Buggin Out

Terry, A might challenge the idea of a "loner."

If you are a "people person," surely you will have difficulties. If you prefer to be a "loner," you will suceed.

I am of a "Loner" breed.
I rely upon no-one but myself, and I'm perfectly happy with only my own company. But, that's just me....

My Best,

Scott, there is a difference between being a "loner" in peacetime, and being one in a time of societal breakdown, lawlessness and panic – much less a combat situation. As a soldier I learned the importance and advantages of a team of people as opposed to one man. We can carry more, sleep more, move faster more easily, protect and care for each other more effectively, and deliver devastating firepower if necessary.

Scott, there is a difference between being a "loner" in peacetime, and being one in a time of societal breakdown, lawlessness and panic – much less a combat situation. As a soldier I learned the importance and advantages of a team of people as opposed to one man. We can carry more, sleep more, move faster more easily, protect and care for each other more effectively, and deliver devastating firepower if necessary.

First and foremost, I wish to thank you for your service, as one Vet to another.
Secondly, I'd like to state that being a "loner" is easier for me and that perimeter security would be of less hassle knowing that I am the only one allowed in my perimeter.
All others are subject to death.

Of course, the rules change as the personal perimeter and parameters change; as additional personel might also expand.....

I thank a lot of my training to my military experience.
I just wish that I'd had more time to teach of "snipe hunts" during bivoucs...." :tongue3:

My Best,

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I've thought about running a drill soon. I don't have a ton of gear around, but food, weapons, some camping stuff. See if I could get it all assembled and loaded in a reasonable amount of time. I would consider maybe an hour to be a reasonable amount of time to load all usable survival gear and go? Thoughts? Obviously one could just grab the Bug Out Bag and hit the road, but I was thinking of trying to grab enough stuff to be on your own for longer than 3 days.

This leads me to think that when and if I own my own home I would have two separate storage areas, both of which would be emptied in the event of an emergency. In one the gun cabinet and "camping" supplies. In the safe could be personal papers and passport, extra cash, silver etc that you could empty out as you are grabbing the guns and ammo. This would also have backpacks, sleeping gear, clothing prepacked, cold/wet weather gear, tarps, fishing stuff etc.
In the other area it would be my pantry/misc stuff that should be rotated out on a regular basis. Keep stocked with canned goods, and dry soup mixes and the like, but rotate them forward as you buy new stuff and eat the items that have less than a year of shelf life left to them. Also here would be batteries, and other consumable items that should be replaced as they are used and that don't have an infinite shelf life.
In the case of an emergency you only have to go to two separate areas of your house to get the things you need. This would mean you wouldn't be charging around your house looking for odd items...as is the case in my home now. Thoughts?


This leads me to think that when and if I own my own home

If/when TSHTF, be prepared to leave your "home."

You do not say whether you are an urban or city dweller. BIG DIFFERENCE!

Best to consider ALL scenarios.
Are you staying to protect "your home?" Could cost you your life...

Plan B.
Buggin' out? Where? Got supplies?


PS. Leave your "Smart Phone" behind.
It will be worthless. Except for maybe the battery.....
I'm going camping this Thanksgiving Holiday weekend and am actually planning on using a battery
to make a fire to cook my dinner and provide warmth. How apropos......

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Well, the reason I stated own my own home is so that I'm not modifying an apartment or rental house. But not that important, I could do stand alone shelving.

As for bugging out, it would be to my parents house as they live in a secluded area and my folks are medical professionals and the house is all around a better choice than where I am at which is near a largish city with a high crime rate. So, load the car with everything important for survival, leave the TV and such for the criminals to loot then take back roads to get to my folks place.

It truly amazes me at what some people regard as "necessary." They will be the first to.....die.

Those who prepare have only to exploit the "techies" who are misguided."
How y'all gonna survive without the "Grid?" Dumb Dora's.....
Where's Food?

Breach my security, and well.....

Chubby kids are tender; old people are tough and stringy.
Welcome to MY Dinner....
Soup's ready....
Any questions?

(Is this too extreme? GOOD! Think about it. Are you tender or stringy?)


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It truly amazes me at what some people regard as "necessary." They will be the first to.....die.

Those who prepare have only to exploit the "techies" who are misguided."
How y'all gonna survive without the "Grid?" Dumb ass*s.....


Sorry, is this directed at me? I was talking about loading up the food, guns, clothing and camping gear...

Sorry, is this directed at me? I was talking about loading up the food, guns, clothing and camping gear...

My Friend,
I do not wish to intimidate anyone; I wish to offer opinions and ideas.

If information gained here is helpful, does it matter what the message was or who posted it?
Your ideas may be the best options available. At the time presented.....

