Chart antigunners dont want you to see

Anybody know what happened to my "Air Tax" thread?

Deleted by another moderator as politics......

FYI, not directed at you Crispin, but in general. any thread that strays off of the 2nd amendment and is political can be deleted at any time....We are only allowing politiical threads related to 2nd......

Anybody know what happened to my "Air Tax" thread?

Did you pay the tax? Maybe the IRS put a lean on it and sold it for back taxes!

That is it! That is it! I am moving to the moon!

Seriously: I knew we shouldn't have started talking about the Its a 'Small World' ride, people get very upset over it. Acutally, I'm surpised the 'Brain Death' thread didn't get deleted as well. That is a direct shot at all of the politicians in Washington.


First off I spent 35 years in industrial marketing.....primarily playing with numbers and yes the term...."figures don't lie but liers can figure is truer than rain"

Now since I'm retired I hang out here to get amused by the humorous threads......and as a reality check that I'm not quite as crazy as I thought I was.....

It was a pleasure chatting with you....drop in to Bigscoop's tiki bar and tell him your beer is on me....wink.. wink...nudge...nudge....he'll ding me via paypal.

Regards + HH


First if all Im not pro or anti gun but am very experienced in working with stats, studies, graphs etc. this is an extremely manipulative chart that does not hold up to any scrutiny. First note the categories used - they range from the very specific to the very broad - apples to oranges. Lets rake the gun category - "firearm homicides" - An interesting term that caught my attention. Does this stat include accidental deaths because some kids were playing with guns?? Or did those numbers end up in catagory 2 accidental injuries?? Note it did not say "gun related deaths or injuries" a "homicide" is very specific.

The tobacco category on the other hand is extremely vague - these are obviously not just deaths when someone kicks the bucket with a cig in the hand!! I dont smoke anything, but have looked into these numbers in the past and they are completely bogus. Includes all sorts of major assumptions and third and fourth hand deaths. I think many smokers in the audience would argue to the smoking numbers are complete bogus numbers whipped up by a very overly intrusive government conspiracy to take away our right to do what we want with our bodies - smoke.

Take also the false logic of the conclusion. Since guns are lowers on the list we should do nothing about them. This is a simple logistical error / trick in the same category as the "slippery slope" - ie first they will take away your 100 round clips and next zombies and the UN will rule the world. I debated in college and studied debate logic so it's always funny to see these embarrassing trucks being used to try and manipulate poor folks who don't know any better.

We should do nothing about firearms because they are lower on the list? Thats "bad logic". Ok then, lets not try and do anything about medical errors or drug use either - that smart? In your opinion what would be an acceptable number of gun homicides each year?

Always beware of studies and stats - I can prove just about anything under the sun with a quick graph and a few stats. BUYER BEWARE !!

Maybe they speak a different language in southeast Arkansas and western Massachusetts Stockpicker? :dontknow:

In southeast Arkansas, we call that "BAITING".

It gives me a trio of choices: Report it, respond in kind, or let it go.

Sorry, I won't help you get this thread locked.


We have lift

That is it! That is it! I am moving to the moon!

Seriously: I knew we shouldn't have started talking about the Its a 'Small World' ride, people get very upset over it. Acutally, I'm surpised the 'Brain Death' thread didn't get deleted as well. That is a direct shot at all of the politicians in Washington.

I don't think they are locking threads down anymore. They are just disappearing. Kinda a metaphor for Americans' rights, eh?

I think there are a group of people, that don't own guns, but vote for people that don't like guns but will supply things like food stamps, phones, welfare, housing for free in return for the 2nd amendment. To some free is better than freedom. They just don't understand. Frank

6 06-2 YELLOWSTONE 056-1.jpg

Is that a metaphor as well? It can't be a simile because you didn't use the words 'like' or 'as.'

I have posted in several threads that threads are straying off the one political topic we currently allow and were subject to being deleted as per our rules.

Not trying to split hairs here but if words like 'food stamps, phones, welfare, housing for free' are not a metaphor for something then they sure don't have much to do with the 2nd amendment. I think the moderators are doing a great complaints from me. Just making a few jokes, that's all.

Treasure_Hunter said:
If it has already been decided then why call for new laws?...Supreme Court has already ruled in past on our gun rights.

I wonder, are you going to be as compromising when it is the 1st or 3rd Amendment they are wanting to gut?

When they decide our "changing society" no longer needs free speech is that OK? When they decide our "changing society" no longer can accommodate freedom of assembly is that OK as well...?

