Avagos Goodies

Hi Everyone! I decided to combine our July and August results into one post since July was a light month for volume. We were affected in both months by vacationing time so the quantity searched is less than normal.

In July we only got around to searching 18 boxes which turned up 2 x 90% and 21 x 40%, all Kennedys. Not breaking any records but a decent return for the quantity I suppose.

We did pretty well in August as well, thanks to two decent boxes. One box yielded 5 x 90% (1 Franklin and 4 Walkers) and another box, the best of the year so far, yielded 8 x 90% and 4 x 40% including 4 Franklins and 2 Walkers for a total of 3.49 ounces. We did 30 total for the month and ended up with 18 x 90% and 14 x 40% for a total of 8.58 ounces. That's the kind of month we need every month!

We haven't had any "home run" boxes so far this year, August's 3.49 ounce box being the best. I don't think we've had a year yet where the best box was under 8 ounces.

We just surpassed the 300 box mark and inched by 50 ounces as well. The rate of return is slowly climbing and the skunk ratio is decreasing, but still, we're averaging just over 1 silver per 2 boxes, ugh.

The last two weeks of August definitely dropped off and September is starting out lean as well. Hopefully we hit another pocket this month to keep our totals climbing. The chances of getting anywhere near 100oz this year are narrowing every week, unless we end up with a few real nice boxes soon.

Looks like I forgot to update for September! Wasn't a great month, after 34 boxes searched we only found 5.16 ounces (2 x 90% and 30 x 40%). Not a whole lot to write home for!

October was definitely better, thanks to one nice box! One box yielded 10 x 90% and 13 x 40% for a total of 5.54 ounces, more than all of September if you notice! The box included a 1904S Barber and a 1947 Walker.


Besides that one, we searched 31 other boxes and found 8 x 90% and 17 x 40% for a total of 5.41 ounces including three Walkers. Nearly 11 ounces for the month puts it at the best month of the year!

If the last two months of the year are that nice, we might limp across to the 100 ounce mark, but more realistically I'm thinking we'll end up around 90 ounces. Good luck out there everyone!

Another slow, average month for November. We did 46 boxes on the month and came away with 7.31 ounces (10 x 90% and 25 x 40%) which is only about 0.75 silvers per box.

That's about all I have to say, nothing really remarkable at all. No standout boxes, nothing with more than 4 silvers, 30 skunks total. Yeesh...

Haven't gotten around to posting my year end round up, hoping to get to that today!

We wrapped up December inching and grinding our way towards 100oz for the year but alas, it was not to be. The results for the first half of the year were just too poor to get us to our goal.

We searched 36 boxes in December, even with the holiday disrupting orders and came away with 10 x 90% and 36 x 40%, all Kennedy for a total of 8.94 ounces. It turned out to be the second best month of the year for us!

We also went on a couple "fun runs" right before Christmas, hitting up as many banks as possible in an attempt to scoop up some late-year deposits. We picked up $131 in loose (1 x 90% and 4 x 40%), $1290 in CWR (14 x 40%), and our first ever yielding $350 in MWR (4 x 40%) for a grand total of 3.62 ounces.

We probably drove 250 miles or more and hit up 80 or so banks, so obviously the result isn't worth the time spent. Hopefully 2019 will be the year of the first solid roll!

Avago I hope you are doing well with your searching. Looks like we will wait for your yearly update. 16 months after moving and shutting down my network, I still havnt built one back yet.

Hey dibdab! I'm still going strong, doing 12 boxes per week. I've just not had the time to continue to make routine updates to my log.

I can say as a quick summary, the first half of the year the boxes were incredible! No huge dream boxes, but just relatively routine, rich 2+oz boxes. It all really capped with back-to-back 50-silver boxes in the middle of July.

I was on track to absolutely smash my previous best-year total, maybe double it, but like a flip of a switch at the end of July it all just stopped. The last two months I've been scraping by with just a few silvers each week. If it keeps up this way I won't even match my previous best-year let alone double it.

I just assume whatever pallet I was pulling from was emptied. It was so unusual, having such good results, consistently, for so long. It wasn't just one collector dump, it had to have been from a bunch of different sources. Maybe that batch came from CoinStar machines and didn't contain the normal dilution of dumps from other CRHers (CRHers would never dump into CS and have to eat the fee.)

Who knows, in any case I'm still plugging along. You can't find it if you're not looking!

Hey that's great to hear about the hot streak. Glad it lasted for a good while. Certainly looking forward to the details later :)

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