Average weekend take?


Bronze Member
Jun 14, 2012
Caldwell, Idaho
Primary Interest:
So I have put together my homemade highbanker dredge kind of device...My cheap 3.5hp engine blew labor day weekend... sunday and I didn't start dredging till saturday around 2pm and ended up getting 1.9 grams of gold. I replace the engine & pump with a harbor frieght 6.5hp engine & pump combo and went up last weekend.
So I am about half way threw my cons (being lazy this week) and so far I have 1.7 grams. I started dredging at 7am saturday till 7pm then again sunday 6am to 430 pm. So you know, I am running a 2.5" suction nozzle and my moddified keene sluice with the classifier diverters that I built, if your not familure with that thread check it out here: http://www.treasurenet.com/forums/sluicing/306455-keene-a52-classifier.html

My question is what is your guys average take for a weekend of dredging. Let me also know your nozzle size as well please. Over the winter I am going to build a real floating dredge 4" or bigger and I am trying to get a feel for what will be the best bang for my buck.

On a side note, I am always being asked by local guys were I'm dredging because of the amount of gold I am getting and the quality 19.2 ct but I refuse to disclose my location as I want it all to my self! I gues I'm just a a$$ that way. Am I being rude in not sharing my location with people? I look at it like this, if I tell one person then that person tells another and befor you know it you have everybody with a dredge fighting over this small stretch of creek.

Thanks guys!

In my book, it would be difficult to give an average weekend take for gold, simply because gold can be found in pockets, here and there or not at all. One weekend you are "into" it and the next, you are not. As far as sharing your gold spot with others, I think that is your call. Personally, I feel that if you tell one person then you might just as well use the internet to post where you found your gold. JMO..........Gold Nuggets :hello:

Don't tell anyone about what you get, and don't leave anything laying around that might tell the story. It is difficult to say what anyone gets, because they could run all week end and get zero, then in the last five minutes find a two ounce nugget. There is no standard. Gold is where you find it.

Gotcha, like I thought, DTA (don't trust anyone) with my spot! I must be very lucky then as the spot I am working has gold everywhere, I did some test holes with my shovel on a half mile streatch, both sides of the creek and had great gold Even the outside bends of the curves where gold shouldn't be! Thanks guys!

General location, like state and county, is ok in my book. As for average - there is no avg.(except possibly yearly avg.) I've posted here before about
dredging for a month with 2 pennyweights to show for it. Then, after hitting bedrock, the next ten days - over 9 ounces. Can you avg. that?

Since I'm in California....MY weekend dredging totals are down to ZERO!!!! Keep your locations to yourself....... : ) Glad someone is getting to dredge!

Average take is what mother nature wants to give ya. Made $10,000 in a day and have also spent $10,000 worked like a dog for 3 months and found $1,000 so there is your average. Feast and famine is the one absolute rule of mining. Consider anything over $100 a day a gift and leave it at that. Righteous paystreaks are faaaaar and few between and stashing them good times to fund the bad is absolutely mandatory. With all the insane new rules and regs,more each and every day, you are extremely late to the dance but ya still got a chance to have some fun n' the sun-John

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+1 to what the guys are saying that not every spot is the same.

My wife and I underwater snipe, some days we have pulled just a couple flakes, others we find nuggets and today we found 4 grams of chunky gold and two half gram nuggets in 2 hours, just depends on where it settles. :)

Try joining a club & you will have access to differant spots & see some other types of equipment , Happy Hunting!

If you want to be able to go to "your place" without having the rest of the states population already there when you arrive then say nothing about what you've found and even less about Where you've found it. Also, gold brings out the 'ugly' in some folks so I would suggest you stop talking about it till maybe after you've retired.

Enjoy the blessing you've been given by having found this spot. If indeed you are smiled upon with riches and after you've retired be helpful to others less fortunate, do kind acts and be thankful for what you've been given.....63bkpkr

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