BLM turns into muscle for the greenies

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Silver Member
Feb 4, 2012
Prather CA
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This is a highly emotional confrontation between supporters of Cliven Bundy the Nevada rancher that has been fighting the BlM since 1993. They have his house surrounded including snipers, armoured vehicles, automatic weapons and body armour. It used to be that BlM and the forrest service who helped served the interests of ranching timber and mining, now they do all they can to keep the people off of their land, and make legal commerce a crime. This is being done by a Sue and Settle agreement with you guessed it, Center for Biodiversity, under the guise of critical habitat for the Desert Tortise. The second link below shows a sanctuary in LV has lost their funding and are going to close, and will euthanize around half of the 14,000 turtles in their inventory. Apparently if the greenies can't get money to save the endangered species, they just KILL THEM.

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I would say the gooberment has him dead to rights without a "legal" leg to stand on. As far as the feds are concerned Bundy is a "freeloader" ripping off taxpayers to make a profit. This is a classic "He said, She said" case with the truth caught somewhere in the middle.

Truth is his family own the land before the government seized it, they we're tilling the land long before the government seized it.

He is by no means a freeloader, he is feeding his family, not on government subsides, pays taxes and is fighting for his rights..

They seize his cattle as illegal, yet let 11 million illegal aliens walk free....

American by birth, Patriot by choice.

I would rather die standing on my two feet defending our Constitution than live a lifetime on my knees......

Ok. So we have Mr. Bundy on his ranch with the nazis surrounding him with snipers. I think there are enough of us deer hunters who can hit an animal at 500 yards with a good rifle and scope, maybe we flank the sobs with about 500 hunters maybe some ex military marksmen and show them we aren't going to take this s**t any more. We need to make the government fear us again. A new civil war is brewing.

Let me get this straight!!! They are making it harder for a working farmer? And they are making it easier on the non working? And were worried about a stupid turtle? I say make turtle soup!

Well stated!

sent from a potato...

Might work except for the blackhawks they have in the air, wouldn't suprise me if there aren't armed drones.

Might work except for the blackhawks they have in the air, wouldn't suprise me if there aren't armed drones.

In today's world drones are more likely than not...

sent from a potato...

if you cant see this is wrong I cant help you cause you are mentally blind

Ok. So we have Mr. Bundy on his ranch with the nazis surrounding him with snipers. I think there are enough of us deer hunters who can hit an animal at 500 yards with a good rifle and scope, maybe we flank the sobs with about 500 hunters maybe some ex military marksmen and show them we aren't going to take this s**t any more. We need to make the government fear us again. A new civil war is brewing.

The Nev governor should form a Nev militia. Deputize them so they are above the police and sheriffs, and then go kick the rest out or open fire.
Since he is so riled up about it.
Cant he bring out the Nat Guard,since he is the governor.
I know NM has one, and I have been to the Az militia website once.

Let's hope by some miracle Cliven wins this. He is a true American! Screw the BLM, and the stupid turtle. It's about time PEOPLE count, and not some political rights grabbing movement!

sent from a potato...

Ok. So we have Mr. Bundy on his ranch with the nazis surrounding him with snipers. I think there are enough of us deer hunters who can hit an animal at 500 yards with a good rifle and scope, maybe we flank the sobs with about 500 hunters maybe some ex military marksmen and show them we aren't going to take this s**t any more. We need to make the government fear us again. A new civil war is brewing.

sent from a potato...

Amen to that. Right you ate a civil war is brewing! The cries are getting louder!

sent from a potato...

Truth is his family own the land before the government seized it, they we're tilling the land long before the government seized it.

He is by no means a freeloader, he is feeding his family, not on government subsides, pays taxes and is fighting for his rights..

They seize his cattle as illegal, yet let 11 million illegal aliens walk free....

