Day 3: Mint State 1791 Silver + King George Coppa...TOTAL FINDS SO FAR!!!!!!

Colonial Zoyboy

Bronze Member
Apr 3, 2006
Detector(s) used
White's XL Pro 6000
Hey, folks, I got out today with Colonial Silver Zeus and Colonial KirkPA to our suuuuuuuuuuper productive site. :headbang: In two trips, we excavated 8 coins and tons of relics. Thanks to Keith for filling in for CSZ today at work; if it weren't for him filling in, we wouldn't have been able to hunt today.

Well, after talking to the suuuper cordial farmer, he told us that we shouldn't hunt in the soybean field right now, considering it is growing at a great rate. So, we decided to hit the cornfield across the street from the dwelling. From my research, I knew this other field was related to the dwelling.

As usual, I sweeping along in John Walter-like style, when I was startled with a perfect "M" on "Dime" reading on my White's XL Pro 6000. I instantly pinpointed, dug some doyt (dirt) out, and was greeted with a shiny, silvery-like object. ;D :wink: I picked the buggard up, and saw a mint state 1791 Spanish One Real glancing back at my jib! :smileinbox: :wav: :headbang: :notworthy: :notworthy: I stood up, and yelled out, "WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHOOOOOOOOOO, 1791 ONE REAL...SILVER...SUUUUUUUUPER GOOD SHAPE...MINT STATE, DUDES!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Folks, this is the best shape Spanish silver I've seen posted in awhile, and it was found in a plowed field to boot! :thumbsup: :wink:

Well, after talking to the farmer's suuuuuuuper cordial brother, who is also a farmer, we decided to take a break. During this break, we had some great laughs with the gracious farmer, who loved the recoveries that we were making on his property. The two farmer brothers are the BEST landowners we've ever encountered during our short career. :thumbsup:

After the short break, I was sweeping along in the same area where the silver was found, and I was greeted with an "E" on "Dime" reading on my machine. It turned out to be a King George II coppa at a depth of 6 inches. :headbang: :occasion14: I later found the beautiful button and spigot-like object in the same area.

I can't wait for this coming Sunday! :icon_salut:

Thanks for looking, guys! :wave:





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Re: Day 3: Mint State 1791 Silver + King George Coppa

Colonial Zoyboy said:
So, we decided to hit the cornfield across the street from the dwelling. From my research, I knew this other field was related to the dwelling.

From my non-rasearch, I knew that this other field was related to the dwelling. It's relationship to the other dwelling was that it was "adjacent" to the other dwelling. In fact, this field was right across the street from the dwelling. The two fields would've touched if it weren't for the road, in fact. ;D :D

Seriously though--that's a SWEET 1 Real. Looks almost as nice as the one from a plowed field that I posted in January. :wink: Of course, the KG is still on my list, so I can't poke fun at you guys too much. ::)

You dudes ROCK.


Re: Day 3: Mint State 1791 Silver + King George Coppa

You're killing my Man!!!! :tongue3: :o Not only old coppa, but now silver to boot. :thumbsup:
D-mn, I need a place like that. :'( Fantastic digs as usual. You guys are the true "Children of the Corn". ;D
Looking forward to your next outing.
Silver Baby!!!!! :icon_king:
Congrats again,

Re: Day 3: Mint State 1791 Silver + King George Coppa

BuckleBoy said:
Colonial Zoyboy said:
So, we decided to hit the cornfield across the street from the dwelling. From my research, I knew this other field was related to the dwelling.

From my non-rasearch, I knew that this other field was related to the dwelling. It's relationship to the other dwelling was that it was "adjacent" to the other dwelling. In fact, this field was right across the street from the dwelling. The two fields would've touched if it weren't for the road, in fact. ;D :D

Seriously though--that's a SWEET 1 Real. Looks almost as nice as the one from a plowed field that I posted in January. :wink: Of course, the KG is still on my list, so I can't poke fun at you guys too much. ::)

You dudes ROCK.

It's not the fact that the fields would be touching if in fact that the road were to suddenly disapear that is significant. It all comes together when taken into consideration the research that brought all this timely culmination together in the first place my good man. These facts were brought to the forfront at the latest meeting of the minds.This discussion is getting to cerebral :D

Re: Day 3: Mint State 1791 Silver + King George Coppa

Sweet Spanish Treasure :thumbsup:

Still on my wish list at no.7 :icon_sunny:

Re: Day 3: Mint State 1791 Silver + King George Coppa

civilman1 said:
Gotta hand it to you guy's Kyle.....Awesome place's = awesome find's!!!! Nice Work :thumbsup:

Thanks, buddy, for the reply. You've always been very kind! :thumbsup:


Re: Day 3: Mint State 1791 Silver + King George Coppa

Evolution said:
You guys are really on a roll. :headbang: You're finding coppas and colonial silvers like some people find clad. This site could possibly yield 25 quality coins. :o Good luck on Sunday. :thumbsup:

Thanks, Rob! I am verrrrrry satisfied with this site. Everything now is just icing on the metal datecting cake.

Now, get out there and find me some more coppas, buddy!


Re: Day 3: Mint State 1791 Silver + King George Coppa

MUD(S.W.A.T) said:
That's amazing are you guys in the States?

Keep @ it and HH!!

