be come awake enough in a dream you will be able to interact or direct your dream, but its only a dream. With the OBE you will experience real life as it is happening, things on tv, conversations, sunrise etc.

The two are similiar, but with an obe you will know it is real, sharply and distinctly real with a clarity you could never experience in dreams. I have had lucid dreams and they can be stimulating but there is a very distinct difference.

Sorry, forgot to clarify that in last post...:)

I got to the vibration stage last night......Then nothing.

txc, THAT part is the scariest... when the astral body is disengaging from the physical body... HA! MOST ppl stop; fearful that they will not "get back" (astral) into the "physical" again. Read up MORE and "understand" what is going on... it MAY give you courage to carry on. :coffee2: Coffee? ;D

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