

Jr. Member
Nov 6, 2004
Re: Magnacast 5000

As any other dowsing tool on the market it doesn't work. If you bury something in you're yard it will point to it due to conscious or subconscious movements in you're hand. If it did work D.W. would have recovered at least one treasure in his (almost 1 century) lifetime.


Jr. Member
Nov 6, 2004
Re: Magnacast 5000

Let us know if you find anything with it. It doesn't count if you hide something and find it later. If you doubt my IQ check out what I do (probably the best advertising displays in the world...) Anyway to be a successful dowser you either have to have a gift or try to "crack" it scientifically as I am attempting to do. Nobody will sell you a magic wand. If somebody creates a working dowsing tool he could easily dig out at least a million dollars worth of treasure every day.Why do you think that he will sell it to people and maybe make $100,000 until the rest of his life?
BTW there is a dowsing forum on treasurenet...


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Re: Magnacast 5000

Hey Mike,

When did you get yours?



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Re: Magnacast 5000

Here's a suggestion for you;

Have someone else bury the ring.

So, for truth in advertising (so to speak), I am not a believer in the Magnacast 5000, or any LRL or MFD Device. They all boil down to Dowsing. Either you have the talent or you don't.

Here are some pictures of the inner workings of the VR800. If you don't get pi$$ed off after seeing them, ....................well, you should be. The photos are from Carl Moreland's Geotech Website. If you wish, I will reprint relevant portions of his tests on the VR800.



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Re: Magnacast 5000

Mike-G, I'll actually have to defend Mike-M on this one. The 5000 really doesn't have dowsing rods. I own the immediate predecessor, the 2000, which also doesn't have dowsing rods. All the other Vernell locators do have dowsing rods.

My experience with the 2000 is that the receiver unit is most likely an AM or ASK receiver, and just picks up stray RF. I've seen other non-dowsing LRLs that use the exact same method. So as you point this thing around, it makes noises in certain directions, and since the manufacturer implies that it is picking up treasure signals, that's what the gullible user will believe is happening.

Mike-M, I agree with Mike-G, you need to do some really good randomized blind tests with this thing. Most likely, it is not doing what you think it is doing.

Mike-M, considering all the LRLs you've bought in the past, which have all resulted in a sum total of Jack Squat, I'm surprised you would fall for yet another one. Keep a watch on Geotech... when I find something that Really Works, yea verily, I will proclaim it from the rooftops.

- Carl


Jr. Member
Nov 6, 2004
Re: Magnacast 5000

Been practicing with a small diamond ring lately and been able to find it almost every time.
Are you for real? I told you not to look for gold that you previously purchased. What is the point? Are you the same Mike that has been the sole participant on Dell's forum for years?


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Re: Magnacast 5000

Hey Folks,

I NEVER claimed that this had dowsing rods. If you read my post, I said that "I am not a believer in the Magnacast 5000, or any LRL or MFD Device." It does all basically boil down to dowsing, and a belief in pseudo-science. I guess I should explain a little further. If a person can believe in "witch sticks" (dowsing rods), then that opens up a gateway to other forms of pseudo-science. All the manufacturer has to do is explain that "his invention" is based on sound science (sort of like how many movies are "based on a true story" and have very relation to the true story), that traditional scientists have overlooked or refused to acknowledge. Once you jump the hurdle of believing in something that science can not prove, then you are susceptible to a wide host of scams if you are not careful (psychic surgery, Sylvia Browne, Most Haunted, and the like). That is a funny thing coming from me, because I DO believe that there are REAL dowsers who are quite accurate ( a high school friend's family owns an oil exploration company in New Orleans that has employed HIGHLY PAID dowsers for YEARS), but I believe that it is an innate talent that a person either has or they don't. No amount of hocus pocus pseudo-scientific doodaddery can bring about a result that the same person could not have accomplished with a "Y" Shaped stick or bent lengths of wire.


Maybe you are some kind of sucker for the pseudo-skeptics, or you work for someone who sells other type of equipment?

That's funny! Do you count Carl as a pseudo-skeptic? I would classify him as more of a truth seeker with a strong background in electronics. Seems to me that YOU are the one who has fallen for something.............PSEUDO-SCIENCE! Also, NO, I don't work for anybody that sells anything (other than New Mercedes Benz, which I do sell).

Anybody who can go to Carl's Geotech Website, take a close look, and carefully read the individual reports on the LRLs he has reverse-engineered, AND STILL think they do anything other than make money for their sellers...I'll be polite blinded by some perverse loyalty, one of the LRL scammers, or has spent money on them, and is too embarrassed to recognize the truth of the matter.




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Re: Magnacast 5000

Mike(Mont) said:
You got so much krap coming out your mouth I'm surprized you don't have constipation of the mouth.

Just like with any other equipment, you have to learn how to use the Magnacast 5000 (aka VR5000). That won't happen with a negative attitude. And that's what all treasure locating boils down to-- the whiners spend all their time whining. I've always said there should be some kind of support group, well I guess every pseudo skeptic website fills that need.

Well Mike,

I don't know where to start, your spelling or your lack of basic knowledge regarding conditions of the human body?