Yup, we are in glorious PA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :thumbsup:


Re: Day 3: Mint State 1791 Silver + King George Coppa

silverfreak said:
Holy cow...that's a beauty Kyle. Hope you had a change of shorts with you ;D

Thanks, big guy, for the reply. After finding the buggard, I did a fist pump and said to myself, "It's a #%#$%# One Real." :D


Re: Day 3: Mint State 1791 Silver + King George Coppa

Colonial Silver Zeus said:
Your picture is now on my computer background and with all my great photography shots I would have to say that you should be honored.

No, I am more honored to be able to hunt along such a great datectorist. :thumbsup: OOOOOOOF


Re: Day 3: Mint State 1791 Silver + King George Coppa

Evolution said:
Make sure that when you guys think you are done at this location you remember to post a compilation of your finds from the site (all three of you). I would love to see that picture.

We'll definitely do that, buddy! I can't wait for this coming Sunday!


Re: Day 3: Mint State 1791 Silver + King George Coppa

Captn_SE said:
Dang, it's only getting better each time I see your posts, Kyle!

Major congrats on your Reale!! :thumbsup: Heck, today is only Tues. Are you sure you can wait til Sunday?

You're on a roll, my friend from PA!



Thanks, my good friend from SoCal, for the reply. You are right, it does seem to be getting better each time. I just have a good feeling that there are handfuls more to be found.

Now, get out there and find us more bags full of wilver, buddy! :thumbsup:

Keep the fever high, Dan the Man! :thumbsup:


Re: Day 3: Mint State 1791 Silver + King George Coppa

romeo-1 said:
Nice find! Gotta love the Spanish silver!

Thanks, Romeo. Maybe I'll also find two 8 reales one of these days. :thumbsup:


Re: Day 3: Mint State 1791 Silver + King George Coppa

watercolor said:
Kyle, you have GOT to start filming the recoveries of these spectacular finds :thumbsup: I'd pay big bucks. . . no, GIVE you all the V-Nickels I've found this spring if I could just catch a glimpse the glazed expression of giddiness on your face as you pull one of those "puppies" out of the historic colonial "doit" 8)

You rock!!

(BTW, I expect super-awesome things from the "3 coppateers" this weekend when I "toin the 'puter on Monday moinin')

I have thought about doing that before, but I just couldn't calm myself down to actually do it. The spastic outbursts would be suuuuuper funny if ever filmed, though. :D

Thanks for the kind reply, buddy!


Re: Day 3: Mint State 1791 Silver + King George Coppa

Man!!!!!!!!!! sweet finds again.That place is full of stuff..That spanish reale is in great shape ,all i can find is cut up pieces most of the time..Im as proud as j.w. on this one :'( :'( :'(Thats tears of joy :D

Thanks, dude, for the reply. I can only dream of finding the kind of goodies that you excavate in FL. You are a great hunter, Relic!

J.W. would be proud of you as well, my good buddy!


Re: Day 3: Mint State 1791 Silver + King George Coppa

xlt nh said:
Absolutely a set of banner finds.....WTG!! :D

HH, Hank 8)

Thanks for the kind reply. I have been on a roll lately, finding 6 Colonial-era coins in just 7 hunts.


Re: Day 3: Mint State 1791 Silver + King George Coppa

Merf said:
Kyle--Those are some greeeaaaat finds :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: Congrats on that sweet reale and large Coppa.
You make me proud my friend :thumbsup:

Thank you, Merf Man, an excavator of a batwing buckle feller dude!!!!!!!!!1 :thumbsup: I am really proud of the recoveries that I have made in the past three trips. In my opinion, I will be quite "warm" for the entire year if I don't find anything else.

Now, get out there and find us some more coppas and batwing buckles, my good buddy from Illinois! :icon_sunny:


Re: Day 3: Mint State 1791 Silver + King George Coppa

BuckleBoy said:
Colonial Zoyboy said:
So, we decided to hit the cornfield across the street from the dwelling. From my research, I knew this other field was related to the dwelling.

From my non-rasearch, I knew that this other field was related to the dwelling. It's relationship to the other dwelling was that it was "adjacent" to the other dwelling. In fact, this field was right across the street from the dwelling. The two fields would've touched if it weren't for the road, in fact. ;D :D

Seriously though--that's a SWEET 1 Real. Looks almost as nice as the one from a plowed field that I posted in January. :wink: Of course, the KG is still on my list, so I can't poke fun at you guys too much. ::)

You dudes ROCK.


Thanks, Buck, for the sweet metal datecting reply. You and your buddies are great hunters who know what to look for, and do so with an extreme passion. In my career, I've found two Spanish wilvers: a 1774 two reales and a 1791 One Real. Heck, I hope an 8 reales pops up next.

Keep the fever high, buddy! I'll be looking for your coppa post later today! :thumbsup:


Re: Day 3: Mint State 1791 Silver + King George Coppa

ModernMiner said:
You're killing my Man!!!! :tongue3: :o Not only old coppa, but now silver to boot. :thumbsup:
D-mn, I need a place like that. :'( Fantastic digs as usual. You guys are the true "Children of the Corn". ;D
Looking forward to your next outing.
Silver Baby!!!!! :icon_king:
Congrats again,

Doug, thanks for the reply. This is my second Spanish wilver for the year, so I am quite happy. I hope our success continues throughout this 2008 season. I can't wait for Sunday!

Now, get out there and find us some more pieces of eight, my good buddy!


Re: Day 3: Mint State 1791 Silver + King George Coppa

Colonial Silver Zeus said:
Kyle...Do you think this is even being considered for banner?

In my own feeble mind it is. OOOOF :D

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