Des Plaines IL Bob saying goodbye to all ( Updated Response )

Re: Des Plaines IL Bob saying goodbye to all

I hope things are going well for you SilverBob. Good luck in all your saerches and I really hope we see you again someday soon.

Keep smiling!


Re: Des Plaines IL Bob saying goodbye to all

I can never Understand why someone would
want to Delete their Posts or account just because
they wish to move on.

Your Name & posts here Past, Present & future are
always Welcome Bob.


Re: Des Plaines IL Bob saying goodbye to all

Bob..................say it isn't so!
Take two aspirins and come back in the morning:)
Be well :)

Re: Des Plaines IL Bob saying goodbye to all

It saddens me to see you leaving, Bob. Farewell, my friend...I wish you all the best and may God bless.

:'( RR

Re: Des Plaines IL Bob saying goodbye to all

Goodbye...I hope it's not forever. You've had some great posts and you will be missed.

grizzly bare

Re: Des Plaines IL Bob saying goodbye to all

Adios Amigo,


Re: Des Plaines IL Bob saying goodbye to all

This is just a Public Forum man, don't take it so seriously, get out and hunt. Then post your finds and the heck with the rest of all the rig-ga-ramo. We can talk about what you find.

I'm going to try to and get out today, for sure tomorrow. Yesterday I found another junk ring, 1942 nickel, and a couple pieces of junk jewelry.

I'm trying to find gold at a demo site. At this rate I'm due. I soon might have to turn to a playground for my gold fix. Here are a few pics to motivate you.



  • Lions Club Hunt 2.JPG
    Lions Club Hunt 2.JPG
    83.9 KB · Views: 360
  • Lions Club Hunt.JPG
    Lions Club Hunt.JPG
    69 KB · Views: 371
  • Lions Club Hunt 3.JPG
    Lions Club Hunt 3.JPG
    77.9 KB · Views: 365
Re: Des Plaines IL Bob saying goodbye to all

As my platoon sgt. once said before we hopped "It's been real, It's been fun, but it hasn't been real fun see you on the ground"

Thanks all for your words of wisdom..

This all started with a PM I received ( no names or details will be mentioned )

After thinking about this I have reconsidered my leaving the site.

To PM'er

# 1 I contribute constructive, informative and enjoyable post to this forum that includes pictures. You don't...

# 2 I have been a Treasure Hunter , in many ways, since I was 10 ( 36 years ). You maybe 3...

# 3 My best post is the Dumpster Diving Thread that has over 18,700 views.
Take 25% of that and you will have about 4675 people that have enjoyed that post.
Yours, Not many..if, any

So I am here to stay..... If you don't like it click on the IGNORE tab. Also I will ask you
to get on with your life and stay out of mine. And Please get over it....and Don't PM me ever again...

Once again Thank You all

Geeze, Bob! :'( Here I was all upset that you were leaving!

Now, a few moments later.... I am happy that you decided to stay! :)

Keep those great finds coming!



DesPlaines_IL_SilverBob said:
# 1 I contribute constructive, informative and enjoyable post to this forum that includes pictures. You don't...

And, he's a GREAT I heard.......... :-*

i`m glad you thought it through. there are more here that like your posts than dont. ;) :)

Glad to hear you're staying, Bob!

By the way, you can solve the PM problem by going to your Profile page. Just click on "Personal Message Options" in the Modify Profile menu. Next, type the username of the person in the "Ignorelist" window. Then click on the "Change Profile" button (lower right). Voila! No more PM's from him. ;)

im glad your staying to. ive been away from this site a while, ive missed so much. glad to be back myself. and taking something someone said so seriously is silly. who cares what they think. your put there doing your hobby and sharing all the finds with everyone else.

if someone don't like you they can always use "the button" on you ---so stick around and "button" the twit yourself---life goes on--- not everyone everywhere in the world gets along -WWW stands for WORLD WIDE WEB-----happily you don't have to get along --just leave those who you don't like alone and if they do the same ---its "peace" for all-- if they will not be nice -- use the button on them----amazing how it works----too bad there is not a "real" life "go away and leave me alone" button. Ivan

Glad you are sticking around. I just got a new digital camera for my birthday and I would not want you to miss my first post with a actual picture....coming soon. ;)



Glad you're staying, now let's get back to dumpster diving and forget all this nasty PM stuff. (I've received some threatening PM's in the past but I'm still here. Those who send nasty PM's seem to be the ones who can't take the heat.) After awhile they back off. Keep on posting and keep on finding that silver - it's all good!

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