
Bigfoot stories have been of interest to me for about 40 years. I often have nightmares about bigfoot and can't sleep well after watching a bigfoot movie on TV. But I don't think they really exist. I know many, many hunters and outdoorsmen plus people who live in "prime bigfoot country" and they have never seen such a beast. I know that some business people created a bigfoot hoax in Willow Creek, CA so that they could attract more tourists and therefore MONEY.

But if you like to read about bigfoot sightings like I do, try this website:
One word of caution, don't listen to the bigfoot vocal recording because it will make the hair stand up on the back of your neck.

Bigfoot in America has been a part of the culture of native peoples as far back as two hundred years ago, maybe even longer. Way before TV, the press, hoaxes. I believe that bigfoot exists just due to the fact of the thousands of reports. All can't fakes or mistaken as something else. Ordinary people don't go out the way just to open themselves to finger pointing and ridicule for nothing.

No, I have never seen, heard, or smelled a Bigfoot and I spent most of my life in the western mountain ranges. Could such a creature exist without being approached and spotted, witnessed by more people, or photographed? Absoutely! if it was few in numbers, and hibernated in winter, ranged in the higher elevations, and was quite intelligent and adapted to it's enviroment. Could exist in the Canadian and Alaskan mountains also. My opinions only.

Montana Jim said:
BudP said:
Got the negatives too, if anyone has a clue how to put photos on a computer card.

DON'T take them to walmart...that is, if you want to see them again.

bigfoot is one of my "fears" seriously, some times walkingdown the mountain he will pop into mind and the rest of the way down i have pistol in hand, scares the $#*^ outta me. one night my friend called me hysterical while comming outta the canyons in his car, he explained what he saw on the side of the road and he was trying to get to a sks he had in the trunk while driving and talking to me, it was hilarious. i made it worst by saying look in your mirror and see if its running at 70 mph trying to catch you. he was one of those ones that see alot of supernatural stuff. even people, while around him have seen crazy stuff, orbs, exct.

Unfortunately I have never seen Bigfoot, but growing up here in the midwest there have been stories about Mountain lions or panthers as long as I can remember. For years and years people said that this was impossible and that there was no way there could be a breeding population of big cats in this part of the country with no one knowing about it. Most people swore that there were no mountain lions around here. And what do you know...a few years ago one got hit by a car on a highway in Kansas City. All of a sudden the "experts" came out of the woodwork and and said "oh yeah...there are mountain lions here, we knew that". HA! Its too bad that people have to be so closed minded about things like this. Bigfoot has not been confirmed yet but you just wait, it will happen and then we can all sit back and laugh when the "experts" come out and say they knew about them all along. Anything is possible in this world and people should keep an open mind.
There are areas even here in the midwest that a large animal can survive and thrive unnoticed by people. I can only imagine what could be living in mountains and wilderness areas that people just don't know about...yet.

I just got this from

Car hits, kills mountain lion in Missouri
Confirmed cougar sighting fuels suspicions of animals in state

J-W Staff and Wire Reports

Wednesday, August 13, 2003

JEFFERSON CITY, MO. — For the second time in 10 months, a Missouri motorist has struck a mountain lion on a major highway -- growing proof that wild cougars may be making a comeback in Missouri, state officials said Tuesday.

The 105-pound adult male mountain lion was hit late Monday on a four-lane stretch of U.S. Highway 54 near Fulton by an unidentified motorist who left the scene but later called the Callaway County Sheriff's Office saying she thought she had hit a dog that might still be alive.

Law officers arrived to find a dead cougar on the southbound shoulder of the highway. Last October, another male mountain lion was struck on Interstate 35 in north Kansas City.

Mountain lions, once indigenous to Missouri, were killed off by settlers in the 1800s and early 1900s. From 1927 to 1994, there were no confirmed mountain lion sightings in the state.

But in the past nine years, the Missouri Department of Conservation has confirmed eight sightings of at least seven different mountain lions, including the one killed Monday night.

All indications are that the mountain lion killed Monday night had been living in the wild for some time, although it's unclear if it migrated to Missouri or was released or escaped from captivity. There are 41 people licensed to own mountain lions in the state.

Dave Hamilton, a biologist with the Conservation Department, believes the wild mountain lions may be migrating from South Dakota, Colorado or Texas.

A western origination seems most likely, because mountain lion populations are strong there and young males have been known to travel hundreds of miles -- often along waterways such as the Missouri River -- to stake out their own territory, Hamilton said.

"We can say we have mountain lions roaming in Missouri without a doubt," he said. "Right now, we don't believe we have a breeding population in the state of Missouri. There's no evidence that's happening ... But I suspect it will."

In Kansas, reports of mountain lion sightings have buzzed around Lawrence since the reported sighting Thursday evening on Kansas University's west campus by World Online editor Dave Toplikar. After an account of the sighting appeared in Saturday's Journal-World, nearly a dozen people have called the newspaper to tell about their own close encounters with large, unidentified animals.

The sightings include two people who also claim to have seen mountain lions in the past year on or near west campus. One man told the newspaper he hit one with his car.

Well that depends on what ya consider a bigfoot ,i've seen a size 15 is that big enough? Oh you ment bigfoot! ::) ;D ;D

tenbears said:
Well that depends on what ya consider a bigfoot ,i've seen a size 15 is that big enough? Oh you ment bigfoot! ::) ;D ;D
Ten Bears, the great Comanche war chief. Reckon so.

Nick in NEPA said:
tenbears said:
Well that depends on what ya consider a bigfoot ,i've seen a size 15 is that big enough? Oh you ment bigfoot! ::) ;D ;D
Ten Bears, the great Comanche war chief. Reckon so.

there is iron in your words,thats why your detector is going wacky! ;D

tenbears said:
Nick in NEPA said:
tenbears said:
Well that depends on what ya consider a bigfoot ,i've seen a size 15 is that big enough? Oh you ment bigfoot! ::) ;D ;D
Ten Bears, the great Comanche war chief. Reckon so.

there is iron in your words,thats why your detector is going wacky! ;D
My dad showed that movie to me last year when I was 13. It's necessary for passage into manhood. And my favorite movie.

I know a 80 year old lady in my hometown who survived
Dachau during ww2, she & her husband & brother-in-law
claimed they saw & smelled a Big-foot in Eastern Ar during the i960's
It was just becoming daylight, I don't think after eating potato soup for 7 years in a concentration
camp, & suffering untold hardships, & seeing her own sister shot in cold blood that she would make up such a story, & her husband is a veteran of ww2 & a very honest man, (I keep an open mind).
I have never seen one, but know several people who have heard
strange calls.
On the subject of Mountain lions, I saw tracks & yellow hair in the 1950's in the mts of Western Ar, now they are seen quite often, I saw a young one last year in East OK, plus my wife saw a large cat last year in OK, they follow the deer herd, when they multiply
the cats do also.

I havn't seen big-foot, but one of my favorite movies is "Harry and the Hendersons" 8)


in certain parts of florida their called "skunk -apes"--- they have long greasy hair and are rather large and powerful built and are very stinky---

ivan salis said:
in certain parts of florida their called "skunk -apes" rather large and powerful but very stinky
Hahahaha....If this is what they look like....then I have seen many of these "skunk-apes" lol

no those are just swamper type hick rednecks---they don't count---can be hard to tell them apart though.

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