Anyone who thinks that want happen once the 2nd is gutted is naive...They who ignore history are destined to repeat it, there has never been a government that once they started taking freedoms away from their people that did not continue to take them away.......

Because our founding legal documents were not written to be "decided" in stone but to evolve over time. That's why woman and Afro-Americans can vote now and slavery is illegal - all a good "evolution" of our founding laws I think most would agree. And sometimes we change our mind like with alcohol.

These changes are made by the three branches of our government with the courts making sure that any of the changes are within the framework of our founding documents. And given that we live in a republic, those proposing these changes are our elected officials. I'm not saying the process is perfect but its what we got. Personally I'm in favor of a dictatorship with me in charge!!

Again I am not Antigun at all but the thought that people currently have some sort of unrestricted right to firearms that is about to he trampled is just factually untrue. Untrue. The government has been regulating civilian ownership weapons since day one. One of the obvious examples is automatic weapons which were once legal without restriction and then became regulated to the point of being illegal - driven by criminal adoption of the tommy gun if my memory serves correctly. Also the catalog ordering of firearms which was outlawed driven primarily by the Kennedy assassination. This happens all the time, and most people do not view it as a trampling of rights?? So how is this the first time the gov is trampling gun rights? Changing Federal and state gun laws is a weekly occurrence isn't it? Just a bit of a stickler for civics and history.

And I'd love to hear from anyone how the government plans on "controlling us" and to what end?? I think our gov is very happy to have us all earning as much money as possible so they can tax the hell out of us?? The gov can't balance a budget never mind controlling the population. Your giving way to much cred to incomp bureaucrats. Again not Antigun. Just pro truth and reality.

If your going to be a sheep, at least dress nice.

Properly dressed.jpg

GIB: He just made a really intelligent, well thought out post. Instead of throwing nonsense at him. Lets have a real discussion. Lets use logic and reason. Your response is either silly, insulting, comical, or moronic. However, above all those things it is condescending.



That's my friend is pretty much the most lucid post I've seen on this thread....and to that hats off....heck if I could give you 2 likes but I'm capped at 1 so that's what you get dude....however you get my vote for

Regards + HH


Stockpicker, the govt. plans on controlling us by taking away our rights as well as making as many people dependent on the govt. to exist (food stamps, welfare, cell phones, HEALTHCARE,) just to name a few. And as far as to what end, that should be fairly obvious. More dependence=more voters that vote for the candidates that promise the most giveaways. The end goal is the same of many politicians, take America's standard of living down a few notches because it isn't (fair) some others in the world are worse off, however the biggest goal is one world govt. administered through the United Nations. Don't believe me? Look on the U.N.'s own website and while your there look up agenda 21. But to accomplish this first they must erase the SECOND AMENDMENT. I know it is hard to believe, but this is real, please do not dismiss it and not look into it. Just take a few minutes and look into it. Otherwise all your lives along with mine will change for the worse.
Because our founding legal documents were not written to be "decided" in stone but to evolve over time. That's why woman and Afro-Americans can vote now and slavery is illegal - all a good "evolution" of our founding laws I think most would agree. And sometimes we change our mind like with alcohol.

These changes are made by the three branches of our government with the courts making sure that any of the changes are within the framework of our founding documents. And given that we live in a republic, those proposing these changes are our elected officials. I'm not saying the process is perfect but its what we got. Personally I'm in favor of a dictatorship with me in charge!!

Again I am not Antigun at all but the thought that people currently have some sort of unrestricted right to firearms that is about to he trampled is just factually untrue. Untrue. The government has been regulating civilian ownership weapons since day one. One of the obvious examples is automatic weapons which were once legal without restriction and then became regulated to the point of being illegal - driven by criminal adoption of the tommy gun if my memory serves correctly. Also the catalog ordering of firearms which was outlawed driven primarily by the Kennedy assassination. This happens all the time, and most people do not view it as a trampling of rights?? So how is this the first time the gov is trampling gun rights? Changing Federal and state gun laws is a weekly occurrence isn't it? Just a bit of a stickler for civics and history.

And I'd love to hear from anyone how the government plans on "controlling us" and to what end?? I think our gov is very happy to have us all earning as much money as possible so they can tax the hell out of us?? The gov can't balance a budget never mind controlling the population. Your giving way to much cred to incomp bureaucrats. Again not Antigun. Just pro truth and reality.

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