If I HAD a lot of "K"rap coming out of my mouth, I would have "DIARRHEA" of the mouth. You see, "CONSTIPATION" is when you have trouble getting things out.

Next: krap is actually spelled crap and surprized does not have a "Z" in it (surprised)

Actually, I don't whine at all. It looks like you are the one whining about how we people who are skeptical about pseudo-scientific devices that have not "found" anything, don't understand your precious magnacast.

You say a "good attitude" is a must for it to work properly. Previously, you posted that this has nothing to do with dowsing, but if you would like a shock, why don't you zip on over to the dowsing forums and see how many times they say that very same thing about dowsing! And I promise you, that ANYTHING that worked, that was based on REAL SCIENCE, would not require a "good attitude" to work! I can take ANY of my metal detectors out and it doesn't make a difference whether I feel great or crappy, if the coil wanders over a piece of metal, my detector makes all kinds of noises. THAT, my friend is what REAL SCIENCE is!

And you are so full of crap, you must have it pouring out of your ears! When you say "And that's what all treasure locating boils down to-- the whiners spend all their time whining". Maybe you could share with us some of the treasures you have found with your Magnacast 5000? I use metal detectors, a vast knowledge of Colonial Spanish History in the New World, a good working knowledge of Southern California Deserts and Mountains, mining history of both the Spanish and the Old West, several libraries, historical foundations, old timers, and many other sources of information to hunt the things I look for.

I have actually posted some of the finds I have made.

Good luck with your journey, and I suggest you rely more on known scientifically proven devices to find anything of value.


jeff of pa

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Re: Magnacast 5000

Mike(Mont) said:
You got so much krap coming out your mouth I'm surprized you don't have constipation of the mouth.

Mike(Mont) ;

IF you feel you need to attack people who answer your questions
in a different manner then you like.

Please Leave TreasureNet.
Or I can Help you ;)

This one was Minor compared to some of your others,
(almost Humorous)
So I didn't Delete it. But Have deleted Very rude attacks
by you often enough, That I remember them.

you are Welcome here IF
you can handle the fact there are 2 sides to everything,
And everyone has their own right to an


jeff of pa

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Re: Magnacast 5000

Gollum, Since the word Crap can be considerd Vulgar.
Krap is acceptable in my opinion.
I let it go because he addressed the Comment to you,
and your response was a good Comeback. ;D
Either way, Please Try to Refrain from English Lessons.

Thanks ;) ;D !


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Re: Magnacast 5000

jeff of pa said:
Gollum, Since the word Crap can be considerd Vulgar.
Krap is acceptable in my opinion.
I let it go because he addressed the Comment to you,
and it was a good Comeback. ;D
Either way, Please Try to Refrain from English Lessons.

Thanks ;) ;D !

As far as the "English Lessons" go. I know that is a pet peeve of yours, so I will refrain in the future.


Hoss KGC

Full Member
May 30, 2003
Re: Magnacast 5000

Hmmmm...your math and my math don't add up (no pun intended). The way I see it:

1.2V X 7 cells = 8.4V for a NiMH battery pack

The charged voltage might be higher but not for long if you are drawing any current from it. I don't know what your receiving device does or draws from the battery but it should drop down to 8.8V real quick and settle out in the 8.4V range for a while.

Of course I don't know what is in your receiver. I know Dell's receiver had a 9V battery connected to a coil and to your rods. When the rods touched together, it shocked the krap out of you. But of course it had great battery life when they weren't touching since it was an open circuit with no current draw.

Hoss KGC

Full Member
May 30, 2003
Re: Magnacast 5000

So what is your point!?! The nominal voltage of a nimh cell is 1.2V. If your device draws any current at all, they aren't going to be at 1.55V for any usable length of're still not making any sense.


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Re: Magnacast 5000

Mike(Mont) said:
Hey Carl, just so no one gets the wrong impression, I have nothing against you except your negativity towards LRL's.

Based on what I've found inside them, and the fact that every single experienced user I've ever tested -- including one manufacturer -- has utterly failed in even the simplest tests, I think my negativity is justified. But I don't mind if you hold that against me. :)

...but I've never been impressed as much as with the Magnacast and diamonds.

Then the task is simple. Take the Magnacast, go out and find some diamonds, and then show us what you found. If, in the end, you're happy, then I'm happy.

- Carl


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Re: Magnacast 5000

Mike(Mont) said:
Carl, did you ever try any of the suggestions I gave you?

No, lack of time.


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Re: Magnacast 5000

;D ;D ;D


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Re: Magnacast 5000

Mike(Mont) said:
BillKY, then don't read the dowsing forum. These guys pull the same garbage. They dump on every positive post.
I'm not 100% positive on this one, but I'm pretty sure he was referring to the author of this thread and his subsequent posts. ::)


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Apr 1, 2004
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Re: Magnacast 5000

I have never used a Magnacast 5000. I have used 8 or 9 different LRL’s. All but one of them used rods. They all worked, even a simple Walkie Talkie. Each works a little different. If you try to mentally dowse with one it will never work. They are not a buy and get rich tool. Keep practicing as that is the only way to learn. I tested a knock off of Dells unit and it worked. I just did not like it. I have told Carl what I think about his site so I will not talk about that…Art

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