Continental army pewter USA button & colonial cuff-links


Jr. Member
Oct 14, 2009
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Continental army pewter USA button & colonial cuff-links

Pewters found along with 12 colonial era flat buttons (Dandy's) and the cuff-links. I originally believed the cufflinks were so cool that was my original post, but after reading messages from others I now realize the rarity of the button. I am learning a lot lately! The one pewter button is not readable, do you clean pewter to find if anything lies beneath or do you simply seal it to prevent further flaking? I wish I could tell what it says!!!

Thanks again for all of the advice and this website has been so incredibly helpful! I read it now all of the time and can't get enough of all of the stories and finds.

Thank you KyleofPA for the banner vote! New pictures of the buttons instead of the cufflinks!


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Re: colonial cuff-links

Welcome to T-Net.

Cool finds you have made. :icon_thumright: Members more schooled in cleaning finds will be along to advise you.

Re: colonial cuff-links

99% of the brass items I find, I use the "toothpick method" on. This includes anything with a design stamped in, including suspender clips, etc.

I think they are as good as they're going to get at this point. Cool find for sure!

Here's a link that explains the toothpick method.,165857.0.html



Re: colonial cuff-links

Thank you, BuckleBoy. I read the information you sent on cleaning and I will leave them be. I will also use the suggestion on all the buttons I have been finding. :)

Re: colonial cuff-links

scratcher said:
Please post the USA button :icon_thumleft:

Yes, it would be wonderful to see such a great find.

Congratulations on the cufflinks and all your other recent successes. :thumbsup:



Re: colonial cuff-links


Here is a picture of the continental army infantry "USA" button. As you can see it is crumbling and I haven't cleaned it yet out of fear it will get worse. It is pictured next to a Britannia 1749 coin and is sitting on top of a buckle. These were all found in the same spot. I hope this picture doesn't turn out super-sized like the last one. I am new at this and am trying to figure this part out.


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Re: colonial cuff-links

Any Rev pewter is a great find... and that George II Farthing has some sharp detail!

Re: colonial cuff-links

Water and glue mixture painted onto the button I've heard will keep it from crumbling away. Some folks use clear urethane as well, painted on thinly across the face of the button.

I'd make sure the button was totally dry if you use the second method I mentioned above.



Re: colonial cuff-links

cabinfever said:

Here is a picture of the continental army infantry "USA" button. As you can see it is crumbling and I haven't cleaned it yet out of fear it will get worse. It is pictured next to a Britannia 1749 coin and is sitting on top of a buckle. These were all found in the same spot. I hope this picture doesn't turn out super-sized like the last one. I am new at this and am trying to figure this part out.

Wow, I think most of us dream of finding one of those in any condition. :thumbsup:

Re: colonial cuff-links

BuckleBoy said:
Water and glue mixture painted onto the button I've heard will keep it from crumbling away. Some folks use clear urethane as well, painted on thinly across the face of the button.

I'd make sure the button was totally dry if you use the second method I mentioned above.



That's definitely one you want to treat right away.

I'm one of the clear urethane and wipe kinda guys and as can be seen in my pic I'm used to that condition.,269004.0.html

Re: colonial cuff-links



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Re: colonial cuff-links

Thanks Iron Patch & BuckleBoy for the advice! Yes, the 1749 has a ton of detail - looks great - I'm leaving it as is. I am beeping along with my Ace 250 on two sites which are rich with history, but am I missing the boat with not having a better MD? I found this tool 10" deep near the 1749 coin and it was a chore. I am wondering how many deep LC's I may be missing? Stay loyal to the Ace or upgrade? I understand this may be a conversation for another forum.


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Re: colonial cuff-links


Thanks so much for the resize and then I did it again - the huge file! It hurts the eyes! I will figure it out.

Re: colonial cuff-links

cabinfever said:
Thanks Iron Patch & BuckleBoy for the advice! Yes, the 1749 has a ton of detail - looks great - I'm leaving it as is. I am beeping along with my Ace 250 on two sites which are rich with history, but am I missing the boat with not having a better MD? I found this tool 10" deep near the 1749 coin and it was a chore. I am wondering how many deep LC's I may be missing? Stay loyal to the Ace or upgrade? I understand this may be a conversation for another forum.

Your Ace 250 will serve you well in sites that don't require fast target separation and aren't choked with iron. If the site you're hunting is iron infested, you might consider an upgrade--but you'll be paying a good bit for one that deals well with iron, and you'll be investing months and years in learning it.

My advice is use what you've got for now. It makes no sense to worry about what you're missing. Heck, none of us knows what we're missing. We miss coins and relics every hunt--all of us. And some hunters even miss whole sites! It can be crippling to start down that path of thought. That machine of yours will not miss much. I've hunted beside an Ace 250 for three years now, and it can certainly hold its own against the more expensive machines like the XLT, DFX, Fisher 1266, etc.



Re: colonial cuff-links

Thank you, Buckles. I'll be out there tomorrow and hopefully with some finds good enough to post here.

Re: colonial cuff-links

cabinfever said:
Thank you, Buckles. I'll be out there tomorrow and hopefully with some finds good enough to post here.
Great finds you have there already,and right down my line of relics. :headbang: :thumbsup: Buckles is right its all about learning the machine for the most part and putting your self were you can find things.The most $ machine is no good if your not were you can find something.

Re: colonial cuff-links

timekiller said:
cabinfever said:
Thank you, Buckles. I'll be out there tomorrow and hopefully with some finds good enough to post here.
Great finds you have there already,and right down my line of relics. :headbang: :thumbsup: Buckles is right its all about learning the machine for the most part and putting your self were you can find things.The most $ machine is no good if your not were you can find something.

Really... I just use my "find it anyway" feature. :laughing7:

Re: colonial cuff-links

Iron Patch said:
timekiller said:
cabinfever said:
Thank you, Buckles. I'll be out there tomorrow and hopefully with some finds good enough to post here.
Great finds you have there already,and right down my line of relics. :headbang: :thumbsup: Buckles is right its all about learning the machine for the most part and putting your self were you can find things.The most $ machine is no good if your not were you can find something.

Really... I just use my "find it anyway" feature. :laughing7:
Is that what that other button is for.damn :laughing9:I'm going to bed I'm not making since anymore!Good night!

Re: colonial cuff-links

I was just saying that I've had three other machines in the past 2 cheap O's one fisher CZ 3d and I think I could of found what I have with them.As they are not to deep targets.Might would have gone crazy doing it but I believe I could have.Never have had the more $ kind.Mid price range will do for me now.Maybe If I did I'd like them but can't see buying one on maybe.As that is out of my range on money for such.Put your self in the spot worry about research more is what I am saying.Maybe I said this right this time. :laughing9: :laughing9: :laughing9:

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