
I was wondering where you've been...hope all is well.

Regards + HH


Yeah- prostate exams are not supposed to take a whole week-

Screen Shot 2014-06-15 at 9.18.45 AM.png

at the doctors lake house...

Hey 2 G.F. I,m still around. Been knocking out stuff needs doin and paying the fiddler after. Cuts back on computer use while at it.

Here come the engineer a honky honk, cain,t stop the train you gotta let it roll on!


Hey everybody if you want to know about 2GF's military life, well some of it.......tonight on NATGEO there is a show called Combat Rescue, The Last Stand......its what I did in Afghanistan. I am not in it, but my sister unit is. (I've been retired for awhile now) It was filmed well after my last departure!

RC Welcome back


Roger got it.....


Here's another tune for you all.....

Company of Thieves - Piece of my Heart with backup by Daryl Hall and his friends.


In my 30 year career I served in both the USArmy and US Air Force. This show will be about my USAF time, but again the documentary is my sister unit. I hope you can watch and maybe understand
Thank you

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I don't get the NATGEO channel! :BangHead: :BangHead: :BangHead:
(maybe someone will get it up on youtube, hint hint)
Thank you TGF, and all you, you know who you are. :notworthy:

Well I wasn't aReaper, ......NATGeo lied I thought this show was about Combat Rescue...... Oh well maybe the show will change later but it is cool.

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Finally combat rescue on the tv show!!

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Well the show wasn't what they made it out to be in the previews........, cg'night all

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Thanks RC for the depressing but true info.

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hi kiddos back from my exile. How goes it Scotty?

Glad to see you "runnin' with the pack" again!

I wuz jes wonderin'....Cousin......
Self-imposed exile or.....?


Ole #24 was second place, then leading early in the race.
Wut happened?

I didn't catch all of the race yesterday 'cause I was preparing meals for my next outing this weekend for a few days in the Mountains.


Seems a Wolf Pack Brother is going to start a 4 day trip in my neck of the woods in the Apps tomorrow.

Brandon Carmichael
June 10 at 1:17pm ·

A week from today, I'll be hiking on the Appalachian Trail for 4 straight days!!!
I'm excited for this trip, but I'll miss my in-laws that will be moving back to Missouri that week...
and I'll especially miss my
Hannah Darling while I'm away!!

(from a "Facebook" post)


I'm sure that he is "geared up".....maybe over-geared? :laughing7:


Thanks for the reminder to go to the VA for my ANAL-ual Physical.

Seems I've been putting it off.

MY doctor for such "exams" is a woman.

Talk about a double edged sword...:tongue3:

Hope you are well my Friend.

Best Always,


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I will be at Road Atlanta Scott, so at home each night. And you should have loaded up a pic of my last racecar

In light of our Friendship, and seeing where some of my rent money must surely be going,
I feel that I have a "vested" interest in possible marketing.
I.E. Sponsors and advertising.

After careful considerations, having not seen Alice nor Olive,
All weekend,

I'd suggest deleting any photos or mention of that "day."

Your Tenant,



I may have already posted that pic.....:laughing7:

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Wait! LOL! I had videos of cute little girls and wholesome comedy.
YOU however, ended up in the "how did I get here" section of the tubeys! LOL!
It's ok, we've all had it happen. LOL! You musta missed the garage sale thread about the bull whip thingy. LOL!

Yes Scott, I took lessons for many years.
I play a catsio, now. LOL!

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Ah, Pat!

You've done it again.

Made me think of this....

"Well, How Did I Get Here?!"​

And, the crack of thunder and the sound of rain reminds me to check for the Mountain forecast for this weekend.

Any bets on rain for the weekend?

In North Georgia Tonight....

Hope all is well with you, my Friend!




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