Many folks disagree. His family never had legal title to the land he grazes his cattle on. He stopped "paying his taxes" in the 1990's and told the gooberment to stick it, so basically he has been using public land to feed his cattle for free. He owes a lot of money that he says he isn't going to pay, so the gooberment is taking his cattle. What in the world does this have to do with illegal border crossers? Nadda!

Amen to that. Right you ate a civil war is brewing! The cries are getting louder!..

There is no civil war brewing. Heck, there are not enough folks "crying" to fill a football stadium. A few angry folks on a forum or two typing angry statements from their trailer homes means absolutely nothing. We, as a group, don't have the intestinal fortitude to do ANYTHING except whine and moan for the most part. At least I vote.

Considering all the Vets out there that feel the same as we do outnumber the current armed forces on duty now and 99% of the current forces would never shoot at an American on American soil that is simply standing up for their rights I think the grubberment would be in big trouble if it should come to open warfare.

These self serving groups are nothing but a blight on the landscape of this country with their sue and settle B.S. I feel that it's by THEIR actions that the next civil war will start and because of this they should be listed as domestic terrorists and enemies of our country. Now... See my signature line below and let's get all us vets together and remember our oath.

Terry, your wrong. He has tried paying grazing rights to the county. His family has water rights of those lands based on the homestead act. He only recognizes the state and county govt. as the constitutional authority. Other ranchers have sold off those same rights, he refused. Now they are there to take (steal) it. They went on the property and removed the livestock watering system so there would be no evidence to prove his grandfathered rights. The fact the other ranchers have been compensated is proof he owns rights to graze on that land.

Putting the top "sue and settle" eco-groups in our collective cross hairs is the most commonsense thing I have read to date. Without them there would be dredging in California and many many of our freedoms restored. Let the civil war begin then.

Sue and Settle is illegal. The courts have consistently refused those settlements when they are challenged.

How did Sue and Settle have anything to do with the California dredge permit moratorium?
What freedoms have you lost to Sue and Settle?

Terry, your wrong. He has tried paying grazing rights to the county. His family has water rights of those lands based on the homestead act. He only recognizes the state and county govt. as the constitutional authority. Other ranchers have sold off those same rights, he refused. Now they are there to take (steal) it. They went on the property and removed the livestock watering system so there would be no evidence to prove his grandfathered rights. The fact the other ranchers have been compensated is proof he owns rights to graze on that land.

How did they get on his property and steal his watering equipment and he did not open fire on theives.
Cant a farmer protect his live stock and farm

"Sorry officers,all I saw was dark shapes stealing my property at night"
"They where endangering my family and livestock"

The property is public lands. Annexed recently by the BLM (after his family was established there aprox 140 years). Even though it is public, there are still rights involved. Much like mining rights. His claim to water and grazing are rights he considers grandfathered and originally issued by the state and county. The watering equipment and cattle being removed are his private property.
His main argument is; the Feds annex, make new rules, enforce those rules, pass judgment on those rules, and enforce the judgment. This is nothing like how our laws are made enforced and judged. He likens it to a thief also being the cop, and the judge, as well as the jury.

There is no civil war brewing. Heck, there are not enough folks "crying" to fill a football stadium. A few angry folks on a forum or two typing angry statements from their trailer homes means absolutely nothing. We, as a group, don't have the intestinal fortitude to do ANYTHING except whine and moan for the most part. At least I vote.

Your speaking strictly for yourself...

There are millions of angry citizens

American by birth, Patriot by choice.

I would rather die standing on my two feet defending our Constitution than live a lifetime on my knees......

There is no civil war brewing. Heck, there are not enough folks "crying" to fill a football stadium. A few angry folks on a forum or two typing angry statements from their trailer homes means absolutely nothing. We, as a group, don't have the intestinal fortitude to do ANYTHING except whine and moan for the most part. At least I vote.

Wow!! You can tell what types of homes people live in by what they type!!! Wow!! Your statement proves your ignorance...

For your information I do not live in a trailer, apartment, tent or anything else of the nature...Grow up...
sent from a potato...

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