My Best,

PS. I'm guessing that you're old and stringy.....

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I don't drill. It's a waste of time since you don't know what is coming. What you want to do is prepare your survival knowledge and acquire the basic equipment to survive. Have reliable firepower to defend yourself and a supply of food to eat. There is no drill only reality when the event arrives. I have thought about what I would do in the event of civil unrest, military invasion, an atomic attack. Of course you all should realize that the USA has a doomsday plan that will probably end it all It's a cobalt device that can not be tested because in theory it will set off an almost endless chain reaction. Have a good day. Frank


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I don't drill. It's a waste of time since you don't know what is coming. What you want to do is prepare your survival knowledge and acquire the basic equipment to survive. Have reliable firepower to defend yourself and a supply of food to eat. There is no drill only reality when the event arrives. I have thought about what I would do in the event of civil unrest, military invasion, an atomic attack. Of course you all should realize that the USA has a doomsday plan that will probably end it all It's a cobalt device that can not be tested because in theory it will set off an almost endless chain reaction. Have a good day. Frank

Frankn my Friend,
I detect a bit of "age superiority" thought here...And believe me, I know about "old age."

"When you think that you know it all, you will be proven wrong in the presence of your rivals."

(This is one of many thoughts I have, that, as a PAID Philosopher, I'd be rich...:tongue3:)

....Stay loose my friend and always be open to the ideas of kids....

My Best,

PS. PRACTICE! Don't be old and stringy....

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Being prepared is essential . Elaborate plans are an interesting academic exercise that may be useful to some degree .
>Fact is : When SHTF you have to be prepared to go where the fight takes you . It will fail to follow your plans .

Being prepared is essential . Elaborate plans are an interesting academic exercise that may be useful to some degree .
>Fact is : When SHTF you have to be prepared to go where the fight takes you . It will fail to follow your plans .

And, alternatively, you will stay, defend and propogate your base.....
Must be a "stronghold" base...

As is my base...


Being prepared is essential . Elaborate plans are an interesting academic exercise that may be useful to some degree .
>Fact is : When SHTF you have to be prepared to go where the fight takes you . It will fail to follow your plans .
Thank you.

"Adaptive personalities, do what the circumstance require, no matter what. (wait...... that may be a sign of a pshychopath......
I'd hafta double check! LOL!)"

Ya know Scott, if you know how to hunt, fish, gut, cook, preserve, and what not to eat, it's doable.

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Thank you.

"Adaptive personalities, do what the circumstance require, no matter what. (wait...... that may be a sign of a pshychopath......
I'd hafta double check! LOL!)"

Ya know Scott, if you know how to hunt, fish, gut, cook, preserve, and what not to eat, it's doable.

I know how to survive any situation.
Wouldn't be here today if I didn't....


PS. I'm studying whether or not your described personality of me as a "psychopath" is factual or not, and will reply to such queries later.........preliminary anaylasis indicate a strong possibility towards confirmation.....;:tongue3:

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I've never doubted you Scott. I always thought you were up in Georgia somehwere.
I got a 90 yr old uncle up there, will still drag a deer 5 miles through the woods, to the truck.
He keeps a mean garden too. I miss a lot about living up there sometimes.
Always figured, I'd be back up there one day, soon enough.......

Ps. Scott, that remark I had made about myself to another in private. LOL!
In regards to, "I is all I got and I am still alive..........."
That wasn't directed at you! LOL! But is the boots fit....... well....... LOL!

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I've never doubted you Scott. I always thought you were up in Georgia somehwere.
I got a 90 yr old uncle up there, will still drag a deer 5 miles through the woods, to the truck.
He keeps a mean garden too. I miss a lot about living up there sometimes.
Always figured, I'd be back up there one day, soon enough.......

Luv Ya, Cat!

And, please, call your old Uncle, who lives in "JAW-JA," and give him Love this Holiday. From both of us.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

My Best Wishes,


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Thanks and you have Happy Turkey Day too!

Once I get my socks off so I can cypher, I'll add a score, but,
this may not be looking too good! LOL! :laughing7:

20 Signs That You Are A Psychopath - Business Insider

You do realize insanity is a sane reaction to an insane world.

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Thanks and you have Happy Turkey Day too!

Once I get my socks off so I can cypher, I'll add a score, but,
this may not be looking too good! LOL! :laughing7:

You do realize insanity is a sane reaction to an insane world.

You have discovered the secret!
From your Old Uncle in Georgia?

Tell me...child, just how were you able to discover the "secret?"

I've always lived by the tenet of: "There's no Genius without a Touch of Insanity."

My Best,

PS. Shhhh. Don't give up secrets.....

This subject must never be discussed again unless in person.....:laughing7:

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